Develop Henry CountyPlan of Work
Henry County CES
Develop Henry County
Community and Economic Development
Agents Involved:
Cathy Toole, Krista Perry, Megan McCoun
Business Retention and Expansion
The Henry County Extension Council recognized economic development as their number one priority. According to (KIPDA) Henry County is in the Metropolitan Louisville Economic Development Area and central to the ‘golden triangle’ located between Cincinnati, Louisville, and Lexington. The type of development that will occur in the next several years will be dependent upon energy policies that will affect the entire region. The local economy of Henry County has traditionally been heavily dependent upon agriculture with a large percentage of this income based on the tobacco market. Surveys of local leadership (Eminence 2020/Leadership Henry and the Henry County Chamber of Commerce), have indicated a strong desire to maintain the rural landscape while achieving increased levels of economic development. One way to improve local economies without negative development is to assist the rapidly expanding Baby Boom generation in personal finance. When Social Security was started the life expectancy of an individual was 63 and social security did not begin until age 65. Today life expectancy has increased to 75 making it essential that we take care of our personal financial situation to assist with local economic development, including an emphasis on Ag Tourism/Value Added as a means to impact local economies with little environmental degradation. With most employment outside of the county, a lack of cohesiveness and involvement in community pride keeps Henry County from achieving its potential social and economic initiatives. In addition, Extension is now partnering with Eminence Rotary Club. Two agents are now charter members of the Henry County Kiwanis Club.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Enhanced economic growth and improved standard of living for the citizens of Henry County while maintaining the rural landscape and avoiding the ‘bedroom community syndrome."
Collaborations from Extension and community organizations to promote tourism and new opportunities to improve social, economic and environmental conditions.
Henry County becomes an important location for local food aggregation and distribution into the Metropolitan area, creating local job opportunities and increasing marketing opportunities for local farm families.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Use of proactive rather than re-active approaches with economic development opportunities.
Citizens and community leaders to take an active part in providing a climate for tourism and economic development.
Initial Outcomes:
Increased awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship and small business development; Citizens have better understanding of their local economy;
Businesses can identify new markets; communities can identify factors to improve their local economic condition. Primarily state -led evaluation using CEDIK metrics; new/expanded jobs and new/expanded businesses; Change in local retail dollars because of Extension involvement; Number of plans adopted and implemented; number of referrals to SBDC or KCARD by agents
Intermediate Outcome:
Indicator: farmers, public places, parks, recreational areas identified
Method: Individuals stated about will participate in an online website to bring the community together.
Timeline: Monthly
Intermediate Outcome:
Indicator: attendees develop a plan to begin cottage style business to create income
Method: items submitted to become members of the arts and craft guild
Timeline: Monthly
Initial Outcome:
Indicator: Meetings offered by extension
Method: Attendance at meetings
Timeline: Sign in sheets
Learning Opportunities:
Learning Opportunities (repeat as needed):
Audience: Local Entrepreneurs
Project or Activity: Holiday Bazaar
Content or Curriculum:
Inputs:Promotion, set up, coordination, evaluation
Date: November 2023
Audience: Craft Guild Members
Project or Activity: Craft Guild Show
Content or Curriculum: By-laws and guidelines
Date; September 2023/April 2024
Audience: Jr. Arts and Crafts Guild Members
Project or Activity: Member of the 4-H Means Business Club must be juried into the Henry County Arts and Crafts Guild
Content or Curriculum: Based on bylaws of the guild
Date; Nov. 2023
Audience: Chamber Members
Project or Activity: Economic Development
Content or Curriculum:
Inputs: Educational programming, promotion
Date: Monthly Board meetings; Quarterly Dinners
Success Stories
LADDER: Local Approach to Discussion-Based Disaster Exercises and Readiness
Author: Krista Perry
Major Program: Emergency Disaster Preparedness
It’s not if it will happen in your community, it’s when will a disaster happen in your community? In Henry County, there have been multiple disaster impacts, some natural and some not. With Henry County housed near two major interstates, disasters related to hauling animals have occurred, raising concern and a need for awareness about disasters involving animals. The Henry County Extension Agents for Agriculture and Natural Resources and Family and Consumer Science
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment