Safe CommunitiesPlan of Work
Henderson County CES
Safe Communities
Healthy Home and Environment
Agents Involved:
Hardy, Brasher, Rideout, James
Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes
Substance Use Prevention and Recovery General
Substance Use and Mental Health - ANR
On March 6, 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic was confirmed to have reached Kentucky. The Governor's office announced its first confirmed case in Lexington and declared a state of emergency to ensure all entitles had the right necessary response resources. As of June 2020 Kentucky reached 12,445 cases and 499 deaths. Daily activities were put on hold and people's daily living had changed a great deal.
Each year, on average, Kentuckians deal with 30-50 days associated with thunderstorms, 12 tornadoes and 3 fatalities related to tornadoes. Preparing for emergency situations can be crucial to survival and safety. In 2014, there were 627 firearm deaths in Kentucky.
There has been an increase of child-involved shootings meaning when a child happens upon a gun, or is left alone with one, and ends up shooting themselves or another person. These disasters result in hundreds of child fatalities and have made American children nine times more likely to die in gun accidents than children anywhere else in the developed world.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Individuals will use scientific techniques, responsible practices, and create safe homes within their environment.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Individuals will practice safety and how to protect their homes and communities
Initial Outcomes:
Individual will gain knowledge and understanding of home safety and disaster preparedness.
Initial Outcome:Change in knowledge on disaster preparedness,and home safety
Indicator: how much they already know
Method: pre-test
Timeline: Spring 2024
Intermediate Outcome: Individuals demonstrate skills that improves disaster preparedness and home safety
Indicator: what are their skills
Method: survey
Timeline: Spring 2024
Long-term Outcome: Individuals create safe homes within the environment that are prepare for disasters
Indicator:What they are doing
Timeline:Spring 2024
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Henderson Residence
Project or Activity: Disaster Preparedness
Content or Curriculum: UK Publications and Material
Inputs: Extension Agent, Specialist
Date: Spring 2024
Audience: Henderson County Students
Project or Activity: Truth and Consequences
Content or Curriculum: UK material
Inputs: Extension and School System
Date: Fall 2023
Audience: Henderson County Landowners and Land managers
Project or Activity: Water Quality Awareness
Content or Curriculum: Extension Publications, Seminars, on farm demonstrations
Inputs: Extension Agents, Extension Specialists, Farmers, Landowners
Date: Winter 2023
Audience: Henderson Youth
Project: Shooting sports program
Content: UK material
Input- Agent, certified volunteers, specialist
Date: March 2024- Sept 2024
Success Stories
County Extension Council Hosts Community Event
Author: Alexandria Brasher
Major Program: Community Engagement
In 2022, the Henderson County 4-H Council made it a goal to have more community involvement and came up a back-to-school bash community event. With that event brought more families into the 4-H Program. After the success of that event, the 4-H Agents made a pitch to the County Extension Council to host an Extension Extravaganza to showcase everything the Henderson County Extension Office had to offer and to involve the whole family and provide research-based materials that participants could not
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4-H Babysitting Clinic
Author: Alexandria Brasher
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Family Magazine reports that 76% of middle school age youth are babysitting either family members or other’s children. According to a new American Red Cross poll, parents say that good babysitters are hard to find, and they want to entrust their children to babysitters trained in first aid, CPR and childcare skills. Childcare training provides life skills in parenting. Babysitting is often a youth’s first gainful employment experience. Henderson County 4-H hosted a babysitting clinic
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Bike Safety Day
Author: Alexandria Brasher
Major Program: Health
Henderson County has a lot of accessible sidewalks and bike riding opportunities.. Youth all over Henderson, especially in Henderson’s East End, utilize bicycles to get places and to hang out with their friends. Multiple young people ride their bike to school, the grocery, and the park. When speaking with the Family Resource Directors at two of the inner-city elementary schools we both agreed that bike safety was a major concern for the youth in Henderson County. The Henderson commun
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment