Substance Use Prevention and RecoveryPlan of Work

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Hardin County CES

Substance Use Prevention and Recovery
Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities
Agents Involved:
Fentress, DeRamus, McCandless
Substance Use Recovery - FCS
Family Development General
Health & Wellbeing

Hardin County's County Extension Council identified the need for substance use and abuse programs as a key issue that indirectly affects many of the issues facing Kentucky families. The recent statewide needs assessment identified substance use prevention and recovery as the most urgent priority for Cooperative Extension.   Moreover, substance use was the focal point of the CES Advisory Council Meeting in early 2019.  Taken together, youth KIP survey data and data from the CES needs assessment demonstrate the need to address substance use prevention, recovery, stigma, and impact on families and communities. Hardin County specifically identified substance abuse and use as a number one issue that affects many other levels of community life.

Long-Term Outcomes:
  1. The prevention and/or reduction of substance use and its related consequences.
  2. Changed public perception of substance use via stigma reduction.

Substance Use Prevention & Recovery-CD

Long Term Outcomes

Intermediate Outcomes:
  1. Reduced stigma from local community members
  2. Increased Opioid Stewardship (less rx’ing by doctors, appropriate Rx disposal, drug takebacks, etc.)
  3. Delayed age of first use among Kentucky youth

Substance Use Prevention & Recovery-CD

Intermediate Outcomes

Substance Use Prevention & Recovery-CD

Initial Outcomes:
  1. Increased knowledge of substance use prevention, addiction, and recovery (or related subject matter)
  2. Increased ability to use destigmatized language
  3. Improved social skills and/or self-efficacy in KY youth

Substance Use Prevention & Recovery-CD

Initial Outcomes


Outcome: Increased knowledge of substance use         

Indicator:  Number of individuals attending programs         

Method:  Retroactive pre-post

Timeline: Following every addiction 101 training 

Outcome:  Increased ability to use destigmatized language

Indicator:  Number of individuals intend to change behavior

Method:  Retroactive pre-post

Timeline: Following any program that includes language training

Outcome:  Improved social skills and/or self-efficacy in KY Youth

Indicator:  Number of students undergoing Botvin

Indicator:   Number of student undergoing Health Rocks

Method:  Retroactive pre-post

Timeline: Following Botvin LifeSkills

Timeline: Following Health Rocks

Substance Use Prevention & Recovery-CD

Outcome:  Participants will develop some strategies on how they will resist using drugs and alcohol. 


Method: Surveys will be administered, Pre and Post Test

Timeline: 1 month at the end of Program

Outcome: Participants will learn about state laws and the government and judicial system deals with people who abuse drugs and alcohol.  


Method: Surveys will be administered,  Pre and Post Test

Timeline: 1 month at the end of Program

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Families Impacted by Addiction

Project or Activity:  Addiction Training

Content or Curriculum: Addiction 101

Inputs: coordinate with Lincoln Trail District Health Department, Sheriffs Department, local Police Departments

Date: 2021 

Project or Activity: Arts Activity

Content or Curriculum: Art of Recovery

Inputs: Substance Use centers, local artists

Date: 2022

Audience: KY Youth

Project or Activity:  Prevention Program

Content or Curriculum: Botvin LifeSkills, Adolescent Brain Health

Inputs: Coordinate with Hardin Co. School Staff

Date: 2022-2023 school year

Project or Activity:  Health Rocks 

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Health Rocks

Inputs: Coordinate with Hardin County Staff

Date: 2021, 2022, 2025

Audience: Recovery Centers

Project or Activity: Financial Education

Content or Curriculum: Recovering Your Finances

 Inputs: Coordination with community stakeholders

Date: Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2024

Project or Activity: Horticulture Therapy

Content or Curriculum: Recovery Gardens

Inputs: recovery centers, Master Gardeners

Date: 2021

Substance Use Prevention & Recovery-CD

Audience: Youth & Adults, At-Risk Youth, Limited Resource Audiences

Project or Activity: Parenting Program & Life Skills Program 

Content or Curriculum: Parenting the Second Time Around, Recovering Your Finances, Real Skills for Your Life

Inputs: FCS Agent, Family resource centers, Schools, Family Resource Centers, Public Library, Non-profit Organizations, Career Centers, Military Youth Programs, Colleges

Date: September 2023-November 2023 - February - March 2024

September 2024-November 2024

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