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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Fostering leadership through educational opportunities that build and nurture effective and engagedPlan of Work

Pendleton County CES

Fostering leadership through educational opportunities that build and nurture effective and engaged
Empowering Leadership
Agents Involved:
Shelley Meyer, Kenna Knight, Lindie Huffman
Farmer's Markets
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Building the capacity of volunteer leaders within our county is critical for the sustainability of a community infrastructure that supports long term commitment to strengthen families and lead/educate our youth. Within Pendleton County, there are over 170 KEHA members, 70 4-H volunteer, 15 Master Cattlemen volunteers and several local coalitions and collaborations addressing community concerns. These volunteers share their expertise and volunteer time with youth and families in the community. Through efforts of agents, paraprofessionals, and volunteers, local citizens are engaged, educated and empowered to understand family and community issues and take ownership of implementing local solutions
Long-Term Outcomes:
Long-term Outcomes:
• Pendleton County communities’ health and economy are strengthened through strong local organizational leadership
• Pendleton County youth are actively becoming our leaders of tomorrow
• Community problems are solved through active engaged local leaders
Intermediate Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes:

• Youth and adults gain confidence in their ability to lead a group or take ownership of implementing local solutions
• Youth and adults learn the qualities of a good leader and practice those skills in their communities through groups, organizations, club, etc.
• Increase the number of people who improve skills in communication and problem solving in addressing organizational issues and needs and implementing solutions
Initial Outcomes:
Initial Outcome:
• KEHA, ANR, 4H, FCS, District Board and CEC Advisory Council members increase knowledge and skills in organizational leadership
• Youth are inspired to take on leadership roles in youth organization to further build on characteristics of a good leader for when they become adults
Long-term Outcome:
• Pendleton County communities’ health and economy are strengthened through strong local organizational leadership
• Pendleton County youth are actively becoming our leaders of tomorrow
• Community problems are solved through active engaged local leaders
Indicator: Number of adults and youth utilizing improved skills in communication and problem solving in addressing community issue and needs and carrying out the solutions to those needs.
Method: Observations, post evaluations to programs, number of those actively working on issues or needs
Timeline: All year

Intermediate Outcome:
Increase number of people who:
• Practice personal leadership skills in clubs, projects/activities, schools and community outreach
• Improved skills in communication and problem solving in addressing organizational issues and needs
• Apply skills to assess needs, develop programs and implement solutions for community problems
Indicator: Number of adults and youth utilizing improved skills in communication and problem solving in addressing community issues and needs
Method: Observations, post evaluations to programs, number of those actively working on issues or needs, volunteer commitments, hours committed and active council participation
Timeline: All year

Initial Outcome
• Participants increase knowledge and skills in personal leadership
• KEHA, 4H, ANR, FCS Advisory Councils, District Board and CEC members increase knowledge and skills in organizational leadership
• 4-H Teen Club, Middle School 4-H Club, Junior Livestock Committee increase knowledge and skills in personal development and organizational leadership
Indicator: Number of citizens indicating increased leadership knowledge, skills or confidence through participation in leadership programs.
Method: Pre and post evaluation of programs and increased membership or members volunteering and taking leadership roles
*Committees formed and participants increase leadership skills through addressing community needs and implementing solutions.
Timeline: All year

Learning Opportunities:

Learning Opportunities (repeat as needed):

Audience: Families, pre-school, seniors, youth, volunteers, Small Businesses and community leaders

Project or Activity: Enhance Personal Leadership Capacity

•4-H Teen Club (all year) 4-H

•4-H Middle School Club (fall, winter & spring) 4-H

•4-H Camp Counselors (summer) 4-H

•Livestock Judging (Jan-June) 4-H

•Skillathon (Jan-Feb) 4-H

•Officer/Leadership Training (fall) 4-H

•4-H Recognition Banquet (October) 4-H

•Capitol Experience (March) 4-H

•Ag Leadership Day (October) 4-H

•School Enrichment; Leadership and Communication (Feb) 4-H

•4th and 5th Grade speeches (March) 4-H

•4-H Communication Contest (March) 4-H

•Southern Regional Teen Leadership Conference (September) 4-H

•Teen Conference (June) 4-H

•Shooting Sports Certification (Oct & March) 4-H

•Livestock Certification (Nov & Dec) 4-H

•Teacher Appreciation Banquet (Aug) 4-H, FCS, Ag

•Farmer’s Market – Throughout the Year (ANR)

