Commodity Production and Instruction Plan of Work

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Scott County CES

Commodity Production and Instruction
Agriculture and Science Sustainability Education
Agents Involved:
Brewer, Faris, Flynt, Redmon
Local Food Systems

Kentucky is home to 73,500 farms (National Agricultural Statistics Service, 2022). The average farm size in Kentucky is 176 acres. A farm is defined by the United States government as “any place that produced and sold, or normally would produce and sell, $1,000 or more of agricultural products during the census year.” While Kentucky’s population is increasing, the number of people living on farms is decreasing. Therefore, the need exists to educate people, particularly youth, about the impact that it makes on their daily lives, as well as the importance of agriculture to the commonwealth. In order to provide agricultural education to youth, counties will either plan and conduct an Ag Day Program, field days, expos designed to educate participants on the value of agriculture and horticulture to Kentucky’s economy and the impact that agriculture and horticulture has on their daily lives or teach Ag in the Classroom to elementary school students.

Long-Term Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes:
Initial Outcomes:

Outcome: Youth engage in agricultural programs and increase profitability

Indicator: Community agriculture events, Record books

Method: Sign in sheets, Evaluations, Record Books, Interviews

Timeline: All year

Intermediate Outcome: Youth will participate in agriculture events and practice sound agricultural practices

Indicator: Livestock meetings, Community Agriculture events, County Fair, Community Gardens

Method: Sign in sheets, Evaluations, observation

Timeline: Throughout the year

Initial Outcome: Youth will learn basic principles of agriculture and where their food comes from

Indicator: Livestock meetings

Method: End of program evaluation

Timeline: Throughout the year

Outcome – Increase farm income, productivity and maintain green space

Indicator – Farm income, Acres of farms

Method – Ag statistics, Pre and post surveys

Timeline – Yearly

Outcome: Utilize futures and options trading, sound management and animal husbandry

Indicator: Farm income, acres of farms

Method: Pre and post, interviews

Timeline: yearly

Outcome: Increase knowledge in futures and options, sound management practices, and animal husbandry

Indicator: Changes in knowledge regarding the above

Method: Evaluation

Timeline: Yearly

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Youth

Activity: 4-H Small Animal Projects

Content or Curriculum: OSU Publications, UK Publications, specialists

Inputs: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: All Year

Audience: Youth

Activity: Chick Incubation

Content or Curriculum: OSU Publications, UK Publications, National CCS curriculum

Inputs: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers, Scott County Schools

Date: Spring 

Audience: Youth

Activity: Youth Gardening Workshops

Content or Curriculum: Kentucky Gardening, 4-H Publications, UK Publications

Inputs: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: Summer

Audience: 4-H/Youth

Activity: Livestock/Animal Project Groups/Country Ham

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: Year Round

Audience: Youth

Activity: School programs, clubs and projects

Content or Curriculum: Agriculture

Inputs: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers, Scott County Schools

Date: Throughout the year

Audience: 4-H Leaders

Activity: Volunteer Livestock and Horse Certification

Content or Curriculum: KY 4-H Livestock/Horse Certification Curriculum

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: Spring and Fall

Audience: Youth

Activity: Horse Club

Content or Curriculum: Horse Certification Materials

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Dates: Throughout the year

Audience: General Public 

Activity: Farmer’s Market

Content or Curriculum: Direct Consumer Sales

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: Summer

Audience: General Public

Activity: Master Gardeners

Content or Curriculum: Continued Volunteer Training; Education on Gardening

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: Throughout the Year

Audience: General Public

Activity: Home Horticulture Series

Content or Curriculum: Gardening, Fruit Production

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Dates: Spring and Summer

Audience: General Public

Activity: Community Garden

Content or Curriculum: Gardening

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Dates: Spring, Summer, and Fall

Audience: General Public 

Project or Activity: Garden Expo 

Content or Curriculum: Horticulture, UK specialists, 

Inputs: staff, materials, office equipment

Date: Spring

Audience: General Public

Activity: Master Gardener Classes

Content or Curriculum: Master Gardener Curriculum

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Dates: Fall and Winter

Audience: Adult

Activity: Recovery Garden

Input: Staff, equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers, grants 

Date: Spring through fall 

Audience: General Public

Activity: Pastures Please! & Farm and Facilities Expo for Horse Owners

Input: Staff, equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: Winter program, Summer field day

Audience: General Public

Activity: Farm Commodity Production Updates

Input: Staff, equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: Winter programming, Summer- on farm demonstrations/ field walks

Audience: General Public

Activity: Beef and Stocker Cattle Conference

Input: Staff, equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: Fall programs

