Get Creative and Communicate in Wayne CountyPlan of Work

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Wayne County CES

Get Creative and Communicate in Wayne County
Communication, Arts, and Creativity
Agents Involved:
T. Humble, G. Roberts, D. Shepherd, S. Coffey, S. Hart, T. Bertram
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Communications & Expressive Arts
Trail Design

Research consistently shows a correlation between involvement in the arts, academic success and civic engagement. Unfortunately, there has been a sharp decrease over the years in Arts programs for schools and communities. Therefore, enhancing the creative capacity for our local schools and community will encourage and support the inclusion of creative place making as an economic development strategy along with a way to manage stress levels in a healthy way. Studies in expressive arts show increase in ability to think creatively and problem solve.  

Long-Term Outcomes:

-Community members utilize their communication skills gained through education and involvement in Extension programs to serve as leaders. 

-Community members share the elements of music, dance, drama and visual arts with their community. 

-Children, Youth, and Adults become more comfortable sharing their thoughts with others through communications and expressive arts. 

-Youth develop into competent, capable, contributing adults as a result of their participation in 4-H Communications and Expressive Arts Programs 

-The local Community will be more diverse and resilient due to arts inclusion and creative place making, 

-Community Leaders are confident in arts-related community development practices. 

-The local community entices arts entrepreneurs. 

Intermediate Outcomes:

- Youth construct a speech that has a clear introduction, body and closing. 

- Youth present before their family, a group of their peers, a school or county event or qualifying event. 

-Children, Youth, and Adults demonstrate an increased level of confidence when presenting in front of groups. 

-Community Members searching for a job will have an increased level of confidence with completing job applications, writing resumes, and participating in job interviews.

-Children, Youth, and Adults use their communications skills to assume a leadership role. 

-Children, Youth, and Adults apply elements of music, drama, and visual arts in creating and performing to build confidences. 

-Creative place making is incorporated within economic development strategies .

-The local Community develops pride in local culture. 

-The Community collectively increases skill sets within the arts.

Initial Outcomes:

- Youth research a presentation topic prior to developing a speech or demonstration. 

-Youth write an outline, including an introduction, body and conclusion for their speech or demonstration. 

-Youth create a formal presentation, speech or outline using the written outline. 

-Youth will be prepared to present before their family, a group of their peers at school or county qualifying event in a communication and expressive arts event or showcase. 

-Children, Youth, and Adults can identify key elements of music, dance, drama and visual arts. 

-Community Members searching for a job can write resumes, complete job applications, and have the skills to participate in a job interview and effectively communicate their intentions and current job skills successfully. 

-Increase awareness of existing arts initiatives, leaders understand creative place making and apply to their local communities. 

-Artisan entrepreneurs develop enhanced business practices. 


Initial Outcome:Participants have improved their communication and expressive arts skills

Indicator: More people will participate in communication and expressive arts programs

Method: school clubs, county fair, state fair, local and state performing arts troupe, local and areas speech and demonstration contest, 4-H Arts Club, 21st Century Art Club, Local Work Ready Initiative, Chamber of Commerce, Mudslingers Homemaker Club, Creative Characters Homemaker Club

Timeline: July 2024 - July 2025

Intermediate Outcome: Participants use their communications skills to assume a leadership roles in 4-H or other organizations.

Indicator: More participation on an Area, District and State Level

Method: State Leadership Boards, State Teen Council, Extension Homemakers, Local, Businesses and other county organizations

Timeline: July 2024 - June 2025

Long-term Outcome: Participants develop into competent, capable, contributing adults as a result of their participation in 4-H Communications and Expressive Arts Programs

Indicator: Participants can create communication pieces, music, dance, drama and visual arts independently

Method: school clubs, county fair, state fair, local and state performing arts troupe, local and areas speech and demonstration contest, 4-H Arts Club, 21st Century Art Club, Local Work Ready Initiative, Chamber of Commerce, Mudslingers Homemaker Club, Creative Characters Homemaker Club

Timeline: July 2024 - June 2025

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Youth Ages 9-18 

Project or Activity: 4-H School Enrichment, 4-H After School Programs, 4-H Summer Day Camps, County/District Speech and Demonstration Contest, KY 4-H Performing Arts Troupe/County dramaState Fair communications and expressive arts, Health & Wellness Embassadors' Certification Trainings, Get Creative Events, In Stitches Days, Rock the Clock Events

Content or Curriculum: KET Toolkit for Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Arts, Picking Up the Pieces, Putting it Together, Portfolio Pathways, 4-H Speeches, Sketchbook Crossroads, 4-H Needlework and FCS Curriculum, 4-H Communications and Expressive Arts Curriculum, Cultural Arts, Heritage Skills, Quilting Content 

Inputs: Facilities to be utilized to include: county Extension Offices, Community Centers, Schools, And Churches. The efforts of paid staff will be to make connections with local collaborators to either train volunteers to implement programs or to provide the programs themselves. It will be a total collaborative effort of community partners with the local Extension Office to provide space and funding. 

Date: July 2024 - June 2025


Audience: General Public, Tourists, Entrepreneurs, Textile & Quilt artists, Extension Homemakers, Quilt Guild Members, EXPO participants, Master Clothing Volunteers, Health & Wellness Ambassadors

Project or Activity: Quilting Displays and artistic educational opportunities and cultural arts programsmonthly quilting classes, sewing technique classes and classes taught by master clothing volunteers, monthly in-stitches newsletter that covers quilting, sewing and other needlework techniques 

Content or Curriculum: Quilt Guild, special speakers, tours, Extension Homemaker programs including hands on skill building opportunities, County Fair, Kentucky Arts Council, KET curriculum, 4-H Needlework and FCS Curriculum, 4-H Communication and Expressive Arts CurriculumCEDIK  

Inputs: Extension Staff, trained volunteers, Local Quilt Guild, Extension Homemakers, Farmer's Market Participants, Extension Council, Advisory Councils, Chamber of Commerce, Work Ready InitiativeMaster Clothing Volunteers, Health & Wellness Ambassadors 

Date: July 2024-July 2025 


Audience: General population & tourists 

Project or Activity: Wayne Co Quilt Trail, Quilt Block painting classes, quilt trail brochure, Quilt Guild, Quilt Show of the Little Mountains, Wayne County Fair and EXPO, Local Festivals, Monthly Quilt Class, Arts Skill Building Classes

Content or Curriculum: Extension Homemaker Programs, CEDIK Resources, KY Arts Council, Master Clothing Volunteers, 4-H FCS programming, 4-H Communication and Expressive Arts Curriculum  

Inputs: Extension Staff, community members, local tourism offices, Quilt Guild, Local Arts Council, Local Farmers Market, USDA, Extension Council, Advisory Councils, Chamber of Commerce, Work Ready Initiative, Health & Wellness Ambassadors 

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