•Cattleman’s – Throughout the Year (ANR)

•Bee Keepers Association – Throughout the Year (ANR)

•Chamber of Commerce (monthly) FCS

•Homemakers Council (monthly) FCS

•Area Homemaker Council Chairman (four times a year) FCS

•Homemaker Annual Awards and Recognition Meeting (September) FCS

•Homemaker Officer and Chairman Training (August) FCS

•Homemaker State Meeting (May) FCS

•Champions Interact for Health Trainings for Member (Quarterly) FCS

Content or Curriculum:

•Homemaker leader lessons

•UK publications

•USDA Material

•4-H STC lessons

•Search Institute Material



Inputs: 4-H Agent, FCS Agent, ANR Agent, Program Assistants, Local Schools, Extension Office, Curriculum listed above, Farmer’s Market, Advisory Councils, Volunteers

Date: throughout the year as dates state above

Audience: Families, pre-school, seniors, youth, volunteers, small businesses and community leaders

Project or Activity: Build Organizational Leadership Capacity

•4-H Young Rider officers (all year) 4-H

•4-H Photography officers (all year) 4-H

•Junior Livestock Committee (all year) 4-H

•Livestock Committee (all year) 4-H

•Officer/Leadership Training (fall) 4-H

•4-H Council (all year) 4-H

•Ag Council (Quarterly) ANR

•FCS Advisory Council

•Fair Board (all year) 4-H, FCS, ANR

•Tourism Council (Monthly) FCS ANR

•Champions for a Drug Free PC Coalition (monthly) FCS

•CSA (Community Service Alliance (monthly) FCS, 4-H

•Shop Like a Local (June, July) FCS, ANR

Content or Curriculum:

•Council bylaws

•Homemaker leader lessons

•UK publications

•USDA Material

•4-H STC lessons


Inputs: 4-H Agent, FCS Agent, ANR Agent, Program Assistants, Local Schools, Extension Office, Curriculum listed above, Farmer’s Market, Advisory Councils, Volunteers

Date: throughout the year as dates state above

Success Stories

Opportunities for Pendleton and District 4-H Teens

Author: Shelley Meyer

Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum

Teen 4-H programs for Kentucky exists on a county, district and state level to provide maximum opportunities for learning, networking and leadership encounters for youth of middle and high school ages.  Strong 4-H programming is reflected by the participation of teens on state leadership boards, at district and state events as well as lead to successful 4-H Achievement Program (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Emerald) recipients.  Pendleton County’s goal is to maximize the opportunities

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Extension Leadership

Author: Kenna Knight

Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Community service projects and educational leadership by Extension Homemaker members have a major impact in Pendleton County. Extension Homemakers learn leadership skills then use those skills volunteering in the community. In 2017-2018, volunteer service hours were valued at $20.25 per hour. Pendleton County Extension Homemakers reported over 56,783 hours in Extension service, civic, church, school, and other organizations providing the community over $1,114,665.88 in intangible revenue. This w

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Egaging in the Arts

Author: Kenna Knight

Major Program: Arts Engagement

Arts and culture make considerable and necessary contributions to the well-being of communities. Arts and culture are powerful tools with which to engage communities in various levels of change. It is a means to public dialogue, contributes to the development of a community’s creative learning, creates healthy communities capable of action, provide a powerful tool for community mobilization and activism, and builds community capacity and leadership.With this in mind, the Pendleton County E

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4-H Camp

Author: Shelley Meyer

Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

4-H Camp is designed to build youth development skills in multiple areas including the four key concepts of mastery, independence, generosity, and belonging as well as increase individual interests, social aspects, and physical activity.  However, the cost of attending 4-H camp and youth being unfamiliar with overnight camping experiences had minimized participation in the past. Pendleton County 4-H partners with multiple groups in an effort to maximize the overall camping program. Com

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Kentucky Women in Agriculture - Re-engergized

Author: Lindie Huffman

Major Program: Community Leadership Development

Kentucky Women in Agriculture is a non-profit organization whose mission is to empower, educate, and engage women across the Commonwealth. Each year the state leadership of KWIA recognizes the strong women who serve their family, farm, and community, by hosting an annual conference to celebrate the accomplishments of the female agrarians of Kentucky. Lindie Huffman, Pendleton County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources joined the board and served as conference planning chair for

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