Audience: General Public

Activity: Ag Lenders Conference

Input: Staff, equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: Winter

Audience: General Public

Activity: Grain Crop Production Updates

Content or Curriculum: Agriculture & Natural Resources

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: Fall, Winter

Audience: General Public

Activity: Agriculture Economics Training

Content or Curriculum: Agricultural Economics

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: Fall

Audience: General Public

Activity: Farm City Banquet

Content or Curriculum: Agriculture and Natural Resources and Horticulture

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: Fall

Audience: General Public

Activity: Farm City Field Day

Content or Curriculum: Agriculture and Natural Resources and Horticulture

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: Summer

Audience: General Public

Activity: Ag Tour

Content or Curriculum: Learning more about existing enterprise in the county & touring new to add to farm income

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: Summer

Audience: Beef Producers

Activity: BQCA & Livestock Handling & Care Training

Content or Curriculum: BQCA management practices to improve production and handling

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: Throughout the Year

Audience: Beef Producers 

Activity: Master Cattlemen/Marketer/Stocker Programs

Content or Curriculum: Cattle Management

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: Fall and Spring

Audience: General Public

Activity: Forage Field Day

Content or Curriculum: Forage fertilizer management. 

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials, volunteers

Date: Summer

Audience: General Public

Activity: Meat of the Season

Content or Curriculum: Meat production, processing, and cooking. 

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials,

Date: Seasonally

Audience: Farmers 

Activity: Private Applicator Trainings

Content or Curriculum: Pesticide trainings for Restrict Use Pesticides.

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, and materials

Date: Through out the year

Audience: General Public

Activity: Beef Conference 

Content or Curriculum: Beef economics. 

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials,

Date: Fall

Audience: Farmers 

Activity: Farm Estate Planning 

Content: Estate planning information, grief information

Inputs: Staff, materials, publications

Date: Fall

Audience: General Public

Activity: Homesteading Series 

Content or Curriculum: Extension publications, resources, community partners.  

Input: Staff, office equipment, curriculum, materials,

Date: Fall

Audience: Farmers

Project or Activity: New agritech 

Content or Curriculum: Using drones on your farm

Inputs: Staff, materials, drones/equipment 

Date: Fall

Success Stories

Grazing in an Effective and Economical Way

Author: Brittany Brewer

Major Program: Forages

With inflation and extreme weather farmers are having to learn how to adapt and change. Many farmers in the Bluegrass region rely on forages. Whether they raise livestock, bale hay, or use cover crop techniques forages can be involved. Farmers have had to adapt new management strategies and perspectives to raise quality livestock and still make a living.  In response to these problems, the Scott County Extension Office and the Scott County Beef Improvement Association partner together

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Central Kentucky Hay Contest

Author: Brittany Brewer

Major Program: Hay testing

Understanding a producer’s forage quality is the backbone of providing a balanced nutrition plan.  Hay testing can provide data that producers and Cooperative Extension Agents use to ensure the nutritional needs of the animal are being met.  Without a test, farmers are blindly feeding leading to wasted resources.  The Central Kentucky Hay Contest was created to generate friendly competition among producers and educate producers about forage test analysis and the economic imp

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Hay Testing and Equine Health

Author: Brittany Brewer

Major Program: Hay testing

Hay and horses are two of the most common agricultural products in Scott County. Both products work hand in hand, however, they also have their own set of challenges. I got to see these challenges on a first-hand basis in March when a horse owner called wanting her hay tested. The owner was concerned about the nutritional value of the hay they had just purchased because they have metabolic horses. I scheduled a farm visit with the owner and explained the need and importance of a hay test. After

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Developing Better Bull Management Practices on Scott County Farms

Author: Brittany Brewer

Major Program: Beef

 A large portion of Scott County farms are cow calf operations. These operations rely on effective management practices to ensure that farmers make an annual profit. With the advancements in technology bull breeding soundness exams are becoming an essential practice on these farms. However, with the limited large animal food veterinarians in Central Kentucky it becomes difficult and costly for producers to implement this practice.To combat with problem I partnered with a local vet clinic an

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Chute Side BQA

Author: Brittany Brewer

Major Program: Beef

With recent changes and adaption to technology in the beef industry producers want to be made aware of best standard practices for their farms. Agriculture remains a very controversial industry to the public, so animal husbandry is always at the forefront of every producers mind. To combat these issues we hosted a Chute Side BQA. Here producers go to hear from industry professionals, and get hands on experience implementing new management tactics.  43 producers attended the Chute Side

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