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Letcher County CES

Natural Resource and Environmental Education
Agents Involved:
Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Trail Design
Forest Education: Health, Management, and Utilization


According to 2017 Census of Ag, the total market value of agricultural products sold in Letcher County was $138,000, which was only a slight increase over the previous five-year census. The land in farms is 5,623 total acres on 103 farms. There are only 48 acres in croplands. The estimated market value of these farms is $163,784.  These numbers show that Letcher County has a very small agricultural economy relative to other counties in the state. This is likely due to the very mountainous terrain. However, niche crops that take advantage of the local farmers market and interest in specialty crops shows promise, as it has accounted for almost all crop value growth. Niche crops of interest and promise for local clientele include honeybees, maple syrup, small fruits (blueberries, brambles, etc.), and mushrooms.

The economy is in the process of finding its footing after the rapid decline in value and depletion of the coal industry. In its place is an interest in tourism, and nature-based activities.  The tourism task force has placed a strong emphasis on trails, with the Pine Mountain Trail/Great Eastern Trail hiking trails, Tanglewood Bike Trail, the Pioneer Horse Trail and regional ATV trails being central. Public support for advancing these programs was requested during Letcher County Needs Assessment and County Extension Council meetings. Coupled with these projects is a need for litter abatement, recycling, and green-living and work on natural resource management, which includes timber management.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Long-term Outcomes:

Intermediate Outcomes:

 Intermediate Outcomes: 

Initial Outcomes:

Initial Outcomes:



Outcome: Participants will gain knowledge and increase skills in environmental education

Indicator:  Reduce, Reuse and Recycle initiatives implemented, county clean-up of streams/roadsides

Method:  Observation & Program Evaluations

Timeline:  On-going

Outcome:  Participants will gain knowledge and increase skills in agricultural enterprises

Indicator:  agricultural enterprises will be launched

Method:  Observation & Program Evaluations

Timeline: On-going

Outcome:  Participants will gain knowledge and increase skills in natural resources

Indicator:  maple school, master logger, etc. programs utilized

Method:  Observation & Program Evaluations

Timeline:  On-going

Outcome: Participants will gain a knowledge and increase skills in tourism development

Indicator: Volunteer in tourism projects and task force committees will occur

Method:  Observation and Program Evaluations

Timeline: On-going

Learning Opportunities:

Learning Opportunities


Audience: Producers, Homemakers, Youth, Senior Citizens, Community Members

Project or Activity: Horticultural Workshops

Content or Curriculum: UK publications/Power-points, Woodland Owner Short-course, Pesticide Certification Trainings, 4-H Curriculum, FCS Curriculum

Inputs: Agents, Assistants & Specialists

Date: Summer 2024, Spring 2025

Project or Activity: Produce Best Practices Training, 

Content or Curriculum: KDA-approved curriculum (PBPT Power-Point), 

Inputs: ANR and FCS Agents

Date: Spring 2025

Project or Activity: Greenhouse- Basics of Horticulture, Season Extenders

Content or Curriculum: AG and 4-H curriculums

Inputs:  AG, FCS and 4 H Agents,, Assistants and Extension Staff

Date: Summer -Fall 2024

Project or Activity: Non-Timber Forest Products (Maple, Ginseng, Shiitake)

Content or Curriculum: Publications, Power-point, Demonstrations, Newspaper Articles, Radio and TV Shows, Program Funds and Community Resources

Inputs: AG, FCS and 4H Agents, Program Assistants and/or UK Specialists, Volunteer Leaders

Date: Fall 2024, Winter 2024

Project or Activity: Raptor Program/Falconry

Content or Curriculum: Publications, Power-point Demonstrations, Newspaper Articles, Radio and TV Shows, Program Funds and Community Resources

Inputs: Program Assistant, FCS & 4-H Agents and/or UK Specialists.

Date: Summer - Fall 2024

Project or Activity: Trail Programs (Tanglewood Trail, Bike Trail, and Pioneer Horse Trail)

Content or Curriculum: Leopold Education Project, CEDIK Materials, Publications, Power-point Demonstrations, Newspaper Articles, Radio and TV Shows, Program Funds and Community Resources

Inputs: ANR Agent, Assistant and/or UK Specialists, Volunteer Leaders

Date: Fall 2024, Spring 2025

Project or Activity: Woodland Owner Short Course

Content or Curriculum: Publications, Power-point Demonstrations, Newspaper Articles, Radio and TV Shows, Program Funds and Community Resources

Inputs: ANR Agent and/or UK Specialists

Date: Fall 2024

Project or Activity: Tourism Hikes, Wellness Walks

Content or Curriculum: Get Moving Kentucky, Tree ID Booklets, Plant ID Publications, Leopold Education Project

Input: ANR, FCS and 4H Agents and Assistants, Volunteer Leaders

Date: Fall 2024, Spring 2025

Project or Activity:  Pollinator Promotion, 

Content or Curriculum:  Publications, Workshops & Demonstrations, 4-H Curriculum

Input:  ANR, FC S, 4-H Agents & Assistants, Seeds, Volunteer Leaders

Date:  Spring 2024 - Summer 2025

Project or Activity:  Beekeeping

Content or Curriculum:  Publications, Workshops & Demonstrations, 4-H Curriculum

Input:  ANR, FC S, 4-H Agents & Assistants, Seeds, Volunteer Leaders

Date:  Monthly

Project or Activity:  Honey Day, A Bee's Life, 4-H Bee Ambassador Program

Content or Curriculum:  Publications, Workshops & Demonstrations, 4-H Curriculum

Input:  ANR, FC S, 4-H Agents & Assistants, Seeds, Volunteer Leaders

Date:  Summer-Fall 2024

Project or Activity:  Pumpkin Days 

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum, FCS Curriculum, ANR Publications

Inputs: ANR, FCS, 4-H Agents & Assistants, Staff

Date: Fall 2024

Project or Activity:  Green Living

Content or Curriculum: FCS Curriculum

Inputs: FCS Agent & Assistant

Date: Spring 2025

Project or Activity: Master Naturalists & 4-H Master Naturalists

Content or Curriculum: Master Naturalist Curriculum, Backyards & Beyond, Exploring Your Environment

Inputs: ANR and 4H agents and assistants

Date: Summer-Fall 2024

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