Substance Use Prevention and RecoveryPlan of Work

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Bell County CES

Substance Use Prevention and Recovery
Substance Use and Prevention: Awareness, Education and Positive Coping Skills
Agents Involved:
Rebecca Miller, Michelle Brock, Brian Good
Health & Wellbeing
Substance Use Recovery - FCS
Arts and Community Health

The recent community needs assessment done in Bell County identified substance use prevention and recovery as the top priority for Cooperative Extension. It was also, the main issue that needed to be addressed by our County Extension Council. The need to provide awareness, education and positive coping mechanisms to those in our community is desperately needed. The impact that this issue has on individuals and families in our community is pressing and substantial. According to Kentucky by the numbers 45.4% of children victims who were neglected, physically or sexually abused had alcohol or substance abuse issues as a high risk factor.

Long-Term Outcomes:
  1. The prevention and/or reduction of substance use and its related consequences.
  2. Changed public perception of substance use via stigma reduction.
  3. Individuals will use positive alternatives and coping skills to help with substance use. 
Intermediate Outcomes:
  1. Reduced stigma from local community members
  2. Delayed age of first use among Kentucky youth
  3. Implement positive behaviors to help cope ( cooking, hobbies, ect.)

Initial Outcomes:
  1. Increased knowledge of substance use prevention, addiction, and recovery (or related subject matter)
  2. Increased ability to use destigmatized language
  3. Improved social skills and/or self-efficacy in KY youth and adults.


Outcome:  Increased knowledge of substance use     

Indicator:  Number of individuals attending programs          

Method:  Retroactive pre-post

Timeline: Following every addiction 101 training 

Outcome:  Increased ability to use destigmatized language

Indicator:  Number of individuals intend to change behavior

Method:  Retroactive pre-post

Timeline: Following any program that includes language training

Outcome:  Improved social skills and/or self-efficacy in KY Youth

Indicator:   Number of student undergoing Health Rocks

Method:  Retroactive pre-post

Timeline: Following Health Rocks

Outcome:  Improved social skills and/or self-efficacy in adults

Indicator:   Number of individuals attending classes on stress management, depression, etc

Method:  verbal surveys, written surveys, self report

Timeline: Following educational workshops on coping skills topics and other outlets that are positive

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: primary and middle school youth

Project or Activity: Health Rocks

Content or Curriculum:4-H Health Rocks

Inputs: agents, paid staff, specialist, programmatic materials, schools, family resource centers

Date: Fall 2024

Audience: families, individuals recovering, recovery centers

Project or Activity: Coping 101

Content or Curriculum: Blue to You, Keys to embracing aging, UK publications on stress management and breathing

Inputs: specialist, agents, community partners, facilities

Date: July 2024-June 2025

Audience: recovery centers

Project or Activity: Recovering Your Finances

Content or Curriculum: Recovering Your Finances

Inputs: specialist, recovery centers, agents

Date: Spring 2025

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