Promoting Healthy Lifestyles and CommunitiesPlan of Work
Grayson County CES
Promoting Healthy Lifestyles and Communities
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Agents Involved:
Taul, N.
Substance Use Recovery - FCS
Active Living and Health Promotions General
Cook Together, Eat Together
Nutrition and Food Systems General
With the increased trend of chronic disease and obesity in Kentucky, individuals, families, and communities need tools and environments that support healthy and active lifestyle choices. In Grayson County 22.1% of adults reported they were in poor or fair health in 2016. Additionally, 15.3% of adults in Grayson County reported suffering from Diabetes, and 33% from obesity. CES agents are encouraged to reach diverse audiences to help combat chronic disease and obesity in Kentucky communities. Focusing on a foundation of overall direct health education to increase health literacy and ability to make healthy lifestyle choices. Including, creating spaces or opportunities for active living and health behaviors.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Reduce the rate of chronic disease and obesity
Intermediate Outcomes:
Generate positive attitudes toward changing lifestyle choices to be more healthy
Initial Outcomes:
Increase confidence in ability to employ healthy practices and improve food and nutrition related skills.
Initial Outcome: Nutrition Knowledge and Dietary Intake
Indicator: Number of individuals who reported: eating 4-6 servings of fruits and/or vegetables daily; utilize the food label to make healthy food choices; choosing smaller portions.
Method: Self report surveys
Timeline: pre/post program implementation
Intermediate Outcome: Chronic Disease Prevention
Indicator: Number of individuals who reported: one or more health indicators improved (cholesterol, blood pressure, body mass index, blood glucose, etc.)
Method: Self report survey
Timeline: 3 months following program
Long-term Outcome: Availability/Access to healthy lifestyle choices
Indicator: Number of communities, healthy coalitions, or organizations who reported implementing policy, system, and/or environmental changes to promote healthy eating an active living.
Method: Self report survey
Timeline: 6 months following program
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Communities
Project or Activity: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Approaches
Content or Curriculum: Faithful Families, Healthy Coalitions, Story Walk, Shared Space Arrangements, Trail Development, Active Community Toolkit, Be more Guide, resources for early care and education settings.
Inputs: Volunteers, grant funding, faith-based organizations, community partners, key stake holders, elected officials, FCS agent, paid staff, CES resources and publications.
Date: Ongoing projects throughout the year
Audience: Families and Individuals, General Public
Project or Activity: Chronic Disease Prevention
Content or Curriculum: Publications, Health Bulletins, Cook Together Eat Together, Mastering Food Choices, Dining with Diabetes, Fit Blue, Faithful Families, Body Balance, PIU, WIN, Kick Kentucky Cancer, Keys to Embracing Aging
Inputs: Programmatic materials, paid staff, community partners, faith-based organizations, health coalitions, healthcare providers, health department, non-profits, schools, company health and wellness, homemakers, community centers, etc.
Date: Ongoing projects throughout the year
Audience: Facebook and Social Media Users/General Public
Project or Activity: Social media posts and/or virtual programming regarding promotion of healthy lifestyles and communities
Content or Curriculum: various research based resources
Inputs: UK Specialists, paid Extension Staff, social media outlets
Date: FY 2024
Success Stories
FitTober Walking Challenge: Building Community and Wellness Through Movement
Author: Natalie Taul
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General

The FitTober Community Walking Challenge proved to be an outstanding success, engaging 152 registered participants in a month-long journey to prioritize physical activity and well-being. Of those who signed up, 81 participants completed the program by submitting their total step counts, collectively reporting an incredible 18,266,400 steps. This achievement reflects not only the participants' commitment but also the program’s ability to motivate and empower individuals to move more in
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment