Natural Resources and the Environment Plan of Work
Bullitt County CES
Natural Resources and the Environment
Natural Resources & the Environment
Agents Involved:
Samantha Gamblin, Tori Riehemann, Lorilee Kunze, Nathan Rider, Ruth Chowning
Farm Management, Economics and Policy
Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Cook Wild Kentucky
Bullitt County is a rapidly urbanizing county with diminishing traditional agriculture. This continual rapid increase in the suburban population has led to a large non-rural population that has limited knowledge of rural environments, natural resources, and sustaining those for future generations. Local leadership identified a need for educational programming in this area to help protect and beautify our county's natural resources.
This continual rapid increase in the suburban population in Bullitt County is resulting in a steady decrease in the agricultural utilization of its land. As a result, education and information in the fields of small farming, farm succession, home horticulture and urban gardening is severely lacking in suburban areas. Due to this dynamic there is an increasing need for educational assistance on natural resources and environmental issues throughout Bullitt County.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Participants will practice sustainable gardening and agriculture production practices and have less negative impact on the environment.
Participants will gain gardening skills to promote health and wellness.
Participants will improve herd/flock management and livestock quality and wellbeing.
Participants will be able to teach others how to properly fish, hunt, and cook wild game in Kentucky.
Participants will improve forest land management and improve livelihoods through working forests.
Participants will improve curb appeal and energy efficiency of their homes through their landscape.
Participants will improve overall health and wellness by being more active in outdoor activities.
Participants will test soil and continue monitoring soil health to improve production and sustainability.
Youth will be advocates for agriculture and healthy and sustainable food systems.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Participants will increase access to healthy food via local Farmer’s Market, food retailers and home gardens.
Participants will use fewer pesticides, improve pesticide safety, and become certified applicators.
Participants will implement herd/flock management techniques.
Participants will implement improved pasture/forage crop management techniques.
Participants will implement hunting and fishing skills on private or public land and cook wild game at home.
Participants will learn about opportunities to generate income from forest land while maintaining healthy forest ecosystems.
Participants will improve their current landscape by practicing learned skills.
Participants will improve production of homegrown fruits and vegetables.
Participants will test their soil.
Participants will increase involvement in local beekeeping association.
Participants will increase the number of hives in county.
Participants will decrease number of hives lost to disease and other factors.
Youth will practice and apply skills and knowledge in the production of food.
Initial Outcomes:
Students will improve food and nutrition-related knowledge and skills through simple gardening.
Participants will increase knowledge of grazing and producing high quality cattle, sheep, goats, poultry, and other livestock.
Participants will increase their awareness of fishing, hunting, and cooking wild game.
Participants will increase their awareness of tapping maple trees for sap, improving timber stands, and promoting healthy forest ecosystems.
Participants will gain skills about gardening.
Participants will gain knowledge about proper use and handling of pesticides and pesticide safety.
Participants gain knowledge about soil health and soil testing.
Participants will gain knowledge about identifying insects.
Participants will reduce stress through gardening.
Participants will increase their knowledge of beekeeping.
Participants will increase their knowledge of agricultural best management practices.
Youth will gain an understanding of healthy and sustainable food systems.
Youth will practice and apply skills and knowledge in the production of food.
Outcome: Growing food at home
Indicator: Number of students who report using knowledge and skills to plant, care for and grow vegetables
Method: Self-reported survey; parent reported behaviors
Timeline: Pre- post program and 3-month follow-up
Outcome: Increase agriculture production and profitability
Indicator: Higher production and increased profits
Method: Self-reporting, observation
Timeline: Pre and Post program, year-to-year over the next 5 years
Outcome: Increase livestock health and wellbeing and improve pasture/forage crop management
Indicator: Higher production and increased profits
Method: Self-reporting, observation
Timeline: Pre and Post program, year-to-year over the next 5 years
Outcome: Increase knowledge of fishing and hunting in KY
Indicator: Increase in people fishing and hunting in Bullitt County
Method: Self-reporting, observation
Timeline: Pre- and Post- trainings, 1-year follow-up
Outcome: Increase knowledge of forest ecosystems and opportunities in working forests
Indicator: Increase in people tapping trees, sustainably harvesting timber, protecting forest ecosystems
Method: Self-reporting, observation
Timeline: Pre- and Post- trainings, 1-year follow-up
Intermediate Outcome: Participants follow through with soil test and amend soil properly
Indicator: Soil test submission and follow up phone call
Method: Written and oral
Timeline: July 2023 - June 2024
Long Term Outcome: Participants continues to monitor soil health and use integrated methods to improve soil health
Indicator: Repeated soil testing and follow up
Method: Written and oral
Timeline: July 2023 - June 2024
Intermediate Outcome: Participants will be able to select tree varieties for home plantings. They will gain better fruit tree management skills.
Indicator: Tree plantings and health of est. trees
Method: Observed and verbal
Timeline: July 2023 - June 2024
Intermediate Outcome: Participants gain knowledge of how to plant more functional and efficient landscapes and gardens
Indicator: Pre/post survey
Method: Written, verbal
Timeline: July 2023 - June 2024
Initial Outcome: Participants gain knowledge about identifying insects
Indicator: Pre/Post Test
Method: Written
Timeline: July 2023 - June 2024
Initial Outcome: Participants gain knowledge about beekeeping
Indicator: Pre/Post survey
Method: Verbal
Timeline: July 2023 - June 2024
Outcome: Youth will practice and apply skills and knowledge in the production of food
Indicator: Helping adults or parents maintain a garden, maintaining own garden
Method: Written evaluation, youth and parent testimonials
Timeline: On-going
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: General Public
Project or Activity: Gardening class for Tomatoes and Peppers
Content or Curriculum: UK horticulture publications, SNAP Ed resources, Organ Annie curriculum
Inputs: Volunteers, community partners, SNAP Ed Toolkit, FCS Agent
Date: Fall 2023, Spring 2024
Audience: Livestock Producers
Project or Activity: Small Ruminant Profit School Continuing Education
Content or Curriculum: UK Publications, Guest Speakers
Inputs: ANR Agent, Extension Specialist, Community Partners
Date: July 2023 - June 2024
Audience: Livestock Producers
Project or Activity: Master Grazer Program
Content or Curriculum: UK Publications, Guest Speakers
Inputs: ANR Agent, Extension Specialist, Community Partners
Date: July 2023 - June 2024
Audience: General Public
Project or Activity: Hook and Cook, Field to Fork
Content or Curriculum: KY Fish and Wildlife Programs, Field to Fork, Home Meat preparation, Cook Wild KY
Inputs: KY Fish and Wildlife Staff, ANR Agent, FCS Agent, Extension Specialists, UK Resources
Date: July 2023 to June 2024
Audience: Bullitt County General Public
Activity: Gardening Season Series
Content: UK Publications, gardening curriculum
Inputs: Various plants and demonstrative materials, volunteers, agents, specialists
Date: July 2023 - June 2024
Audience: Producers, General Public
Activity: Fruit Production Series
Content or Curriculum: UK Publications, local expert
Inputs: UK Publications, grafting equipment, root stock, specialists
Date: July 2023 - June 2024
Audience: General Public
Activity: Homeowners’ Toolbox Series
Content or Curriculum: UK Publications
Inputs: KY Dept. of Forestry Publications, UK Publications
Date: July 2023 to June 2024
Audience: General Public
Activity: Biodiversity Series
Content or Curriculum: UK Publications
Inputs: KY Dept. of Forestry Publications
Date: July 2023- June 2024
Audience: General Public
Activity: Beekeeping Series Classes
Content or Curriculum: UK Publications, local experts
Inputs: KY Dept. of Forestry Publications, UK Publications, state and local associations, Hort Agent, Ag Agent
Date: July 2023- June 2024
Audience: Youth- All Ages
Activity: School Garden and Nutrition Initiative
Content or Curriculum: UK Publications, local expert
Inputs: KY Dept. of Forestry Publications, UK Publications, state and local associations, Extension Staff
Date: July 2023 - June 2024
Audience: Forest Landowners
Project or Activity: Master Logger, Maple Syrup Class, Mushroom Production Class
Content or Curriculum: UK Publications, Master Logger curriculum
Inputs: KY Dept. of Forestry Publications, UK Publications, state and local associations, Hort Agent, Ag Agent and Extension Specialists
Date: July 2023 - June 2024
Success Stories
Veterinary Pop-up Clinic Returns for Improved Large Animal Animal Health in Bullitt County
Author: Nathan Rider
Major Program: Animal Disease
Across Kentucky, limited access to large animal veterinarians has posed a significant challenge for livestock farmers. The few large animal veterinarians providing services in the Bullitt County area have limited time or longer travel distances and charge higher fees. To help reduce the cost and burden of finding a quality veterinarian, the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service in Bullitt County partnered with Jewett Borden’s Cedar Creek Beef Company to establish a recu
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"Kentucky First Farm" Program Helps Beginning Farmers Find Their Way
Author: Nathan Rider
Major Program: Small Farm Management
Beginning farmers, market gardeners, and landowners frequently find themselves overwhelmed by all of the parts of establishing an agricultural business. To support these community members, the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service offered the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program called "Kentucky First Farm" in Bullitt County. The program was funded through USDA/NIFA award # 2021-7033-35706. The mission of Kentucky First Farm is to empower aspiring farmers acr
