Developing McLean CountyPlan of Work
McLean County CES
Developing McLean County
Community and Economic Development
Agents Involved:
Amanda Dame, Gabby Seymour
Building Healthy Coalitions
Sustainable Agriculture
Agritourism Planning
Community Strategic Planning
McLean County has a low per capita income. There is a need to assist small businesses and farm families with training to remain economically viable. Tourism has potential for growth. Our clientele feel it is important for Cooperative Extension to address and facilitate community and economic development, especially in the areas of bringing the community together, civic pride, and communication of like-minded organizations.
Long-Term Outcomes:
McLean County will be a healthy, active, safe and economically sustainable community built on its natural and human assists.
Residents will find employment, consumer, residential and recreational choices that reflect their needs and interest, while visitors will come for the natural resources based amenities and small town history.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Health networks and coalitions are strengthen though training, education and increased community engagement.
McLean County Residents become aware of ways to improve
Initial Outcomes:
An increase in community member and coalition awareness of opportunities and challenges working with new and established health networks in the Green River Area.
Increased knowledge and utilization of local health services by rural residents.
Initial Outcome:
Indicator: An increase in community member and coalition awareness of opportunities and challenges working with new and established health networks in the Green River Area.
Method: Community forums, listening sessions, number of new coalition members, and number of new formal collaborations created.
Timeline: 3-6 weeks
Outcome: Intermediate
Indicator: Health networks and coalitions are strengthen though training, education and increased community engagement. Increased knowledge and utilization of local health services by rural residents.
Method: Observation, group discussion, surveys
Timeline:6 months to one year
Intermediate Outcome:
Indicator: An Increase in community member’s involvement within the health coalition and an increase in new members.
Method: Observation, group discussions, surveys
Timeline: 6 months to one year
Long-term Outcome:
Indicator: An increase in the number of agriculture and Agri-tourism based businesses and organizations in the county that provide job opportunities and economic growth for McLean County.
Method: Visual Observation, Chamber of Commerce Reports,
Timeline:2-4 Years
Outcomes: Long term
Indicator: McLean County health coalition will be actively involved and sustainable.
Method: Visual Observation, Chamber of Commerce Reports,
Timeline:2-4 Years
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: General Public, Local Businesses and Entrepreneurs
Project or Activity: Extension Programming
Content or Curriculum: Opportunities in Agri-tourism & Agri-business
Inputs: Extension Programming, Publications, CEDIK, KDA, Chamber of Commerce, KY GOAP, County Ag Development Council
Date: June 2017 through July 2018
Audience: McLean County Public
Project or Activity: Community Development Programs
Content or Curriculum: Providing learning opportunities for developing and Executing Community Development Plans that were outlined during the County Visioning sessions
Inputs: CEDIK, Agents, Specialist, Pubs
Date: August through December 2017
Audience: McLean County Healthy Coalition
Project or Activity: Facilitation and training
Content or Curriculum: KELD and Systems Policy’s and Environment
Inputs: CEDIK, agents, specialist, UK publications
Date: August 2017- June 2018
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment