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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Healthy Lifestyle Choices in the Kitchen, the Home, and Rural LivingPlan of Work

Hancock County CES

Healthy Lifestyle Choices in the Kitchen, the Home, and Rural Living
Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Agents Involved:
Lisa Hagman 4-H, Bethony Morris, NEP

A foundation of nutrition knowledge, skills and competencies in topics such as food safety, handling and preparation, cooking methods and techniques, feeding practices, food science, and food systems are essential to changing dietary behaviors. With the increased trend of chronic disease and obesity in Kentucky, individuals, families, and communities need tools and environments that support healthful dietary decisions. CES agents are encouraged to reach diverse audiences to help combat chronic disease and obesity in Kentucky communities.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Kentucky adult obesity rates rank among the 10 highest in the US; and, Kentucky youth rank among the 10 highest for obesity in the US. Thirty percent of Kentucky adults report not participating in any physical activity. The CDC also reports Kentucky adults rank in the 10 highest for poor consumption of fruits and vegetables in the US. In addition to these health indicators, according to the US Census, approximately 19% of Kentucky’s total population is living in poverty; and, approximately 27% percent of children and youth under the age of 18 live in poverty.

The 2019 Hancock County Community Assessment survey local individuals and 106 respondents ranked 62 community issues on a scale of "very important" to "not important." The rating scale used to determine the average rating: Very Important/4, Important/3, Not That Important/2, Not Important/1. Health and Wellness ratings included: 3.61 Fewer overweight or obese youth and adults: 3.44 Better use of food safety practices (hand washing, storage, preservation, etc.): 3.41 More individual physical activity opportunities

*47% of Hancock County adult residents are obese (2014-2016: Kentucky Health Facts, Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky)

*16.3% of Hancock County adult residents are diabetic (2014-2016: Kentucky Health Facts, Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky)

*40.3% of Hancock County adult residents have hypertension (2013-2015: Kentucky Health Fact, Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky)

Long-Term Outcomes:

•Individuals will  routinely employ healthy dietary practices that promote health and wellness (e.g. consume recommended daily fruits and vegetables and improve food management skills)

• Individuals will reduce the rate of chronic disease and obesity

•Individuals will reduce their risk for nutrition-related health problems.

Intermediate Outcomes:

•Individuals engage in regular physical activity.

•Individuals demonstrate food preparation skills

•Individuals engage in good food safety practices.

Initial Outcomes:

•Individuals will describe food preparation techniques.

•Youth will be able to describe food safety practices.

•Youth and adults will recognize the importance of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.

•Youth will recognize hazardous situations and know how to avoid them.

•Generate positive attitudes toward changing dietary decisions to be more healthful.

• Increase intake of fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-dense foods

• Decrease intake of solid fats, added sugars, and sodium

• Employ healthful cooking methods, feeding practices, and food preservation techniques


Initial Outcome: Individuals will be able to identify the components of a healthy diet as defined by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting an increase in knowledge related to the components of a healthy diet.

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS reports.

Timeline: conclusion of culinary arts and afterschool club meetings

Initial Outcome: Individuals will describe food preparation techniques.

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting an increase in knowledge related to food preparation techniques.

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation, observation

Timeline: at conclusion of Culinary Arts Club

Initial Outcome: Individuals will recognize the importance of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting understanding the importance of physical activity related to a healthy diet.

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS Reports.

Timeline: September 2021

Intermediate Outcome: Individuals demonstrate food preparation skills.

Indicator: Number of individuals who implemented food preparation practices and behaviors.

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation, observation

Timeline: May 2021

Long-term Outcome:




Learning Opportunities:

Audience: 4-H Culinary Arts Club

Project or Activity: monthly club meetings: food prep, food safety, nutrition

Content or Curriculum: Super Star Chef, Plate it Up, Teen Cuisine, 4-H Poultry Barbecue, 4-H Foods Core Curriculum

Inputs: Hancock County Middle School, Hancock County High School, Hancock County Youth Services Center

Date: SPRING 2023

Audience: Afterschool 4-H Clubs

Project or Activity: monthly club meetings: healthy snacks, foods, and physical activity

Content or Curriculum: Professor Popcorn, 4-H Health Curriculum, etc.

Inputs: NHES Afterschool program, SHES Afterschool program

Date: September 2022-May 2023

Audience: Middle School 4-H Clubs

Project or Activity: Club meetings: healthy snacks, healthy lifestyle choices

Content or Curriculum: Health Rocks!, 4-H Health Curriculum

Inputs: Hancock County Middle School

Date: October 2022-April 2023

Audience: 4-H Teen Club members

Project or Activity: club meetings: distracted driving, impaired driving, healthy snacks

Content or Curriculum: 4-H foods Core Curriculum, FCS 4-H Core Curriculum

Inputs: Hancock County High School

Date: September 2022-April 2023

Audience:  4-H Cloverbud Club

Project or Activity: Monthly club meetings, healthy snacks, foods, and physical activity

Content: 4-H Health Curriculum

Inputs: Volunteer Leader

Date: September 2022-May 2023

Indirect Learning Opportunities:

•Chop Chop Magazine

•Nutrition Education Newspaper Articles

•Community Event Fairs

•Newsletter Distribution

•Website/Social Media Educational Message

•NEP Calendar Distribution

Success Stories

Ky 4-H Passport Kitchen Program

Author: Lisa Hagman

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Ky 4-H Passport Kitchen Program

The Kentucky 4-H Passport Kitchen program provided 426 young people from Kentucky the opportunity to experience the food cultures of different countries in a self-paced experience. As part of the 4-H Passport Kitchen program, young people received six country kits in the mail during a six-week window. These kits provided all the needed instructions to complete a recipe, a video explaining the recipe, one ingredient for the recipe, information about the country, and a worksheet to help them explo

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2023 Increasing Marketing Independence for Small Farms

Author: Evan Tate

Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - ANR

Small farms who raise niche crops and small scale produce are often at a disadvantage when marketing their products on a regional scale. Additionally, small operations often do not have the facilities to further process crops toward a market ready value added convenience item to further drive sales and profitablility.The Hancock Co Cooperative Extension Service has invested significant time in gathering resources for small farm operations so that these entities could move further toward sustaina

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