Family & Child DevelopmentPlan of Work

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Jackson County CES

Family & Child Development
Family Development
Agents Involved:
Delaney Eubanks, Hunter Carroll, David Coffey
Family Development General
Child Development General
Faithful Families

 Many vital community members came together to discuss the need for programming and resources related to families and child development, especially in kindergarten readiness. Along with the assistance needed for typical families in the county, Kentucky holds one of the highest rates of children in the care of grandparents and other relatives (around 6%). In Jackson County, there are many children being raised by related family members that aren't their parents.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Strengthen family nurturing attitudes and behaviors by caring for the health and well-being of each individual throughout the lifespan. Build personal strengths, interpersonal communication, and life skills to strengthen families. Foster the optimal development of children and youth.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Ensure families have resources available to aid in food security, health, legal issues, emotional support, child development, and school readiness and help them feel comfortable in reaching for those resources when in need.

Initial Outcomes:

Provide information and education on family & child development and connecting participants to resources in the county. 


Initial Outcome: Provide information and education on family & child development and connecting participants to resources in the county. 

Indicator: Number of Families attending programs

Method: Evaluation

Timeline: Year-Round

Intermediate Outcome: Ensure families have resources available to aid in food security, health, legal issues, emotional support, child development, and school readiness and help them feel comfortable in reaching for those resources when in need.

Indicator: Number of families assisted by community resources

Method: Evaluation 

Timeline: Year-Round

Long-term Outcome: Strengthen family nurturing attitudes and behaviors by caring for the health and well-being of each individual throughout the lifespan. Build personal strengths, interpersonal communication, and life skills to strengthen families. Foster the optimal development of children and youth.

Indicator: Number of individuals and families with increased quality of life / food security

Method: Evaluation 

Timeline: Year-Round

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Families of Jackson County with Kinship Care ties

Project or Activity: Relatives Raising Relatives

Content or Curriculum: Family Development, Community Resources, and Parent Cafes

Inputs: Agents, FRYSC, Christian Appalachian Project

Date: Year-round

Audience: Children Ages 2-5

Project or Activity: Laugh & Learn

Content or Curriculum: Laugh & Learn Curriculum

Inputs: Agents, Librarians

Date: Year-round

Audience: Save the Children parents

Project or Activity: Parenting Classes

Content or Curriculum: Keys to Great Parenting

Inputs: Agents, Save the Children Coordinators, Parents

Date: August - May

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