Increasing Profits in Commercial Horticulture EnterprisesPlan of Work

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Boone County CES

Increasing Profits in Commercial Horticulture Enterprises
Improve Business Operations
Agents Involved:
Robert Brockman
Horticulture, Commercial

*More and more small farmers and large-scale gardeners are getting interested in growing fresh produce and cut flowers to sell. These growers, many of whom formerly grew tobacco, need guidance and research updates from UK Extension in order to make a profit. They also need private pesticide applicator training.

*Nurserymen, landscapers, landscape architects, lawn care services, municipal tree workers and certified arborists in "the green industry" need arborist training, commercial pesticide applicator training, certification and recertification CEU's, plus the latest research findings related to pest control, environmental protection, and best growing practices.

*Growers have requested training and updates related to recommended fruit and vegetable varieties, insect and disease control, fertilization guidelines and soil testing, plus information on marketing opportunities.

Long-Term Outcomes:


*Small farmers and produce growers will realize a significant profit/increase in income as a direct result of raising and selling their own vegetables, fruits, flowers, and ornamentals. Increased profits and additional certifications will be attained by those selling horticultural services such as lawn and landscape establishment, fertilization, pruning, tree removal, etc. in the "Green Industry".

*Environmental conditions (soil, air and water) will improve as more farmers, growers and green industry professionals implement best management practices, stop applying excessive lime, fertilizers and pesticides, and put into practice more environmental conservation practices.

* Indicators of biological health will improve in local streams, resulting in a higher grade on the annual "Boone County Stream-water Quality Report Card", prepared by the Gunpowder Creek Watershed Initiative and the Kentucky Division of Water.

* The environment will become cleaner, safer and healthier as arborists, commercial growers, private and commercial pesticide applicators and homeowners are educated regarding proper pesticide selection and use on lawns and landscapes to prevent pesticide drift, soil and water contamination, and the over-use of pesticides in general. This will also occur as more individuals become certified or get recertified as commercial pesticide applicators and ISA Certified Arborists by participating in some of the educational classes listed below.

* Communities and environment will improve as individuals adopt environmental conservation practices to conserve soil, clean air and water, such as mulching, composting, recycling, soil testing, rain gardens, rain barrels, using cover crops, organic pesticides (when effective), etc.

* Property values and real estate values will increase as residential, commercial and business landscapes, properties and communities are beautified and enhanced by new plantings of superior, colorful flowers, shrubs, and trees, and as lawns are improved as well. Property values will increase in response to proper tree pruning and treatments to prevent damage from the emerald ash borer, correct lawn and landscape fertilizing, mowing, pest and disease control, mulching and planting techniques, resulting in healthier, faster-growing, longer-lived trees, shrubs and ornamental flowers in residential and commercial landscapes.

* Green industry professionals will realize significant financial saving or gain, increased profits or a higher standard of living resulting from implementing Extension horticulture recommendations, as they learn how to be more efficient, acquire specific job skills or even a better job, lower their energy consumption, conserve and become better managers of their resources.

*Participants' personal and professional lives, and the community at large will be enhanced as individuals gain decision-making skills, life skills, problem-solving skills, improved communication and leadership skills as they grow in knowledge and confidence, and as they take a more active role in addressing significant community issues and as they offer more volunteer service to the community.

*Communities will become healthier and safer as individuals realize personal health benefits (i.e., stress relief, locally growing and eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, personal weight loss when needed, better overall health, more personal satisfaction in life, etc.) due to working with plants, gardening, observing nature, enhancing and beautifying the environment, finding a fulfilling job they enjoy, and implementing safer practices relating to the use of equipment and pesticides.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Practice Changes:

*Growers will not apply lime, phosphorus or potassium unless a soil test indicates the need. Nitrogen applications will be based on UK Extension Soil Test Lab recommendations.

*Changes in planting and pruning methods, mulching, pest control, and watering will result in gains in production and environmental conservation.

*Growers will plant recommended varieties to enhance yields and decrease crop losses due to insects and disease.

Initial Outcomes:

Growers will learn specific guidelines related to proper planting, watering, fertilizing and pest control to maximize yields of quality produce, while at the same time protecting the environment.

Growers will learn proper species and varieties of cut flower, vegetables, and fruit for our climate.


Outcome: Targeted audiences of farmers and Green Industry reps will stop applying unneeded or excessive lime and fertilizer.

Indicator: How many growers used less lime and fertilizer due to soil test results, and how many followed soil test recommendations and did not apply lime and fertilizer unless a soil test indicated the need.

2nd indicator: higher grade on the annual "Stream Water Quality Report Card", prepared by the KY. Division of Water for Boone County streams.

Method: Written survey, and compare "Stream Water Quality Report Card" grades from previous years to this year.

Timeline: After production classes and follow-up surveys weeks later.

Outcome: *Changes in planting and pruning methods, mulching, pest control, and watering will result in gains in production and environmental conservation.

Indicator: Higher yields, changes in variety selection, planting, pest control, harvesting and marketing.

Method: Written surveys

Timeline: Immediately after each seminar and again after harvest.

Outcome: Growers will realize more farm income from selling crops at the farmers market

Indicator: increased $ sales

Method: survey taken at farmers market annual meeting

Timeline: March 2025

Learning Opportunities:


*Small-scale farmers and former tobacco growers.

*Large-scale gardeners.

*Entrepreneurs interested in growing produce.

*Green Industry Professionals (Arborists, Landscapers, Nurserymen, Lawn Care Services, Municipal Tree Care Workers, Commercial Pesticide Applicators, etc.)

Activity: "Public Works Tree Care Seminar"

Content or Curriculum: Current and potential commercial arborists, municipal tree workers, public works tree care professionals, nurserymen, Parks Department tree care workers, lawn care service workers and commercial greenhouse workers who apply pesticides will be presented with latest research findings relating to proper planting, fertilizing, pruning and mulching techniques, weed I.D. and control, diagnosing plant problems, insect and disease identification techniques and controls, etc. Instructors: Extension specialists in horticulture, plant pathology, and entomology working with the 3 northern KY. Horticulture Agents.

Date: November 2024, March 2025

Activity: "Growing Cut Flower series".

Content or Curriculum: Beginning cut flower producers will learn how to identify potential cut flower crops for their business, how to plan for continued flower production throughout the Spring, Summer, and Fall, how to care for crop, and how to make flower arrangements

Date: May-July 2024

Activity: "Pop Up Programs for Tree Fruit & Small Fruit Production Seminar".

Content or Curriculum: Current and potential commercial fruit growers will be presented with latest research findings relating to variety selection, weed and insect pest control, disease control, spray schedules, pruning tips, etc. Instructors: Extension specialists in horticulture, plant pathology, entomology, ag economics and agronomy working with the 3 northern KY. Hort agents and hort techs.

Date: March, April, May, June, July, 2025

Activity: "Commercial Pesticide Applicator Training".

Content or Curriculum: Current and potential commercial arborists, municipal tree workers, nurserymen, tree care workers, lawn care service workers and commercial greenhouse workers who apply pesticides will be presented with latest research findings relating to pesticide formulations, pesticide safety, crop protection, weed I.D. and control, sprayer calibration and nozzles, diagnosing plant problems, insect and disease identification techniques and controls, etc. Instructors: Extension specialists in horticulture, plant pathology, and entomology working with the 3 northern KY Hort agents.

Date: Nov 2024

Activity: "Evening walks in the Garden"

Content: Current and potential commercial fruit and vegetable growers attend a twilight meeting held at the Nature Center Demonstration Field.  Attendees will learn the advantages of plasticulture, grafting, insect and disease identification and control, along with cut flower production techniques..

Date: July, August 2024

Activity: "Insect walks"

Content: walks around Boone County Nature Center gardens (cut flowers, veggies, fruit) and Boone County Arboretum (trees and shrubs) to demonstrate scouting, identify pests, and show management techniques.

Inputs: Boone County Nature Center Gardens and Arboretum

Date: July, August, September 2024

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