Protecting the Future by Conservation Today Plan of Work

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Grant County CES

Protecting the Future by Conservation Today
Elevating Local Food Systems
Agents Involved:
Ammerman, Conkwright, McFarland
Water and Soil Quality and Conservation

A recent community needs assessment and direction from the advisors of the local Soil and Water Conservation district has increased the focus on the two primary watersheds and negative ramifications from improperly applied chemicals by pesticide applications. Furthermore, homeowners, farmers and landowners of 10+ acres are applying pesticides for insect and weed control on home lawns, hayfields and pasture grazing systems.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Participants would implement practicum that would reduce pesticide leaching and drift therefore improving the cleanliness of the streams and rivers.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Best management practices are embraced by the residents and land owners. These practices are sought after as the “norm” in application of pesticides.

Initial Outcomes:

Extension service would work with other organizations to teach and demonstrate practices addressing applying and storage of pesticides correctly.

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Farm or land owners

Project or Activity: Pesticide Applicator Training

Content or Curriculum: UK Patim

Inputs: Agent and PATIM training videos

Date: March 2025

Audience: Urban or Suburban Residents

Project or Activity: Home visits and Phone Calls

Content or Curriculum: UK Publications

Inputs: UK publications

Date: yearly

Audience: Farm and Home Owners

Project of Activity: Developing a Pest Management Plan

Content or Curriculum: UK Publications

Inputs: UK publications

Date: April 2025

Audience: Home Owners

Project of Activity: Lawn Care Basics

Content or Curriculum: UK Publications

Inputs: UK publications,

Date: March 2025

Audience: Farm and Home Gardeners

Project of Activity: Pests & Diseases in the Garden

Content or Curriculum: UK Publications

Inputs: UK publications

Date: April 2025

Audience: Farm or land owners

Project or Activity: Water Quality Plan Training

Content or Curriculum: UK Water Quality plan

Inputs: Agent and UK website

Date: August - October 2024

Audience: 7 & 8 Grade Students

Project of Activity: Extension Environmental Outreach Area

Content or Curriculum: UK Publications

Inputs: UK publications, volunteers, donations

Date: year round

Audience: 4H and Middle School Youth

Project of Activity: Natural Resource Enviromental Acadamy

Content or Curriculum: 4H and UK Forestry

Inputs: Agents, Curriculum, Specialists

Date: ongoing 

Audience: Seniors

Project of Activity: Community Garden

Content or Curriculum: UK Publications, other research publications

Inputs: Agents, local businesses, curriculum

Date: Summer 24 through Spring 2025 

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