Lyon County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

1043 - Integrated Plant Pest Management
1043.5) 12

Number of producers who plan to scout fields weekly for pest pressure

1043.6) 12

Number of producers who  scouted fields weekly for pest pressure

1043.7) 1

Number of producers who will begin using biological control

1043.8) 1

Number of producers who  used biological control

1043.9) 0

Number of producers who plan to research multiple options before selecting and applying pesticides 

1043.10) 0

Number of producers who  researched multiple options before selecting and applying pesticides

1043.4) 0

Number of producers who  altered existing spray program to reduce non-target impacts

1043.3) 0

Number of producers that plan to alter existing spray programs to reduce non-target impacts

1043.2) 1

Number of producers who  Integrated a new cultural management tactic with current spray programs

1043.1) 1

Number of producers who plan to integrate a new cultural management tactic with their current spray program

Success Stories

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