Boyd County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

1061 - Sustainable Agriculture
1061.2) 5

Number of producers that implemented sustainable practices as a result of participating in Extension programs

1061.1) 10

Number of those indicating an increased awareness of sustainable agriculture practices

Success Stories

Addressing Wet Conditions on the Farm

Author: Lyndall Harned

Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture

Because of the extremely wet weather we had over the winter and that continued into the early spring, the fields in Boyd County were saturated and the farmers were in a quandary as to how to handle them. In response to inquiries from them, I was able to put together a program, based on one presented by Dr, Chris Teutsch, The program was well attended and the various nformation learned was put to use on the various farms as applicable and as needed to address that farms situation and individual c

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