Empowering Community & Extension LeadersPlan of Work
Ballard County CES
Empowering Community & Extension Leaders
Ballard County Leadership, Community and Economic Development
Agents Involved:
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
Master Clothing Volunteer
Champion Food Volunteers
Building the capacity of volunteer leaders is critical for the sustainability of communities that support and strengthen families. Family and Consumer Sciences Extension is committed to engaging, educating, and empowering local citizens to investigate issues, make responsible decisions, and take ownership of solutions.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Ballard County's health and economy are strengthened through strong local organizational leadership.
Community problems are solved through active engaged local leaders.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Implementation of leadership practices designed to improve successful accomplishment of organizational goals and objectives.
Employing effective practices designed to increase community support for improving community quality of life.
Initial Outcomes:
Developing skills and knowledge designed to improve personal leadership capacity
Initial Outcome: Ballard Countians increase knowledge and skills in personal leadership
Indicator: number of people who indicate a change in knowledge and skills
Method: Pre and Post test
Timeline: Homemaker Leader Training in August & other training throughout
the program year
Intermediate Outcome: Implement leadership practices designed to improve successful accomplishment of organizational goals and objectives.
Indicator: the number of people who:
-practice personal leadership skills in clubs, and community outreach
-improved skills in communication, problem solving, or group
process in addressing organizational issues and needs
-apply skills to assess needs, develop programs and implement
solutions for community problems
Method: observation at leader led programs, activities and events
Timeline: organizational leader training throughout program year, July
Long-term Outcome: Community problems are solved through active engaged local
Indicator: number of problems solved
Method: observation
Timeline: 6 months after implementation plans are initiated
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Ballard County Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: Annual Leader Training
Content or Curriculum: KEHA
Inputs: KEHA power point, Kim Henken
Date: August
Audience: Ballard County Extension Homemaker Lesson Leaders
Project or Activity: Monthly Learning Session
Content or Curriculum: FCS
Inputs: District FCS agents, Specialist, Homemaker Leaders, Extension Office
Date: August - May
Audience: COMPASS Ballard County's Healthy Direction Coalition
Project or Activity: Quarterly meetings
Content or Curriculum: Promoting Ballard County Community Health
Inputs: Purchase District Health Dept. Cooperative Extension Agents, Purchase Area Health Connections Coalition,
Date: Quarterly
Project or Activity:
Success Stories
Purchase Area MCV Hospice Quilt Project
Author: Sarah Drysdale
Major Program: Master Clothing Volunteer

The overall goals for the Master Clothing Volunteer (MCV) Program are, to reach, teach, and involved community clientele to affect behavior change and improve family living. To provide in-depth ongoing educational opportunities for volunteers enrolled in the program. To train volunteers who can help local Cooperative Extension professionals with planning, implementing, and evaluating educational programs in clothing. Finally, to expand current educational offerings and increase outreach opportun
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Women in Ag Seminar 2023
Author: Sarah Drysdale
Major Program: Community Leadership Development

On the average 76 % of all the land in the four river counties is in crop production. Three of the four counties Ballard, Carlisle, and Fulton County have over 33 million in average crop sales. Hickman County sells over 56 million in crop sales. In all four counties, there is an average of 24.75% female farm operators. Our program this year for the Women in Ag Conference was to concentrate on Women’s Leadership in Agriculture-presented by Dr. Kristie Guffey. J
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Leadership Paducah Etiquette Lesson
Author: Sarah Drysdale
Major Program: Community Leadership Development

Ballard County FCS agent graduated from the inaugural Leadership West Kentucky class in May of 2023. Head Coordinator for Leadership West Kentucky was Mrs. Sandra Wilson. She is also the coordinator for Leadership Paducah, she had asked Ballard County FCS agent if she would be an informational session over Manners and Etiquette to Leadership Paducah class 37 in September of 2023. Research shows that manners and etiquette are important and beneficial especially as we interact and build strong rel
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2024 Leadership Ballard Class Manners and Etiquette
Author: Sarah Drysdale
Major Program: Community Leadership Development

The Leadership Ballard Program is a partnership between the Ballard County Middle School and Extension Office. For school year 2022-2023 Leadership Ballard had eighteen students that were peer-elected to take part in the program. For the 2023-2024, school year students had to submit an application to be accepted into the program. There are thirty-three students in the Leadership Ballard Program this year. Throughout the year, they have lessons on Team Building, Communications, Leadership Styles,
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment