4-H Youth Development - Family and Consumer SciencePlan of Work
Campbell County CES
4-H Youth Development - Family and Consumer Science
4-H Youth Development Education
Agents Involved:
Prim, Farley, Agnew, Neltner, Butsch, New
Family and Consumer Science
21st Century Skills (Career & Workplace Development)
As we progress in to the 21st century a number of factors have gained prevalence within Family and Consumer Science driven by the increase of online and mobile shopping, the rise of video based at home tutorials, and the shifting family structures as evident by 17% of stay-at-home parents being fathers. The ever-changing landscape of the family and the consumer highlights the need for a responsive and innovative FCS program while also providing the basic needs that all families have as they navigate through many challenges. Kentucky 4-H seeks to meet these needs through working with youth and families in a variety of situations to increase their consumer awareness, financial management, nutrition, culinary arts, textiles, housing, and human development. Adopting basic life skills related to family and consumer sciences enable youth to gain basic employability skills, knowledge of workplace etiquette, and good budgeting habits. A recent study found that 71% of parents surveyed have reluctance discussing financial matters with their kids (T. Rowe Price 2016 Parents, Kids, and Money Survey).
Long-Term Outcomes:
Youth participants will make better decisions about academic achievement, economic success, and overall career related choices. Youth will be responsible & contributing individuals and family members. Youth will gain & maintain employment through life skill development.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Youth will practice responsible consumer and financial decision-making. They will adopt habits and skills that contribute toward employability in the future. They will make choices that lead to responsible and beneficial results.
Initial Outcomes:
Youth will gain the knowledge and skills to make the best decisions related to academic and career choices. Participants aspire to go beyond original plan for education and/or level of employment. They will understand the decision-making process.
Long-Term Outcome: Youth participants will make better decisions about academic achievement, economic success, and overall career related choices.
Indicator: Measured through evaluation and verbal assessments
Method: Post Evaluation and observations
Timeline: throughout the program and end of program
Intermediate Outcome: Youth will use practical information focusing on: communication, positive first impressions, career options, resume writing and interviewing skills.
Indicator: Measured through observation and evaluation from teachers and agents before, during and after program.
Method: Post Evaluation and observations
Timeline: throughout the program and end of program
Initial Outcome: Youth will gain the knowledge and skills to make the best decisions related to academic and career choices. Participants aspire to go beyond original plan for education and/or level of employment.
Indicator: Measured through observation and evaluation from teachers and agents before, during and after program.
Method: Post Evaluation and observations
Timeline: throughout the program and end of program
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Elementary School Students
Project or Activity: Dollars and Sense
Content or Curriculum: UK curriculum
Inputs: Paid staff, volunteers, high school students, district board funds, school facilities, family resource centers.
Date: Spring 2024
Audience: Middle and High School Students
Project or Activity: Reality Store
Content or Curriculum: UK curriculum
Inputs: Paid staff, volunteers, high school students, district board funds, school facilities, youth service centers.
Date: Fall 2023, Spring 2024
Success Stories
Sensory Santa at the Fairgrounds
Author: Kellsey Agnew
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Identified as a need in the Alexandria area, in early November the community of Alexandria came together to host an event for families of children with special needs. Campbell County Extension participated in Sensory Santa at the Fairgrounds, with the help of Campbell County’s Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, Campbell County 4-H hosted a table where attendees we able to make an ornament as a part of the day's activities. In collaboration with several other community partners fa
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4-H Sewing Series expanding
Author: Sherri Farley
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
The problemThe successful 4-H Sewing Series, under the leadership of volunteer Stacey, grew to 8 4-H'ers this fall. One of the participant's mothers assisted with the youth each week. This was a 6 part series, the youth made a hair scrungie, pillowcase, and ended the series with a pair of holiday elastic waist pants. The youth all felt much more capable and comfortable using a sewing machine after the series ended.The educational program responseStacey used the 4-H Sewing Curriculu
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4-H Dollars and Sense at Woodfil Elem
Author: Sherri Farley
Major Program: 21st Century Skills (Career & Workplace Development)
The problemWoodfill Elementary School in Ft Thomas began working with the Campbell County Extension office in 2022, when the Horticulture team helped the 3rd grade teachers implement an idea to have their students grow microgreens & sell them at a local farmer's market. When the students began handling money at the market, the teachers realized the students did not have much experience or understanding about money management. The educational program responseThis year, they reached o
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Inclusive Basic Kitchen Skills Program
Author: Kellsey Agnew
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Every young person should be provided the opportunity to develop skills needed for everyday life. After collaborating with Campbell County School’s District Wide Teacher of the Visually Impaired and one of Campbell County Middle School’s Special Education Teachers a new program was designed to teach basic kitchen skills to students in the special education program at Campbell County Middle School. Campbell County 4-H provided equipment, ingredients, and education. All necessary adapt
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment