7. Community and 4-H Leadership DevelopmentPlan of Work
Morgan County CES
7. Community and 4-H Leadership Development
Sustaining Leadership & Community Vitality in Morgan County
Agents Involved:
all agents
Communications and Expressive Arts
Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development
Community Leadership Development
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD): Developing Core Leadership Skills
Situation: Leadership is a growing need in our changing rura lcounty. With the trend of Morgan County population growth declining there is a stronger need to develop leaders of all ages. Morgan County CES feels it is important to focus and provide opportunities for youth and families to help improve their leadership ability and create a positive impact on their future. Morgan County need more youth/adult with basic leadership knowledge and skills which will carry over into almost any field and are essential when working with/in a group or communicating with others. The development of leadership skills are crucial today as employers are looking for more and more employeesthat can take the lead.
Long-Term Outcomes:
•Communities are equipped with competent, effective leaders
•Community members engage other develop local projects/initiatives
•Civic engagement is desired by community members
•Communities become more prosperous
Intermediate Outcomes:
*Youth put skills into practice by becoming more engaged, and taking on more leadership roles
•Youth and adult participants will improve skills in communication or problem solving in addressing community issues and needs
•Youth and adult participants will participants become more engaged in non-formal leadership roles which increases involvement/action
•Youth and adult participants will participants initiate projects that meet the needs of their community
•Youth and adult participants will are inclusive of all individuals
•Youth and adult participants will volunteer and participate in community service
•Youth and adult participants will engage in civic involvement
•Youth and adult participants will maintain future intentions for civic engagement
Initial Outcomes:
*Youth and adult participants will increase knowledge of effective leadership skills
•Youth and adult participants will develop/enhance leadership skills and communication abilities
•Youth and adult participants will be informed of community systems, are better connected to communication networks, are more confident and skills in identifying and implementing strategies for change in their community (local/state/national/global)
Outcome: Participants become more engaged as a leader in their community (planning a service project, serving as a mentor, increasing participation in local/state/national levels)
Indicator: Participants plan a community service project in their community; Participants report they serve as a mentor for a younger participant; Participants serve as leaders within their club or county programs; Participants serve in a state or national leadership position
Method: Number of participants who served as group leaders or officers (PRACTICE); Number of participants who received education related to diversity and inclusivity (KOSA); Number of participants who serve as direct mentors (SEEC)
Timeline: Upon completion of formal programs
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Teen Club Members
Activity: Leadership Development
Curriculum: 4-H Leadership In Club meetings. Trainings for Camp and Teen Conference
Inputs: 4-H agent, 4-H Council and Teen Club
Date: ongoing August 2022– July 2023Audience: Selected Teens grades 9-12
Activity: Teen Leadership Academy
Content/Curriculum: 4-H Leadership/Citizenship
Inputs: 4-H Agent, Teen Club
Date: October 2022-May 2023
Audience: Female Farmers
Project or Activity: Women in Agriculture
Content or Curriculum: FarmHer series, SAWG, Farmer Appreciation Grant
Inputs: leadership materials; ANR Agent
Date: Fall, 2023Audience: New and potential CEC members
Project or Activity: County Extension Council Community Support Activities
Content or Curriculum: CEDIK initiatives, recognition
Inputs: agents training; all agents
Date: ongoing
Audience: Volunteers
Project or Activity: County/Area Work Days
Content or Curriculum: Volunteers get together as determined by their Co. Agent to work on service projects
Inputs: FCS & 4-H Agents or other Volunteers
Date: on-going
Audience: Morgan County Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: KEHA Officer and Chairman Training / County KEHA Kickoff/ Officer and Chairman Training
Content or Curriculum: KEHA Training Toolkit, KEHA Manual, KEHA Website
Inputs: KEHA County officers and FCS Agent County
Date: Annually each fall 2022
Audience: Family & Consumer Sciences Advisory Council
Project or Activity: Committee meetings, program planning
Content or curriculum: KELD and leadership materials
Inputs: FCS Agent, State Advisors
Date: October 2022 & April 2023
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: Speeches and Demonstrations
Content or Curriculum: Communications Curriculum
Inputs: Teachers, FRC Directors and Teen Council, 4-H agent
Date: Fall 2022-Spring 2023Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: Visual Arts
Content or Curriculum: Photography Basics, KET Toolkit
Inputs: specialist and club leaders , 4-H agent
Date: Fall 2023
Success Stories
4-H Teen Leadership
Author: Kimberly Lane
Major Program: Leadership
4-H Teen Leadership has always been valued in Morgan County during the past 15 program years. However, this year the program year started off with leadership roles in place and filled with the best possible leaders. The teen club members who wanted to be officers filled out an application back in May and then were to be slated into positions. Due to time restrictions the teens who applied for positions met and discussed the roles and placed themselves into leadership roles. &nb
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4-H Environmental Day Camp
Author: Kimberly Lane
Major Program: Natural Resources

Morgan County 4-H Council has partnered with the Family Resource Center Directors, and four Elementary school staff for the past twelve years to provide an educational environmental overnight camping program for all 4th graders in Morgan County. This partnership was developed to provide hands on applicable learning experiences for all 4th graders. However, Covid has altered this experience for Morgan County youth. After several planning meetings the decision to move forward, the over
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New Morgan County Master Gardeners in Training Making a Community Difference Already!
Author: Sarah Fannin
Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

The Kentucky Master Gardener Program is an intensive fourteen-week series of horticultural and leadership classes to train new volunteers to be better gardeners, stewards of the land, and community leaders. Each person who completes the program must return 40 hours of community service through the Cooperative Extension Service during the first year after the completion of the program and 20 hours each year after that. Morgan County CES is thrilled to have 28 students currently in trai
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2023 Teen Conference
Author: Kimberly Lane
Major Program: Leadership

The 99th Annual Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference was held at the University of Kentucky June 13-16, 2023. The objectives of Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference are: develop leadership and teamwork skills, improve communication skills, foster civic engagement, expand knowledge and skills related to 4-H core content areas, gain club, county and state 4-H program skills, have fun, create a sense of belonging, expand social skills through networking, develop youth-adult partnerships, and become acquainte
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment