Increasing Community Preparedness Through Increased Knowledge and PlanningPlan of Work

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Fleming County CES

Increasing Community Preparedness Through Increased Knowledge and Planning
Family and Community Viability
Agents Involved:
Thrasher, Wilhoit, Fryman
Financial Education - General
Local Food System Development and Mapping

Kentucky consistently lags behind other states in household income indicators including personal income, population living below the poverty line, unemployment and revolving debt loans.  In 2019, the median household income for Fleming County was $44,612, in 2021 the median household income dropped to $42,087.  Twenty one percent of families were living in poverty in 2019, with 19% in 2021.  In 2021, 16.8% of the Fleming County population was using SNAP benefits.  This included 1129 households and 2459 persons.  In 2016, 1464 youth under the age of 18 lived in households that received supplemental security income, cash public assistance, or food stamps/SNAP.  The unemployment rate for Fleming County in 2019 was 5% versus Kentucky’s 4% as a whole.   

The economy will continue to be in an economic recovery for at least the next three to five years.  The financial stability rest with families serving and managing their basic human needs of food, clothing and shelter.  Fleming County residents face many challenges throughout the year; weather related and manmade issues from tornadoes, flooding, straight line winds, lightening winter storms, hazardous chemical spills to daily emergencies, plus medical, financial and health challenges.  Every household and every business should be prepared to face these challenges at any given time.   

Although state and local governments are here to assist the public during these times, preparedness starts at home.  It starts with being aware of conditions and situations that threaten the family safety.


Long-Term Outcomes:

-Community has a plan in place to deal with natural and manmade disasters 

-Fleming County will have a better prepared workforce for the economic well-being of families. 

-Fleming County families are more financially secure

Intermediate Outcomes:

Strengthen community coalitions and partnerships to address preparedness plans for disasters and other emergencies such as a Community Organization Active in Disasters plan 

-Food security – food pantry(s) will be established to help serve the needs of families. 

-Develop smart financial behaviors related to wealth management strategies, including: retirement, estate planning, saving and investing. 

-Youth adopt healthy behaviors that lead to a healthy lifestyle that include making healthy lifestyle choices, not engaging in risky behavior and handling stress. 

-Families to improve employability through practical living skills and continuous education practices. 

-Farmers and business managers to use accepted business management and records analysis skills to help them manage their business. 

Initial Outcomes:

-Identify the specific needs in order to create a disaster preparedness plan for homes, farms, and communities? 

-Identify locations where food pantries need to be established.? 

-Families learn about more efficient financial planning tools? 

-Community members are made aware of and participate in work force development programs.? 

-Youth will gain knowledge and develop skills in identifying risky behavior and handling stress? 

-Youth will gain knowledge in needs versus wants and spending habits. 


Outcome: Youth will gain knowledge and develop skills in identifying risky behavior and handling stress 

Indicator: Number of youth that report gaining knowledge in identifying risk behaviors and handling stress 

Method: Post-test upon completion of Truth & Consequences 

Timeline: Fall Semester 


Outcome: Youth will gain knowledge in needs versus wants and spending habits 

Indicator: Number of youth that report making a wise money handling decision 

Method: Post-test upon completion of Reality Store; Self report testimony 

Timeline: November & March Annually 


Outcome:  Farmers will gain knowledge in planning for a success farm business and succession 

Indicator:  Number of farmers that report creating and maintaining successful farm business plans 

Method:  Post surveys  

Timeline: 12 months from program  

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Middle school and 5th grade students

Project or Activity: Reality Store

Content or Curriculum: 4-H curriculum "It's Your Reality"

Inputs: agents, paraprofessional assistants, community leaders

Date: November (7th Grade), & March (5th Grade) - Annually 


Audience: Middle School/ High School Youth

Project or Activity: Workforce Preparation

Content or Curriculum: High School Financial Planning Workbook, Skills to Pay the Bills 

Inputs: Agents, Community Partners, Teachers

Date: March Annually

Audience: General Public

Project or Activity: Financial management 

Content or Curriculum: UK curriculum 

Inputs: Agents, community professionals 

Date: program year 

Audience: 9th grade students 

Project or Activity: Truth & Consequences

Content or Curriculum: FCS Truth & Consequences

Inputs: Agents, community professionals, 

Date: November- March Annually


Audience: Farmers
Project or Activity: Farm Business Planning
Content or Curriculum: Business Planning Documents
Inputs: Agents; Specialists: Community Professionals
Date:  January  

Audience:  Agriculture Lenders
Project or Activity:  Agriculture Lenders Conference
Content or Curriculum:  Specialists
Inputs:  Agents; Specialists
Date:  February/March 

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