Leadership DevelopmentPlan of Work

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Henderson County CES

Leadership Development
Building Volunteer Leaders for our Community
Agents Involved:
Brasher, Hardy, James, Rideout
Family and Consumer Science
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
Master Gardener

Research shows that effective leadership is one factor necessary for success within today's communities and organizations. Extension serves the community with leaders and agents train new individuals to become leaders through our volunteer committees and volunteer networks.   It is imperative that Henderson County has a dynamic leaders with the ability to adapt and change the ever growing community.

Long-Term Outcomes:
Community issues are solved through active engaged local leaders.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Henderson County residents will improve communication, problem solving, or group process in addressing organizational issues and needs.
Initial Outcomes:
Henderson County residents will increase knowledge and skills through the Extension Service.

Initial Outcome: Homemakers will learn from people who have different ideas on leadership needs

Indicator: what do they already know

Method: survey

Timeline: Fall 2023-Spring 2024

Intermediate Outcome: Homemakers will engage in a service project

Indicator: what are they already doing

Method: survey

Timeline: Fall 2023- Spring 2024

Long-term Outcome: Homemakers will be successful in their daily living as an effective leader

Indicator: organization they are involved with

Method: followup interview

Timeline: Spring 2024

Initial Outcome: 4-H Volunteers will learn leadership skills and knowledge

Indicator: pre and post test scores increase

Method: pre and post test

timeline: annually

Intermediate Outcome: Volunteers will contribute to council and lead clubs efficiently

Indicator: Successful 4-H Council Programs and Clubs

Method: Survey

timeline: annually

Long-term outcome: Volunteers will identify needs in the community and serve to address those needs

Indicator: Volunteers involved in other community organizations

Method: Survey

Timeline: Spring 2024

Initial Outcome: CEC members will have better skills on leadership

Indicator: what they are already doing

Method: pre and post test

timeline: annually

Intermediate Outcome: Communication is improved

Indicator: what they already know

Method: Survey

timeline: annually

Long-term outcome: Volunteers will identify needs in the community and serve to address those needs

Indicator: Volunteers involved in other community organizations

Method: Survey

Timeline: Spring 2024

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Homemakers

Project or Activity: Homemaker Leadership Trainings

Content or Curriculum:UK Publications, KEHA Material

Inputs: Extension Agents, Specialist, KEHA leadership

Date: July 2023-June 2024

Audience: Client Protection

Project or Activity: Screening for all volunteers

Content or Curriculum: Client Protection Material, UK Material

Inputs: Client Protection Volunteers, Agents, Specialist

Date: July 2023-June 2024

Audience: CEC

Project or Activity: Leadership Training

Content or Curriculum: UK Publications

Inputs: Specialist and agents

Date: Fall 2023, Fall 2024

Audience: 4-H Volunteers

Project or Activity: 4-H Council/Lead Clubs

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum and UK publications

Inputs: Henderson CES

Date: Annually

Audience: Master Gardeners

Project or Activity: Master Gardener Activities

Content or Curriculum: UK Master Gardener Program

Inputs: Master Gardeners, Agents, Specialist

Date: annually

Audience: Young Farmers

Project or Activity: Strengthening young farmers within the community

Content or Curriculum: Extension Publications, farm visits, agricultural trips, engaging within the community

Inputs: Extension Agents, Extension Specialists, Local Businesses, Farmers

Date: monthly through the year

Audience: Young farmers

Project or Activity: farmstart program

Content or Curriculum: conference (tomorrow's top producer seminar), Program materials, Extension publications

Inputs: Extension Agents, Extension Specialists, local businesses, farmers

Date: November 2023-2024

Audiende: Teens

Project or Activity: Teen Leadership Academy

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum 

Inputs: Agents, Extension Specialists, local businesses, community leaders 

Date: September 2023-May 2024

Success Stories

Boys and Girls Club

Author: Jessica James

Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

I went to the Boys and Girls Club to teach then how to make some healthy snacks. The Boys and Girls Club is where a lot of kids will go for safe after school programming or even during the summer.  We made trail mix one session and the next session we made butter. The kids really enjoyed it and most of them enjoyed the snacks. The participants were all elementary school age and they seemed to enjoy both sessions. The goal of these program sessions were to teach the kids something that they

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Teen Conference

Author: Alexandria Brasher

Major Program: Leadership

Teen Conference

The 100th Annual Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference took place at the University of Kentucky from June 11th to 14th, 2024. The conference aimed to achieve several objectives for its participants, including developing leadership and teamwork skills, improving communication abilities, fostering civic engagement, expanding knowledge in 4-H core content areas, and enhancing social skills through networking. Additionally, the event provided an opportunity for youth to become acquainted with the University

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4-H Camp

Author: Alexandria Brasher

Major Program: Camping

4-H Camp

A 4-day 4-H Camp session offers upwards of 72 hours of direct, uninterrupted contact between youth and their cabin leaders/counselors.  That’s the equivalent of a family sitting down at the dinner table for 30-minutes, 144 days of the year.  The interactions offered in a residential camp/group living setting is so important to youth. The time we spend with youth in the camp setting offers opportunities for those youth to feel a sense of belonging, to have meaningful conversations

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