Kenton County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
2062 - Food Preparation and Preservation | ||
2062.1) | 225 |
Number of individuals who reported improved knowledge, opinions, skills, or aspirations regarding the safe storage, handling, preparation and/or preservation of food |
2062.2) | 25 |
Number of individuals who demonstrated safe handling and preparation and/or preservation of food |
2062.3) | 120 |
Number of individuals who reported preparing more healthy home-cooked meals |
2062.4) | 55 |
Number of pints of fruits, vegetables or fruit/vegetable products canned through water bath canning (e.g. pickles, jams, jellies, sauces) |
2062.5) | 0 |
Number of pints of vegetables, soups, meats, or other value-added products canned through pressure canning |
2062.6) | 0 |
Number of pints of fruits or vegetables frozen |
2062.7) | 0 |
Number of pints of fruits or vegetables dried |
2062.8) | 22 |
Number of Food Preservation Workshop participants |
2062.9) | 22 |
Number of Food Preservation Workshop participants reporting an increase in food preservation skills |
Success Stories
Kitchen Appliance Series
Author: Kathy Byrnes
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
According to Tufts University Health and Nutrition Letter, increasing the preparation of meals cooked at home can help reduce an individual’s sodium intake. Many of the new kitchen appliances on the market can aid in ease of meal preparation and also provide a nutritional boost. Web MD shares that by most measures, air frying is healthier than frying in oil, as it can cut calories by up to 80% and contain less fat. Penn State Cooperative Extension shares that meals made at home in a slow c
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Maximize the Flavor
Author: Kathy Byrnes
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Herbs and spices have been used for centuries in culinary applications. There is evidence that spices and herbs contain some antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, with research ongoing about other possible health benefits. Strong evidence shows that using herbs and spices instead of salt can reduce one of the major risk factors for hypertension and heart disease (consuming excess sodium). With this in mind, along with clientele requests, the Kenton and Boone County Extension office
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Exploring Diversity, Equity and Inclusion through Cultural Cook Along Program
Author: Kathy Byrnes
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
The population of the United States is diverse, and this racial and ethnic mix is growing rapidly. In Northern Kentucky as well, the population continues to increase and with that increase more individuals from diverse backgrounds are calling the region home. According to the 2020 census, almost one in two Americans has African, Asian, Hispanic, or American Indian ancestry. Because certain foods mean different things in different cultures, it is important to understand how food is used for simil
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment