Developing Human CapitalPlan of Work

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Allen County CES

Developing Human Capital
Community Economic Development
Agents Involved:
Adam Huber (ANR), Vacant (FCS), Anna Meador (4-H)
Local Food Systems
Community Leadership Development
Family and Consumer Science
Economic Development

The 2019 Kentucky Extension Community Assessment Statewide Report indicates that money management for families and youth and employee “soft/essential skills” training continue to be important issues statewide. The assessment indicated that in Allen County, youth life skills and more qualified leaders to prepare the community for the future were top local priorities. Research conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation, and Stanford Research Center indicates 85% of job success comes from having well developed soft and people skills, and only 15% of job success comes from technical skills and knowledge (hard skills).   Employers are often prepared to teach technical job skills; however, the intangible skills of being a team player, time management, and positive attitude, and leadership are difficult to teach on-sight but critical to success. Allen County has an 81% high school graduation rate, and 20% of adults without high school diplomas, so the need for training related to job-skills is even more crucial ( In Allen County, 14.6% of the adult population over the age of 25 has at least a bachelor’s degree, compared to 23.6% in Kentucky as a whole ( 

As currently 65% of Allen County residents are “out-commuters”, and 21% of post-secondary education graduates are unemployed, there is a need to attract qualified employees to live and work in Allen County, as well as provide education and training in financial management and “soft skills” to residents. 

Long-Term Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes:
Initial Outcomes:

Initial Outcome: Producers receive training certificates

Indicator:  Number of producers who were successfully trained by Extension on Food Safety. Number of producers who successfully obtained Value-Added Processing certification through Extension Programming 

Method:  Count of program enrollees receiving certification 

Timeline:  After training programs are offered

Initial Outcome: Improved Communication Skills

Indicator:  Number of individuals reporting increased levels of understanding in the area: demonstrate strong verbal and nonverbal communications (Conveying Your Message) 

Indicator:  Number of individuals reporting increased levels of understanding in the area: how to utilize listening cues (nonverbal and verbal) in conversation (Listening and Inquiry)

Indicator:  Number of individuals who reported the intent to utilize etiquette practices to improve verbal, written, and electronic communication practices (Communicating Effectively)

Method:  Pre/Post Evaluation 

Timeline:  Following annual programs related to leadership development/communication

Intermediate Outcome: Adult Leadership Skill Development

Indicator:  Number of individuals reporting increased levels of confidence in personal leadership skills. Number of individuals who use communication, problem solving or group process skills to address organizational issues and need. 

Method:  Surveys of council members and partners

Timeline:  Annually

Intermediate Outcome: Improved youth public speaking skills

Indicator: Number of youth who indicated it is easy for them to speak up in a group. 

Number of youth who indicated they are comfortable being a leader

Method: post-program survey

Timeline: Spring, annually

Long-term Outcome: Local Businesses partner with Extension for workforce and financial development opportunities

Indicator: Number of economic development-related plans created with Extension’s assistance

Method:  Count of partners

Timeline:  Annually

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Teens ages 13-18

Project or Activity:  Teen L.E.A.D Ambassadors Program 

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Leadership Core, World of Work curriculum

Inputs: 4-H Agent, volunteers, transportation, sponsors

Date: Fall, 2024 Spring 2025

Project or Activity:  APES Program

Content or Curriculum: APES Curriculum

Inputs: 4-H Agent, volunteers, community partners, donations

Date: Fall, 2024

Audience: Working-age adults and young adults preparing for the workforce

Project or Activity: Allen County Career Readiness Day

Content or Curriculum: Positive Employability, 10 Soft Skills for Success

Inputs: FCS Agent, ANR Agent, 4-H Agent, local employers and community leaders

Date: Fall 2025

Project or Activity: Mock Interview Contest

Content or Curriculum: Positive Employability

Inputs: 4-H Agent, curriculum publications and resources

Date: Spring 2025

Audience: Producers and Farmers Market Vendors

Project or Activity: GAP, PBPT, HBM Certification classes 

Content or Curriculum: Corresponding curriculums to program

Inputs: ANR Agent, FCS Agent, So Easy to Preserve video modules

Date: offered annually during appropriate season

 Audience: Community leaders and Council Members

Project or Activity:   CEC, 4-H Council, ANR Council, FCS Council, Allen County Extension Homemakers Council

Content or Curriculum: Kentucky Extension Councils, Parliamentary Procedure, Councils 101

Inputs: ANR Agent, FCS Agent, 4-H Agent, community leaders, Extension Homemakers Members

Date: ongoing, meetings seasonally throughout year

Project or Activity:  Community Vitality

Content or Curriculum: Kentucky Extension Leadership Development publications, Economic Development

Inputs: local business owners, Heart of Scottsville, community leaders/stakeholders, Mayor’s office, CES Agents, CEDIK materials

Date: 2025

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