Growing Trigg County's FamiliesPlan of Work

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Trigg County CES

Growing Trigg County's Families
Improve Individual and Family Development
Agents Involved:
Family Development General

"School readiness" is a broad term that refers to multiple precursor cognitive, physical, and social-emotional skills that indicate young children are prepared to learn and thrive in the school environment.  A wide body of research shows a strong foundation in school readiness is indicative of school success.  Emerging research also indicates that there is a synergistic effect when early learning activities activate physical and cognitive skills simultaneously, as opposed to doing so in isolation.  However, only 61% of children in Trigg County are deemed "school ready" when they enter kindergarten.  These numbers indicate a need for programs that support early childhood development.

Kinship care is a fact of life for 96,000 children in Kentucky.  Data shows that 461 children in Trigg County live in homes where they are being raised by a grandparent or another relative.  Kinship care providers need support.

Long-Term Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes:

Initial Outcomes:


Outcome: Trigg County families learn fun age appropriate activities to aid in their child's healthy development a,d self-management skills.

Indicator: Number of parents who expressed learning new activities to engage their children at home.

Method: Laugh and Learn Play Dates Survey

Timeline: on-going

Intermediate Outcome: Increase number of children who are "kindergarten ready" in Trigg County

Indicator: Parent and Center reporting of improved readiness skills

Method: Kentucky Governor's Office of Early Childhood Kindergarten Readiness Results

Timeline: annual publication date

Outcome: Increased skills and resources of caregivers to provide effective care for young relatives

Indicator: Number of individuals who report improved skills/knowledge in aspects of  kinship care.

Method: Parenting a Second Time Around Evaluations

Timeline: post program evaluatioin

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Preschool families

Project or Activity: Extension Newsletters

Content or Curriculum: Preschool Pages, Healthy Choices, Youth Health Bulletin

Inputs: Extension specialists, agents

Date: on-going

Audience: Preschool Children and Parents

Project or Activity: Parent/Child Interaction Opportunities

Content or Curriculum: Laugh and Learn curriculum, Cook Together Eat Together Curriculum

Inputs: FCS agent, library staff, Early Childhood Council

Date: on-going

Audience: Child Care Providers

Project or Activity: Required training hours

Content or Curriculum: Various Extension resources, CYTTAP resources, IMIL resources

Inputs: FCS agent, community agencies, Extension Specialists

Date: on-going

Audience: Parents and Caregivers

Project or Activity: Parents and  Caregivers Support Groups

Content or Curriculum: Parenting a Second Time Around, Parent Cafes

Inputs: FCS agent, Early Childhood Councils, community agencies, Extension Specialists

Date: on-going

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