Lyon County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

1073 - Tobacco
1073.1) 11

Number of producers completing GAP training 

1073.3) 6

Number of producers utilizing tobacco varieties with appropriate disease resistance for their farm

1073.4) 1

Number of producers who used UK diagnostic services to identify insects, disease and/or weeds in tobacco

1073.5) 6

Number of producers who adopted one or more UK fertility management recommendations for tobacco

1073.6) 6

Number of producers who utilized UK soil testing services for tobacco

1073.7) 4

Number of producers who implemented on-farm trials for tobacco

1073.8) 3

Number of producers adopting tobacco production practices that improve environmental/water quality 

1073.2) 4

Number of producers adopting practices that improve profitability 

Success Stories

Tobacco GAP II

Author: Susan Fox

Major Program: Tobacco

Tobacco farmers are facing increased need to comply with Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) requirements. In cooperation with the local farmers, a GAP training has been held for two years in Lyon County for 99 tobacco farmers and their H2-A workers in 2018 and for 110 farmers and workers in 2019. The program has included collaboration with the Western Kentucky Regional Migrant Education Program, the Department of Labor, local farmers, and local emergency services. This year CPR training was offer

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