HorticulturePlan of Work

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McCreary County CES

Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources
Agents Involved:
Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Master Gardener
Horticulture, Commercial

According to the 2022 Census of Agriculture, McCreary County ranks 108th in the state for total agriculture receipts, which were $1,453,000. Top crops reported (in acres) include 1,881 for forages, 9 for apples, and 23 for vegetables. The county agriculture profile is primarily beef and forage-based. There is an educational need for diversified agriculture and horticulture. The McCreary County Farmers Market is seven years old and has slightly grown since opening. There is now a more diversified selection, including meats and prepared foods at the market for this seasonMcCreary County residents can also participate in Berea’s Grow Appalachia program with neighboring Scott County residents  

Long-Term Outcomes:

McCreary County horticulture operations will continue to expand in size and diversification of products and attract people to the county to purchase goods at the Farmers Market or through on-farm purchases. Home gardeners will produce better quality produce in larger quantities by applying recommended practices, thus reducing food costs for their families.  McCreary County Youth will develop an understanding of where their food comes from and how to prepare meals from fresh ingredients.  McCreary County Master Gardeners will develop skills needed to assist in horticultural program development and 4-H program development.  

Intermediate Outcomes:

McCreary County horticulture operations will continue to expand in size and diversification of products and attract people to the county to purchase goods at the Farmers Market or through on-farm purchases. Home gardeners will produce better quality produce in larger quantities by applying recommended practices, thus reducing food costs for their families.  McCreary County Youth will develop an understanding of where their food comes from and how to prepare meals from fresh ingredients.  McCreary County Master Gardeners will develop skills needed to assist in horticultural program development and 4-H program development.  

Initial Outcomes:

Commercial horticulture producers will gain knowledge in diversification practices, marketing, sustainable agriculture, and organic production. Home gardeners will gain knowledge about sustainable practices to incorporate at home such as composting,  food preservation,  and  seed-saving. They will also gain knowledge in non-traditional  high-yield   gardening  techniques that are adaptable to any area, such as small space/container gardening  and  intensive planting.    McCreary County youth will develop an understanding of how to grow & harvest vegetables from start to finish during the summer growing season. McCreary Master Gardeners will complete their training and volunteer hours in order to support McCreary County Extension horticulture programming.  


Outcome: Expansion of local horticultural operations 

Indicator: Number of acres in commercial horticulture production/increased crop diversity on existing farms, amount sold through the Farmers Market or direct farm sales, number of gardens through Grow Appalachia and extension gardening workshops  

Method: Surveys and farm visits

Timeline: March - October

Outcome: Knowledgeable home gardeners/future Master Gardeners 

Indicator: Number attending gardening workshop

Method: Surveys and observations, client contacts

Timeline: March - July

Outcome: Farmers Market growth

Indicator: Number of vendors, amount of sales and number of products sold 

Method: surveys, attendance at market, observations

Timeline: May-October

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Farmers, home gardeners. 

Activity: Master Gardeners Training    

Content or Curriculum: Master Gardener’s manual   

Date: Jan-Feb 


Audience: Youth (4H Age) 

Activity: 4-H Green Thumbs Garden Club  

Content or Curriculum: Growing in Small Spaces, 4H Garden Curriculum  

Date: June-July 

Audience: Farmers, Gardeners

Activity: Grow Appalachia

Content or Curriculum: Monthly meetings with participating gardeners which cover organic gardening, composting, healthy cooking, food preservation, edible landscapes, seed starting, pest/disease control & beneficial insects, fall gardening, gardening techniques, soil testing & site selection.

Date: January - October

Audience: Farmers and public

Activity: Farmers Market

Content or Curriculum: Agriculture demos/information packets (mushroom inoculation, heirloom varieties, SNAP recipe materials)

Date: May - October

Audience: Farmers, homeowners, and youth.

Activity: Newsletters, social media, news articles, online programs, radio spot 

Content or Curriculum: All Agriculture Topics

Date: July -June

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