Developing Leadership & Volunteer SkillsPlan of Work

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Shelby County CES

Developing Leadership & Volunteer Skills
Leadership & Community Development and Vitality
Agents Involved:
Corinne Belton, Regina Browning, Candice Hollingsworth, Elizabeth Coots
Community Leadership Development
Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

Building the capacity of volunteer leaders within Shelby County is critical for the sustainability of a community infrastructure that supports long-term commitment to strengthen families. Within Shelby County there are strong leaders across all program areas who share their expertise and volunteer their time with youth and families in their community. The leaders are engaged, educated and empowered to understand issues and to take ownership for implementing solutions.

Many leadership scholars and youth development professionals agree that leadership development is an important, but often overlooked, facet of youth development and education (Macneil, 2000). The development of leadership contributes greatly to the positive development of youth in their communities. Leadership skills, such as goal setting, problem solving and sound decision-making are not only necessary for leaders, these skills are needed for success in today's world (Macneil, 2000). "Furthermore, helping young people develop leadership competencies makes them better able to solve community problems and enhances their civic participation" (O'Brien & Kohlmeier, 2003). Young leaders demonstrate higher career aspirations, increased self-esteem and improved high school completion rates.

Long-Term Outcomes:

*Shelby County infrastructure is strengthened through effective local leadership

*Community problems are solved through active, involved adult and youth local leaders

*Youth will be productive, contributing adults in the future

*Youth will use leadership and communication skills needed to be successful in the workplace on a daily basis.

*Clientele share information and/or advocate for agriculture and/or environmental issues to elected officials

Intermediate Outcomes:

*Number of youth and adults who:

-practice personal leadership skills in clubs, schools and community outreach

-improved skills in communication, problem solving, teamwork or group process in addressing organizational issues or needs

-apply skills to assess needs, develop programs and implement solutions for community problems

*Senior 4-H members will become leaders or co-leaders of a 4-H project club, daycamp or other project-based group of younger 4-H members.

*Clientele share information and/or advocate for agriculture and/or environmental issues locally

Initial Outcomes:

*Increase KOSA in personal leadership

*Increase KOSA in organizational leadership

*Increase KOSA in community leadership

*Youth will learn the communication, leadership and procedural skills that will allow them to run a meeting

*Youth will learn how to set appropriate, attainable goals

*Youth will listen to people with different ideas from their own

*Clientele increase agriculture awareness due to Extension programming

*Clientele trained in agricultural leadership development


Initial Outcome: Increase in KOSA in personal, organizational and community leadership

Indicator: The number of individuals who increased KOSA in personal, organizational and community leadership

Method: Observation and end-of-training evaluation

Timeline: Conclusion of training and meeting throughout the year

Initial Outcome:  KOSA gained in agricultural awareness

Indicator:  Number of individuals who gained KOSA in agricultural awareness

Method: Surveys, observation, self-reporting

Timeline: Conclusion of events 

Intermediate Outcome: Implementation of leadership skills

Indicator: Better communication, presentation, and problem-solving skills

Method: Observation

Timeline: Throughout the year following learning opportunities

Intermediate Outcome: Clientele share information and/or advocate for agriculture and/or environmental issues locally

Indicator:  Number of clientele who share information and/or advocate for agriculture and/or environmental issues locally

Method:  Surveys, observation, self-reporting

Timeline:  Throughout the year

Long-term Outcome: Program participants are contributing within the community to address local needs and youth are successful in the workplace

Indicator: Community problems are solved and youth are gainfully employed

Method: Observation and self-reporting

Timeline: Annually

Long-term Outcome:  Clientele share information and/or advocate for agriculture and/or environmental issues to elected officials

Indicator:  Increased KOSA among elected officials for agriculture and/or environmental issues

Method:  Observation, increased support of ag by elected officials

Timeline: Annually 

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Program participants

Project or Activity: Leadership Shelby/Young Leaders

Content or Curriculum: Sponsor Extension leaders to attend program, assist with Ag Day for each program

Inputs: Extension leaders, local farms and agribusinesses

Date: September 2024-June 2025

Audience: Extension Leaders

Project or Activity: Horticulture & Agriculture Advisory Council, committees and projects

Content or Curriculum: Leadership development and Extension materials

Inputs: UK publications and volunteers

Date: Year Round

Audience: Citizens interested in Horticulture activities, Master Gardeners

Project or Activity: Maintaining Tim McClure Botanical Gardens

Content or Curriculum: MG curriculum, Extension publications

Inputs: Master Gardeners, horticulture technician, MG curriculum, Extension publications

Date: Year Round 2025

Audience: Extension and community leaders

Project or Activity: True Colors Personality Assessment Training/Generational Differences

Content or Curriculum: True Colors curriculum

Inputs: True Colors curriculum, agents

Date: As requested 

Audience: Extension leaders

Project or Activity: FCS Council

Content or Curriculum: Leadership & Extension Materials

Inputs: UK publications & volunteers

Date: October 2024, March 2025

Audience: Extension leaders

Project or Activity: Homemaker Council

Content or Curriculum: Leadership & Extension Materials, KEHA Resources

Inputs: KEHA and UK publications & volunteers

Date: August 2024, December 2024, March 2025

Audience: Extension leaders

Project or Activity: Sewing Circle

Content or Curriculum: Master Clothing Volunteer resources and publications, sewing resources

Inputs: MCV and UK publications & volunteers

Date: September 2024 - May 2025

Audience: District Board

Project or Activity: District Board

Content or Curriculum: District Board Handbook, KRS statutes

Inputs: handbook, statutes

Date: Monthly

Audience: 4-H Camp Teens/CITs

Project or Activity: Camp Training

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Leadership Curriculum, Camp Leader's guide

Inputs: Curriculum, Camp information

Date: May/June 2025

Audience: 4-H Camp Adult Volunteers

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Leadership Curriculum, Camp Leader's guide

Inputs: Curriculum, Camp information

Date: May/June 2025

Audience: 4-H Day Camp Teens

Project or Activity: Day Camp Training

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Leadership Curriculum, Essential Life Skills

Inputs: Curriculum

Date: March-June/July 2025

Audience: 4-H Horse and Livestock Leaders

Project or Activity: Livestock & Horse Leader Certifications or Re-certifications

Content or Curriculum: Livestock and Horse Leader training

Inputs: training materials, classes, activities, Certification Training

Date: Ongoing recertifications and new leader online certifications

Audience: 4-H Shooting Sports Coaches

Project or Activity: Coaches Certification

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Shooting Sports Training

Inputs: Volunteers, training materials, fees

Date: October 2024, February/March 2025

Audience: 4-H Leaders

Project or Activity: 4-H Council and Volunteer Opportunities

Content or Curriculum: Extension Leadership Materials

Inputs: 4-H and UK curriculum

Date: year round

Audience: 4-H Leaders

Project or Activity: C5 C6 Area Horse Council

Content or Curriculum: Horse Leader Training, Extension Leadership Materials

Inputs: Volunteers, 4-H and UK curriculum

Date: Bi-monthly 

Audience: 4-H Teens

Project or Activity: 4-H Teen Conference

Content or Curriculum: various workshops and tracks

Inputs: marketing, recruitment

Date: June 2025

Audience: 4-H Teens

Project or Activity: SRTLC

Content or Curriculum: various workshops and leadership curriculum

Inputs: marketing, recruitment

Date: September 2024

Audience: 4-Hers in Middle School

Project or Activity: 4-H Summit

Content or Curriculum: various workshops and tracks

Inputs: marketing, recruitment

Date: March 2025

Audience: 4-H School Clubs

Project or Activity: Officer Elections, Parliamentary Procedure

Content or Curriculum: Club Handbook, Robert's Rule of Order

Inputs: Volunteers,Curriculum

Date: October 2024

Audience: Shelby County Extension Council members

Project or Activity: Leadership and Council Training

Content or Curriculum: KELD curriculum

Inputs: KELD curriculum

Date: quarterly; Jul and Oct 2023,Jan and Apr 2024

Audience: Shelby County Extension Council new members

Project or Activity: New member training

Content or Curriculum: History of Shelby County Extension; Shelby County Data; Kentucky Law regarding extension councils; getting to know you

Inputs: Extension History; College of Ag Info; State Law, Extension Council members

Date: October 2023

Audience: 4-H Teens

Project or Activity: Teen Council

Content/Curriculum: 4-H Leadership Curriculum

Inputs: 4-H Staff, Leadership Curriculum, volunteers

Date: Monthly

Audience: 4-H Teens

Project or Activity: C5/C6 Area Teen Council

Content/Curriculum: 4-H Leadership Curriculum

Inputs: 4-H Staff, Leadership Curriculum, volunteers

Date: Bi-Monthly

Audience:  4-H Member

Project or Activity:  4-H State Teen Council/ Leadership Boards

Content/Curriculum:  4-H Leadership

Inputs:  State 4-H Staff, financial support, transportation

Date: Sept 2024, Feb, Apr, Jun 2025

Learning: Audience: General Public

Project or Activity: Good Neighbors Farm Tour

Content or Curriculum: Local Opportunities

Inputs: Local Farmers/Producers

Date: September 17, 2023

Audience: Local producers of horticulture and agricultural products

Project or Activity: Agri-tourism opportunities

Content or Curriculum: Individual consultations

Inputs: Agent, horticulture technician, UK publications

Date: July 2023 - June 2024

Audience: Ag and Hort Leaders

Project or Activity: Hort and Ag Advisory Council and Volunteer Opportunities

Content or Curriculum: Extension Leadership Materials

Inputs: KELD and UK curriculum

Date: year-round

Updated 5/5/2024

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