Plans of Work By Planning UnitKentucky Extension Reporting System

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FY Planning Unit MAP Title Program Plan
Select 2025 McCreary County CES Developing Strong, Healthy and Safe Families Active Living and Health Promotions
Select 2025 McCreary County CES Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources Horticulture
Select 2025 McCreary County CES Developing Strong, Healthy and Safe Families Nutrition
Select 2025 McCreary County CES Community Leadership Leadership Development
Select 2025 McCreary County CES Community and Economic Development Income and Workforce Development
Select 2025 McCreary County CES Developing Responsible Youth Youth Development
Select 2025 McCreary County CES Developing Strong, Healthy and Safe Families Improving Nutrition of Limited Resource Kentuckians
Select 2025 McCreary County CES Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources Livestock/Forage Production
Select 2025 McCreary County CES Developing Strong, Healthy and Safe Families Substance Use Prevention and Recovery