1. Local Foods Grow Local DollarsPlan of Work
Morgan County CES
1. Local Foods Grow Local Dollars
Supporting Small Businesses to Create Jobs for Morgan County
Agents Involved:
Local Food Systems
Economic Development
Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development
Situation: The local food movement bridges the gap between farmers, foodies and consumers. Small farms produce most of Kentucky’s agriculture and farmers markets have seen an increase in numbers and consumption over the past ten years. By training and certifying farmers, gardeners, and food entrepreneurs – Morgan Countians can have greater access to local, healthy food while producing income. Starting with washing produce, growing produce safely, home baking, and micro processing, can lead to more commercial production. Extension leaders recognize existing resources that can be further developed to help grow such opportunities.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Long-term Outcomes: *Increased access to locally produced food & the variety and amount of locally produced products increased
Intermediate Outcomes:
INTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES: Use of Extension trainings to increase food production and safety * Earn certification to distribute or sell raw and processed foods *Apply marketing opportunities and alternate payment methods
Initial Outcomes:
*Recognize required food growing, handling and processing safety practices *Recognize and explore opportunities for local markets *Develop marketing skills and plans
Outcome: Increased access to local foods
Indicator: increased use of vouchers and Double Dollars Method: producers’ reports
Timeline: Fall, 2022Outcome: Increased availability of safely produced products Indicator: numbers of those attending approved trainings Method: observation
Timeline: Spring, 2023
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Farmers Market members, food entrepreneurs?Project or Activity: certifications
Content or Curriculum: GAP, FSMA, WIC, SRFMP, Food Handlers, HBMP
Inputs: KDA and federal training programs, CCD, ANR & FCS Agents
Date: ongoingProject or Activity: COOK WILD
Content or Curriculum: Cook Wild recipes Inputs: Hunters for the Hungry, local volunteers, food pantries, all agents
Date: resume Fall, 2022Project or Activity: Market in the Park
Content or Curriculum: marketing, leadership
Inputs: farmers market members, CEC members, all agentsDate: Fall, 2022
Project or Activity: Buy Local Campaign Content or Curriculum: SBDC
Inputs: CEDIK , all agents
Date: December 2022Project or Activity: Value-Added Sorghum Content or Curriculum: Marketing, Youth and Adult Contests
Inputs: Food Innovation Center, KCARD
Date: Fall 2022
Success Stories
Torrential Rain Doesn’t Damper Success of 11th Annual Morgan County Market in the Park
Author: Sarah Fannin
Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

The year 2022 brought an unexpected weather event to the Morgan County Extension Council’s Market in Park – unprecedented rain that unfortunately led to some of the worst flooding in Eastern Ky history. Quick planning allowed the volunteers to move the event indoors to the Index Community Center. Despite such conditions, over 400 participants and 40 vendors participated.“Market in the Park” …. Or “Market in the Community Center” for this yea
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment