Home Horticulture Plan of Work

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Lyon County CES

Home Horticulture
Home Horticulture
Agents Involved:
Susan Fox
Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Master Gardener

In 2018 the National Gardening Survey indicated that 77% of American households garden in some way. Other estimates reveal that consumer horticulture and supporting industries contribute nearly $200 billion to the US economy each year and support over 2 million jobs. Recent trends indicate that more and more Americans are growing their own food (35% of households) while interests in ornamentals remains high, particularly in the area of gardening to support pollinators and other ecological uses of plants. American gardens will continue to look to Cooperative Extension for specific answers to their gardening questions. The Extension Master Gardener Program equips trained and certified volunteers to assist Extension staff in delivering research-based gardening information to the public.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Increase access of fresh food. Reduce plant loss in landscaping. Minimize environmental impact by following recommended use of pesticides, herbicides, and/or fertilizers. Added value or reduced expenses with landscaping Volunteer for community horticulture projects. Improve physical, social and/or mental health. Develop employment skills. Increased plantings of native plants that support ecosystems. Reduction in the planting of invasive non-native species.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Use Extension diagnostic services. Be active in gardening. Diversify plant varieties. Add native plants to landscaping. Use Integrated Pest Management practices. Adopt best practices in water quality and/or soil health. Handle chemical safely.

Initial Outcomes:

Increase their knowledge of horticulture and best practices in soil health, water conservation, and chemical use. Recognize the value of diagnostic testing Match plants to appropriate planting location. Understand the value of native plants. Discuss pollinator protection. Locate Extension horticulture resources. Observe horticulture and food preparation demonstrations.


Initial Outcome: Participants at educational events

Indicator: Number of participants indicating an increase in knowledge of growing fruits and vegetables 

Method: Survey

Timeline: Year-round 

Intermediate Outcome: Participants successfully grow fruits and vegetables, 

Indicator: Successful plantings and harvests

Method: Survey program participants that received plants

Timeline: Early summer

Long-term Outcome: Participants continue to grow fruits and vegetables and increase consumption or for commercial production.

Indicator: Participant response

Method: Survey

Timeline: Early summer

Initial Outcome: Increase in native plants utilized in the landscape

Indicator: Participation in the native plant sale

Method: Plants sold at the native plant sale

Timeline: Year-round 

Intermediate Outcome: Reduce the spread of invasive plants and increase native plants

Indicator: Landscapes with a 10% increase in native plants

Method: Survey program participants that participate in the native plant sale

Timeline: Early summer

Long-term Outcome: Improved habitat for native wildlife, insects

Indicator: Participant reports through iNaturalist citizen scientist program

Method: iNaturalist

Timeline: Over 3 years.

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Homeowners • Community garden participants • Housing Authority residents • Schools • Educators • Community members • Neighborhood Associations • Nonprofits / businesses • Volunteers • Youth 

Project or Activity: Gardening Series

Content or Curriculum: Meetings, tours, newsletters, news articles.

Inputs: • Agents, associates, specialists • Federal, State and local agencies • UK weather center • Funding fees from training and other courses; grants and in-kind support • Training materials, presentations, printed resources, publications • Social media & online tools • State, regional and national meetings and conferences • Evaluation materials • SNAP-ED • Volunteers (Master gardeners) 

Date: Bi-monthly

Audience: Homeowners • Community garden participants • Housing Authority residents • Schools • Educators • Community members • Neighborhood Associations • Nonprofits / businesses • Volunteers • Youth 

Project or Activity: Garden Tour - Native Plants

Content or Curriculum: Meetings, Webinars/Facebook Live

Inputs: • Agents, associates, specialists • Federal, State and local agencies • UK weather center • Funding-fees from training and other courses; grants and in-kind support • Training materials presentations, printed resources, publications • Social media & online tools • State, regional and national meetings and conferences • Evaluation materials • SNAP-ED • Volunteers (Master gardeners) 

Date: Summer

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