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Greenhouse to Table
Author: Samantha Gamblin
Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources
The problem/The educational program responseEducate youth of the steps involved in getting food from a farm to a table through our greenhouseInstruct youth that farming teaches them life skills like raising food, working hard, communication, caring for othersHelp low-income youth gain access to nutritious fruits and vegetables. Help lower food insecurity by increasing access to this garden and learning how to do it for themselves. The participants/target audienceYouth in grades 4th and 5th
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Growing Hot Peppers to Make Hot Sauce
Author: Lorilee Kunze
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Bullitt County community members have lost essential skills in growing their own food, don't know where their food comes from, and are seeking satisfaction, exercise, therapy and family activity in growing and producing their own food. Also, food costs are increasing and people want to grow their own produce at home.In response, we thought it would be a fun and informative activity to teach people how to grow their own peppers and make hot sauce. Craft foods are very popular at t
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Camp Recruitment
Author: Samantha Gamblin
Major Program: Camping
After a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Kentucky 4-H Youth Development’s Summer Camp program welcomed a record-breaking 13,600 participants. “Three years ago, we made the tough decision to cancel our summer camp program because of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Joey Barnard, 4-H Youth Development extension principal camping specialist. “Setting a new camp attendance record this soon after having to close our camp gates tells us that youth need a
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Small Ruminant Bootcamp and Parasitology Clinic Helps Producers Improve Herd Health
Author: Nathan Rider
Major Program: Small Ruminants (includes sheep, goats) and Exotic animals
Farmers attend a hybrid event with online videos, classroom learning, and hands-on training.Sheep and goats are a popular livestock choice on small farms across Kentucky. Raised for their fiber, meat, and milk, they are practical, versatile, relatively docile animals. However, many beginning farmers are unaware of how susceptible sheep and goats can be to parasites. Properly identifying signs of parasitic infection, managing grazing for disease prevention, and treating livestock for effective pa
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Earth Day "Renew and Restore" Program
Author: Lorilee Kunze
Major Program: Water and Soil Quality and Conservation

Bullitt County residents need resources for renewal, relaxation, health care and environmental stewardship. This program brought many partners, community organizations and businesses together on Earth Day to provide one place for county residents to access services and get to know the resources in their community. Our county Extension partnered with Circle of Harmony and Health, BlueOval SK, WestRock, Mayor's Office of Sustainability, Insuramax, Columbia Employee Store in Shepher
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Beekeepers Become Private Pesticide Applicators to Improve Bee Health in Bullitt County
Author: Nathan Rider
Major Program: Beekeeping
Honey production in Kentucky was valued at approximately $1.2 million in 2021 according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. However, that data does not even include the thousands of backyard beekeepers with less than 5 hives who also sell honey across the state. Further, the economic value of beekeeping goes far beyond just the sale of honey as bees across the United States provide pollination services valued at $15-20 billion nationwide each year.While recent improvements in b
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Master Gardener Plant Sale
Author: Lorilee Kunze
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Bullitt County is a community adjacent to Louisville and it is extremely hard to engage community members in educational events at the Extension office. For the past decade, the Annual Master Gardener Plant Sale has an innovative and fun way to get new people in to Extension and involved in other Extension Programs.The Plant Sale itself is an excellent draw to the community and a great marketing tool This past year the sale hosted 51 booths of local farmers, nurseries, artisan
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment