Addressing Family Life NeedsPlan of Work

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Powell County CES

Addressing Family Life Needs
Acquisition of Lifeskills
Agents Involved:
Lawrence Caudle, Valerie Stewart
Home & Consumer Horticulture
Embracing Life as We Age (general)
Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
Science, Engineering and Technology 4-H Core Curriculum
People are living longer. Kentucky's current senior population, aged 65 and over, is 13.3%. This number is expected to double in the next 40 years due to the aging Baby Boomers (post WWII babies born between 1946-1964). Approximately 25% of Kentucky's population includes Boomers who began turning 65 in 2011. Powell County is no exception to these statistics.

With limited employment opportunities and our current unemployment rate in double digits (10.5%), local residents need to develop new skills to increase family income and to meet the challenges of living on fixed incomes. County residents constantly seek ways to save money and to acknowledge and celebrate the changes that accompany aging in regard to health, independence and life quality throughout all stages of life.

The program councils (FCS, Ag & 4-H) and County Extension Council are in agreement that the local economy, lack of jobs, high unemployment and aging population are priority issues in our county. As a result, either direct or indirect, the poor economy puts all residents, both young and old, at risk from high incidence of drug and alcohol abuse and an increase in overall crime. There are many skills that our residents can develop to assist them in improving their overall way of life.

Kentucky schools are placing a focus on Science, Engineering and Technology. To help meet the needs of our schools and youth in Powell County, the 4-H Program will be focusing on increased S.E.T. activities as well, especially through the robotics programs in addition to mentoring through S.E.T. programs in participation through a grant from the Office of Juvenile Justice.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Families and individuals will be strengthened as changes in social, economic and environmental issues take place.

Intermediate Outcomes:
Families and individuals will learn and place into practice changes in behaviors to cope with difficult, changing times. They will increase communication and enhance relationships. They will work as a family to acknowledge and embrace aging issues and to apply learned skills in financial planning, gardening, food preservation and preparation.

Youth gain confidence in their S.E.T. skills and compete in a variety of competitions.
Initial Outcomes:
Participants in Extension programs will demonstrate change in awareness, knowledge, and aspirations related to financial planning, gardening, and healthy, independent and quality aging.

Youth enroll and participate in after school and community clubs, activities and camps to gain knowledge in the field of S.E.T., sewing and much more.
Initial Outcome:
Indicator: New skills developed among youth and individuals involved in Extension programs.
Method: Surveys, questionnaires and the successful completion of task.
Timeline: Year long

Intermediate Outcome:
Indicator: Increase of homegrown or handmade items increasing family incomes.
Method: Surveys, number of participants in or reporting gain from local fairs, sales, shows, etc.
Timeline: Year long

Long-term Outcome:
Indicator: Improving the quality of life for families.
Method: Post surveys.
Timeline: Year long
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Adults and Youth
Project or Activity: Gardening Program
Content or Curriculum: UK Horticulture, KDA, WIC, Senior Coupon Program
Inputs: KDA, Extension Agents, Volunteers, Health Department
Date: Spring and Summer 2017

Audience: Homemakers and General Public
Project or Activity: Eating Smart & Healthy the Mediterranean Way
Content or Curriculum: UK/FCS Publications and Program
Inputs: Extension Agents & Volunteers, UK FCS Specialist
Date: August 2016

Audience: Homemakers and General Public
Project or Activity: Financial Affairs
Content or Curriculum: UK/FCS Publications and Program
Inputs: Extension Agents and Volunteers, UK FCS Specialist
Date: September 2016

Audience: Homemakers & General Public
Activity: Tuning Into the Times
Content or Curriculum: UK/FCS Program and Publications
Inputs: Extension Agents, Volunteers, FCS Specialist
Date: October 2016

Audience: Homemakers, General Public, Youth
Activity: Physical Activity
Content or Curriculum: UK/FCS Program and Publications
Inputs: Extension Agents, Volunteers, FCS Agent
Date: November 2016

Audience: Homemakers & General Public
Activity: Know Your Numbers
Content or Curriculum: UK/FCS Program and Publications
Inputs: Extension Agents, Volunteers, FCS Specialist
Date: January 2017

Audience: Homemakers & General Public
Activity: On The Road
Content or Curriculum: UK/FCS Program and Publications
Inputs: Extension Agents, Volunteers, FCS Specialist
Date: February 2017

Audience: Homemakers & General Public
Activity: Making Time for Yourself
Content or Curriculum: UK/FCS Program and Publications
Inputs: Extension Agents, Volunteers, FCS Specialist
Date: March 2017

Audience: Homemakers & General Public
Activity: Brain Games
Content or Curriculum: UK/FCS Program and Publications
Inputs: Extension Agents, Volunteers, FCS Specialist
Date: April 2017

Audience: Youth/4-H
Project or Activity: 4-H Cooking Club/Cooking Classes
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum;-UK Foods and Nutrition; SNAP-Ed
Inputs: SNAP-Ed, Volunteers, 4-H Agent & Assistant
Date: Year long

Audience: Youth/4-H
Project or Activity: 4-H Camp
Content or Curriculum: UK Curriculum
Inputs: Powell County Extension Staff; 4-H Camp staff; Volunteers
Date: Summer 2016

Audience: Youth/4-H
Project or Activity: Sewing Club
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Extension Agents; Volunteers; School Staff
Date: Year long

Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Communications Workshops and Contests
Content or Curriculum: UK 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Extension Staff; Volunteers, School Staff
Date: October 2016-May 2017

Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Honors Program
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Leadership Curriculum
Inputs: Extension Staff; Volunteers
Date: Year long

Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Robotics Programs & Team
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Robotics & SET Curriculum
Inputs: Extension Staff; Volunteers; Members, School Staff
Date: Year long

Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Entrepreneurship Lessons
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Entrepreneurship Curriculum
Inputs: Extension Staff; Volunteers, Members
Date: Year long

Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Cloverbud Clubs
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Extension Staff; Volunteers, Members
Date: Year long

Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Reality Store
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Reality Store Resources
Inputs: Extension Staff; Volunteers, Members
Date: Spring 2017

Success Stories

Food Presevation

Author: Kendyl Redding

Major Program: Food Preservation

Retired Family and Consumer Sciences Agents, Peggy Helton and Myra Braden worked with Powell County Extension staff to present the NEP Food Preservation Workshop at the Powell County Extension Office June 18-21, 2018. A total of eleven people participated in the three-day, hands-on workshop. Two male and nine female participants took part with a wide range of knowledge and skill levels. Powell County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, tested two pressure canner dial gauges during the workshop f

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Truth & Consequences

Author: Valerie Stewart

Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum

Local community needs assessments reveal that drug education and drug prevention are some of the highest rated needs in Powell County.  Community leaders constantly ask for more and more youth activities to help keep kids off drugs and constructively involved.  In 2017, the Powell County Extension Service collaborated with the Powell County High School Counselors and Youth Service Center as well as the area ASAP Board to coordinate our first ever "Truth and Consequences" even

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