Ballard County's Plan for the FuturePlan of Work

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Ballard County CES

Ballard County's Plan for the Future
Ballard County Leadership, Community and Economic Development
Agents Involved:
Paula Jerrell, Tom Miller, FCS Agent
Community Strategic Planning

In the last few months, the major employer in Ballard County has completely shut down after over 40 years as a first rate employer. The major employer in McCracken County and the second largest employer of Ballard County workers has greatly reduced its operations over the past few year. The new 4 lane highway 60 has been stopped at the Ballard County line for almost 10 years completely halting expansion or new building in our major towns that may be bypassed.  The road discussion is picking up again.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Employment opportunities for citizens of Ballard County will improve as new employment options become available. Economic growth will improve with the completion of a new 4 lane road through the county.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Ballard County Citizens will develop a plan to address employment opportunities in the future and to address the funding and route of new 4 lane highway 60 through the county.

Initial Outcomes:

Ballard County citizens will recognize the impact that the latest plant closing will have on all economic activity in Ballard County.

Ballard County Citizens will have input on setting the direction for the next few years


Initial Outcome: Participants will have input

Indicator: # of participants

Method: participant survey

Timeline: at conclusion of each listening session

Intermediate Outcome: Ballard County Plan will be developed

Indicator: Finished Plan

Method: participant survey

Timeline: 2018-19

Long-term Outcome: Employment opportunities will improve

Indicator: lower unemployment rate

Method: use state and federal statistics on unemployment

Timeline: 2019-20

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Ballard County Citizens

Project or Activity: Needs assessment and SWOT analysis

Content or Curriculum: Current needs vs Future needs

Inputs: CED faculty as moderators, Ballard Extension Agents Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Board

Date: Throughout 2019-20

Audience: Ballard County Citizens

Project or Activity: Develop opportunities based results of listening sessions

Content or Curriculum: Strategic Plan Development

Inputs: CED faculty as moderators, Ballard Extension Agents Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Board

Date: 2020


Project or Activity:

Content or Curriculum:



Success Stories

Ballard County Bridge Replacement

Author: Thomas Miller

Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership - ANR

Ballard County Bridge Replacement

Like many rural counties in Kentucky, Ballard County has a problem with bridges on secondary roads and their ability to withstand larger and larger farm equipment, grain truck traffic and general decay from years of service.Tom Miller, Ballard County Agent for Ag and Natural Resources attended the Ky Soybean Board Promotion Day at Murray State University in January 2023.  Mike Steenhoek,  Executive Director of the Soy Transportation Coalition, gave a presentation on “Top 20 innov

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