4-H Communications and Expressive ArtsPlan of Work

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LaRue County CES

4-H Communications and Expressive Arts
Enhancing Life Skills and Fostering Youth & Family Development
Agents Involved:
Misty Wilmoth
Communications & Expressive Arts

Providing youth with the ability to enhance and develop communication skills is of great importance in Kentucky.  The development of communications skills is one of the preeminent skills necessary to grow as an individual, a community member and a leader.   Using age appropriate activities selected from the approved Kentucky 4-H Communication & Expressive Arts Curriculum, educators can maximize the ability of youth to develop their writing, reading and personal communication capacities.  This in turn creates a solid foundation for positive youth development (Jones, K. R. 2006) Research also shows a positive association between arts participation and a number of desirable academic and social outcomes, such as school grades, test scores, enrollment in post-secondary education, attainment of a bachelor’s degree, and higher levels of literacy and civic engagement. (Child Trends, 2012) Kentucky 4-H provides communication and expressive arts by engaging youth in hands-on educational experiences that inspire confidence and foster a love for the arts.  Programs and projects are offered in the areas of public speaking, visual arts, and performing arts. 

Long-Term Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes:
Initial Outcomes:
Learning Opportunities:

Learning Opportunities/Programs

           -   4-H Speech and Demonstration Contests conducted each spring.  

           -   All 4-H Country Ham participants are required to present a speech at the county level and then at the State Fair.

           -   4-H Written Communications Contest offered to all 4-H member.  Winners advance to the state level judging.

           -  4-H Art lessons are offered in the spring where youth can make projects, many of which can be entered in the county fair.


Jones, K.R. (2006).   Positive Youth Development and 4-H: Making the Connection.  http://www2.ca.uky.edu/agcomm/pubs/4mo/4mo02oo/4mo02oo.pdf

Child Trends. (2012). Participation in school music or other performing arts. Available at: http://www.childtrends.org/?indicators=participation-in-school-music-or-other-performing-arts

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