Grain marketing, environmental sustainability, and natural resources.Plan of Work

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Livingston County CES

Grain marketing, environmental sustainability, and natural resources.
Improving Agriculture and Natural Resources
Agents Involved:
4-H, ANR
Water and Soil Quality and Conservation
Local Food Systems

Each year, Livingston County farmers face a myriad of challenges. Unstable commodity markets, increasing cost of land rental, fuel prices, and the environment. Being essentially water-locked, county producers deal with flooding often. Farmers and other residents persevere, planting over 10,500 acres of corn and around 19,000 acres of soybeans each year, depending on the river levels in the bottom land surrounding the three rivers intersecting in Livingston County (source?). Residents and youth in the county work to keep the rivers clean and to maintain the water and land for tourists and farmers up and down the Tennessee, Cumberland, and Ohio Rivers so that we can all live together and profit in a peaceful manner. The Extension Service works to help give farmers and other residents the tools to achieve these goals.

Long-Term Outcomes:

(A) Producers will increase crop revenue by utilizing sound grain marketing practices.

(B) Producers will implement environmentally safe practices for pesticide and fertilizer applications.

(C) Clientele will be able to identify environmental practices to protect and improve their environment.

(D) Extension will develop partnerships with Livingston County Environmental Partners to promote environmental awareness in the community.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Producers will gain a better understanding of grain marketing and future contracts. Producers will be more efficient with fertilizer application though soil testing.

Clientele will identify materials that can be recycled and practice sustainable farming practices.

Youth will make environmentally healthy recycling choices and promote environmental awareness within the community.

Initial Outcomes:

Producers will participate in a grain marketing programs and pesticide applicator training at the extension office. Producers will update and maintain their pesticide applicators licenses each year. Livingston County youth will participate in Enviromental Field Day, utilizing the Wildlife Habitiat Council Certified Livingston Wildlife Viewing Area in Grand Rivers. Youth will make habitat improvements in the county wildlife area. Extension will host Ohio River Sweep and Earth Day activities. Youth will learn about makeup and properties of soil types. Youth will learn the benefits of best management practices on soil usage.


Long-Term Outcome: Farmers will increase revenue for their grain crops

Indicator: Number of producers that implemented new grain marketing practices.

Method: Gather county statistics and follow up interviews.

Timeline: 1-2 years after meeting

Intermediate Outcome: Farmers will bring in an increased number of soil samples.

Indicator: Annual increase of number of soil samples brought to Extension Office.

Method: Soil test report.

Timeline: annual

Initial Outcome: Producers will learn the basics of a marketing plan.

Indicator: Results of test.

Method: Pre and Post test developed by specialist and agent.

Timeline: At the meetings held twice per year.

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Grain Producers

Project or Activity: Basic and advanced Grain Marketing educational programs offered

Content or Curriculum: Extension publications, state specialists, and local marketing specialist.

Inputs: UK publications, specialists from UK, and local AGRA-Businessmen.

Date: 1-2 classes will be offered annually by ANR agent

Audience: Producers and landowners

Project or Activity: Pesticide Applicator Training (3)

Content or Curriculum: UK Pesticide Training Curriculum

Inputs: ANR

Date: three training opportunities offered annually

Audience: 4-H Youth

Project and Activity: Roadside Clean-up

Inputs: 4-Hers & volunteers, 4-h Agent

Dates: May

Audience: Youth, Homemakers and County Residents

Project or Activity: Community Garden

Inputs:  ANR. 4-H

Dates: Annually

Audience: Livingston County Residents

Project and Activity: Annual Ohio River Sweep Clean-up Project

Inputs: ANR, Volunteers

Dates: Summer

Audience: Animal Science Club

Project and Activity: 4-H Livestock Project

Inputs: Ohio Kit, KY Livestock Certification, County producers, 4-H Leader

Dates: Monthly

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