Youth, Adults, & FamiliesPlan of Work
Whitley County CES
Youth, Adults, & Families
Personal Growth & Leadership Development
Agents Involved:
Moses (Fine Arts), Burgard (FCS), Jones (4-H), White (ANR), Prewitt (Horticulture)
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
The average high school graduation rate of the three school systems is 97%. The county Twenty four percent of the county's 2010 census population of 35,637 is under the age of 18.According to recent data, 33% of the population is under the poverty level.
Youth and adults both need to gain skills and knowledge to assist them to have a greater understanding of their roles in improving themselves and their community. They need a better understanding of developing teamwork with their peers, better youth-adult partnerships, successfully resolve issues, and continually seek self improvement. Lifelong education and partnering is the key to helping themselves as well as their communities.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Youth, adults, and family members have increased self confidence, social & communication skills and self worth to become contributing members of society with the abilities to work with others to reach common goals.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Youth and adults will practice communication, life, and leadership skills .
Initial Outcomes:
Youth, adults, and families understand the importance of increasing their self confidence and self worth as they improve their life skills to being willing to accept and grow with change.
Initial Outcome: Youth realize program resources that improve personal life skills.
Indicator: Youth exhibit skills presented thru club meetings by participating in reinforcing events.
Method: Displaying usage of skills and resources thru participation of related events that utilize score sheets and participation.
Timeline: 2020 - 2024
Intermediate Outcome: More confident and organized preparation for events.
Indicator: Youth and adults display improved skills thru increased, repetitive, and better preparedness for event participation.
Timeline: 2020-2021
Long-term Outcome: Youth and adults exhibit life skills on a daily basis.
Indicator: Youth and adults have more confidence, better communication and social skills.
Method: Observation/survey of program participants in future extension and community events.
Timeline: 2017 and beyond.
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Middle School/High School youth
Project or Activity: SET(GPS, Rocketry, Robotics)
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum, LEGO resources
Inputs: Volunteers
Date: August-June
Audience: 4-H club members & other youth
Project or Activity: Speech
Content or Curriculum: 4-H curriculum
Inputs: Teachers, volunteers, agent
Date: Spring
Audience: 4-H club members
Project or Activity: 4-H Variety Show
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Performing Arts
Inputs: 4-H Council, agent
Audience: 4-H club members & other youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Demonstrations program
Content or Curriculum: 4-H communications curriculum
Inputs: Teachers, volunteers, agent
Date: Spring
Audience: 4-H club members
Project or Activity: 4-H Bee Keeping Essay Program
Content or curriculum: American Bee Keeping Federation & National Honey Board & Whitley County Bee Keepers Association
Inputs: Teachers, Whitley County Bee Keepers, & county 4-H council
Date: December - January
Audience: 4-H Club members
Project or Activity: 4-H Poster contest
Content or curriculum: 4-H Arts & 4-H Poster project manuel
Inputs: county 4-H council & agent
Date: October - National 4-H Week
Audience: Middle & High school 4-H age youth, adult volunteer leaders
Project or activity: Teen Summit, Teen Conference, Issues Conference
Content or curriculum: 4-H Leadership Curriculum
Input: 4-H Council, Agent
Date: November, March, June
Audience: 4-H Club members
Project or Activity: County and State Fair
Content or Curriculum: State 4-H specialists, Kentucky State Fair Catalogue, 4-H project books, county fair board, 4-H council
Input: County 4-H council, county fair board
Date: July, August
Audience:4-H project and events champions
Project or activity: annual awards program
Content or Curriculum: County 4-H council
Input: County 4-H council, previous participants
Date: August/September
Audience:4-H & community youth, adults
Project or activity: Bike Safety
Content or curriculum: National 4-H council,
Input: 4-H council, local ATV dealerships
Date: Begin Fall 2022
Audience: 4-H camp age youth
