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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Enhance the Strong Agicultural and Natural Resource BasePlan of Work

Lawrence County CES

Enhance the Strong Agicultural and Natural Resource Base
Agriculture and Natural Resource Development
Agents Involved:
Hall & Dotson
Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Lawrence County has 284 operating farms. Crop sales in Lawrence County total $513,000 and animal sales totaled $743,00. Hay production and  beef production are the leading agriculture operations in the county. (CEDIK) The extension service educates beef producers on best management practices to help keep costs down, optimize income through management and marketing, be good stewards of the land and practice good animal health. To also assist producers in being more successful farmers, extension offers educational programs that enhance forage productivity and optimizing animal performance with improving forage quality.

 In 2018 the National Gardening Survey indicated that 77% of American households garden in some way. Recent trends indicate that more and more Americans are growing their own food (35% of households) while interests in ornamentals remains high, particularly in the area of gardening to support pollinators and other ecological uses of plants.  American gardens will continue to look to Cooperative Extension for specific answers to their gardening questions.  

Long-Term Outcomes:

*Improve sustainability of forage-based livestock systems

*Improve forage stands due to proper establishment practices

*Increase profits and operation and reduce expenses

*Improve cattle herd quality, genetics and efficiency

*Improve animal welfare and build build the reputation and value of KY cattle

*Minimize environmental impact by following recommended use of pesticides, herbicides, and/or fertilizers

*Volunteers help with community horticulture projects

*Develop employment skills

*Youth will master skills in raising and showing livestock and small animals.

Intermediate Outcomes:

*Develop grazing plans

*Implement practices to control the breeding season and enhance production efficiency

*Utilize a complete mineral supplement program

*Create improved livestock handling equipment/facilities

*Improve heifer development

*Individuals use Extension diagnostic services

* Gardeners use Integrated Pest Management practices

*Youth will demonstrate their abilities to put their education into motion through livestock camps, certification training's, and more.

Initial Outcomes:

*Understanding pasture renovation and forage establishment practices

*Awareness of forage harvest, storage, and feeding management to reduce losses

*Increased awareness of reproduction, genetics, nutrition, herd management and overall health.

*Understand body condition scoring and how to manage nutrition for a healthy reproductive animal

* Increase knowledge of horticulture and best practices in soil health, water conservation, and chemical use

*Youth will develop skills in raising their animals as well as in showmanship.


Initial Outcome: Understanding practices to optimize forage production and quality and improve harvesting, storage and feeding practices to reduce losses

Indicator: Number of participants who test their forage quality and show quality improvement

Method: Observation and Survey

Timeline: 2024-2025

Initial Outcome: Understanding how to manage overall health, nutrition, reproduction and herd management in beef operations

Indicator: Number of program participants that show improvement in their cattle operation

Indicator: Observation, Survey and Farm Visits

Timeline: 2024-2025

Intermediate Outcome: Control breeding season and enhance production efficiency with a complete mineral supplement program

Indicator: Number of program participants that indicate change in their operation

Method: Survey and Observation

Timeline: 2024-2025

Long-term Outcome: Minimize environmental impact by following recommended uses of pesticides, herbicides, and/or fertilizers

Indicator: Number of individuals stating they use only Extension recommendations based on samples sent in to labs on campus. 

Method: Observation and Survey

Timeline: 2024-2025

Long-term Outcome: Master Gardener volunteers helping with community horticulture projects

Indicator: Number of volunteer hours served during community projects

Method: Survey

Timeline: 2024-2025

Initial Outcome: Youth will develop skills in raising their animals as well as in showmanship.

Indicator: Number of youth expressing interest in livestock related specialty clubs, number of youth and volunteers participating in such

Method: animal club participation, observation

Timeline: 2024-2025

Intermediate Outcome: Youth will demonstrate their abilities to put their education into motion through livestock camps, certification trainings, and more.

Indicator: Number of youth demonstrating improvement in their skills of showmanship as well as finding more ease in the upbringing and care of their animal(s)

Method: animal club participation, observation

Timeline: 2024-2025

Long-term Outcome: Youth will master skills in raising and showing livestock and small animals.

Indicator: Number of youth who show an animal at the County Fair, raise their animal for food consumption, or breed their animal to reproduce and continue projects at a later time

Method: animal club participation, observation, demonstration and showmanship

Timeline: 2024-2025

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Land Owners/Forage Producers/Livestock Producers

Project or Activity: Educational programs, Field Days, Farm Visits and Conferences

Content or Curriculum: UK Extension Resources

Inputs: UK CES

Date: Spring and Fall

Audience: Land Owners

Project or Activity: Field Days, Demonstrations, and Educational Programs

Content or Curriculum: UK Extension Resources and NRCS

Inputs: UK Extension Specialists, ANR Agents, NRCS, and Soil Conservation District

Date: Spring and Fall 

Audience: Beef Cattle Producers

Project or Activity: Master Cattlemen, BQA Trainings, KY Heifer Development Program, Genetic Improvement Program

Content or Curriculum:UK Extension Resources

Inputs: UK Extension Specialists, ANR Agents, Research Information

Date: Winter/Spring

Audience: Extension Master Gardener Volunteers

Project or Activity: Master Gardener class, Field Days, Educational Programs, Community Projects

Content or Curriculum: UK Extension Master Gardener Manual, UK Extension Resources

Inputs: UK Extension Specialists, ANR Agents

Date: Year round

Audience: Youth ages 5 and up

Program/Activity: Livestock Club

Content/Curriculum: Relevant 4-H Livestock Curriculum

Inputs: County-level certified volunteers, UK Extension Agents, UK Specialists, Local Veterinarians

Date: (year-round)

Audience: Youth ages 9 and up

Program/Activity: 4-H Poultry and incubation

Content/Curriculum: 4-H Poultry Curriculum

Inputs: County volunteers, UK Extension Agents, UK State Specialists

Date: June - August

Audience: Youth ages 5 and up

Program/Activity: Lawrence County Fair/Kentucky State Fair

Content/Curriculum: 4-H Animal Curriculum

Inputs: County Volunteers, UK Extension Agents, UK State Specialists, Local Veterinarians

Date: July

Success Stories

From the Barn to the Future: Youth Shine at the Lawrence County Fair

Author: Maelyn Dotson

Major Program: Agriculture

 At the recent Lawrence County Fair, the 4-H/FFA Livestock Show and Auction was a tremendous success, highlighting the strong, long-lasting partnership between 4-H and FFA. Local youth proudly presented their animals and 4-H country ham projects, developing valuable skills in animal husbandry, public speaking, and leadership. Community partners, including Farm Bureau, Lawrence County Fiscal Court, Lawrence County Tourism, and local meat shops, came together to bid at the auction, ensuring t

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Harvest Moon Gala: Cultivating Community Support for Future Agricultural Leaders

Author: Maelyn Dotson

Major Program: Agritourism Planning

Lawrence County's 4-H and FFA programs provide essential opportunities for youth to develop leadership skills and gain hands-on agricultural experience. With increasing demands on resources, these programs rely heavily on community support to sustain their activities. To meet these needs, a creative and engaging fundraising event was necessary to connect the community with the youth programs they value.In response, the Harvest Moon Gala, a farm-to-table dinner, was created to raise funds for

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Bale Grazing with Cattle

Author: Lane Hall

Major Program: Beef

Imagine a hay feeding system where you did not have to use a tractor for months at a time and that allowed you to build up pasture fertility without applying commercial fertilizer. What if this same system also kept your cattle clean during the winter without coats caked in mud and manure, allowed you to creep graze fall-born calves, and built up the organic matter levels in your pasture soils. As far-fetched as this may sound, all these benefits are possible with an innovative winter-feeding te

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Resources for Using the County’s Shared-Use No-Till Drill

Author: Lane Hall

Major Program: Forages

The Lawrence County Soil Conservation District rents out a No-Till Drill to local farmers.  However, most people do not know how to properly calibrate this piece of equipment.  Improper calibration and depth settings lead to poor stands and lost profits. A series of things have been done to help farmers accurately calibrate the drill. The Lawrence County ANR Agent worked Dr. Jimmy Henning, UK Forage Specialist, and the ANR Extension agents from Boyd, Elliott, Greenup and Cart

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