Project or Activity: 4-H camp
Content or curriculum: UK 4-H resources, American Camping Association
Input: Volunteers, counselors, campers, camp staff, agents
Date: June
Audience: 5th grade students
Project or Activity: My Government program
Content or curriculum: Leadership, Government Unit IV project book
Input: Teachers, community/government leaders, students, agent
Date: February - March
Audience: 4th grade 4-H club members
Project or Activity: Exploring My Community
Content or Curriculum: community resources, My Community government project book
Input: teachers, students community resource leaders
Date: October
Audience: Teens
Project or Activity: YELP Arts
Content or Curriculum: YELP
Inputs: Fine Arts Agent, 4-H agent, Volunteers, Locally trained Artists, teens, local businesses, community leaders
Date: Ongoing
Audience: Community Fine Arts Leaders
Project or Activity: Extension Fine Arts Council meetings
Content or Curriculum: Program Council
Inputs: Fine Arts Agent, Council Members
Audience: Community Organizations, Residents
Project or Activity: Bicycle Coalition
Content or Curriculum: Leadership and Community Planning Materials
Inputs: Agents
Date: Ongoing
Audience: Residents
Project or Activity: Community Cycling Events
Content or Curriculum: Leadership Materials
Inputs: Agents, Resident Volunteers, Community Organizations
Date: Ongoing
Audience: Local/Community Support/Resource Organizations
Project or Activity: Interagency Meetings
Content or Curriculum:
Inputs: Agents
Date: TBA
Audience: Whitley County School Teachers
Project or Activity: Professional Development for Art Teachers
Content or Curriculum: Fine Arts Classes
Inputs: Fine Arts agent
Date: ongoing
Audience: Whitley County residents and Master Gardener’s
Project or Activity: Gardener’s Toolbox
Content or Curriculum: Various gardening activities
Inputs: Horticulture, FCS, Ag, and Fine Arts agents; Demonstration garden; Extension facilities
Date: 2020-2024
Audience: Established and Aspiring Beekeepers
Project or Activity: Monthly meetings and Southeast KY Bee school
Content or Curriculum: peer to peer knowledge transfer and specialists delivering talks
Inputs: Beekeepers, specialists, Horticulture and ANR agents, and McCreary County CES, Kentucky Dept of Agriculture
Date: Monthly Meetings and School held yearly
Audience: Youth interested in gardening
Project or Activity: Junior Master Gardeners
Content or Curriculum: Junior Master Gardener's Curriculum
Inputs: Curriculum, 4-H and Horticulture agents, materials for projects
Date: 2023-2024
Audience: Professionals and Farmers interested in improving their productivity
Project or Activity: “Productivity” Group Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Support group that gives help to each other to become more productive and increase quality of life by discussing “tips and tricks” that each member uses.
Inputs: Reading materials, You and Me Coffee and Tea, Horticulture Agent
Date: 2020-2024
Audience: FFA and High School Ag students
Project or Activity: Beekeeping, Grafting, and Pruning
Content or Curriculum: UK publications and local knowledge
Inputs: Beekeepers, Horticulture Agent, Ag teachers, grafting materials, pruning materiels
Date: 2020-2024
Success Stories
4-H Country Ham Project
Author: Lisa Jones
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The 4-H Country Ham Project was created to show how meat is preserved before there was refrigeration. The project begins in early January and ends in late August. The uncured ham, or green ham, is applied with a cure mixture containing black pepper, red pepper, paprika, salt and brown sugar to the outer surface of the ham. The cure is then absorbed through the hams throughout the winter months. The hams are unwrapped, cleaned and rehung in the spring to continue their summer sweat. This is where
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Whitley County Fair- Farm & Home Exhibit Show
Author: Benjamin Prewitt
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
The Whitley County Fair has been an annual event in our community for a number of years. However, in recent years the participation involved in the fair has dwindled. The Whitley County Extension Office has taken an initiative to help support and build the Whitley County Fair back to a staple event for the folks of Whitley County. One of the ways that our office contributed was to host the Annual Farm & Home Exhibit Show at our Goldbug location for the duration of the fair. The Exhibit Show
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment