Financial EducationPlan of Work

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Laurel County CES

Financial Education
Securing Financial Stability
Agents Involved:
Davidson, Easley, Williams
Financial Education - General
Positive Employability
Business Retention and Expansion
Farm Management, Economics and Policy

Promote positive personal finance behaviors prepares Kentuckians for any future economic shift.  The United States has been in an extremely long period of economic expansion; however expansions are cyclical, meaning growth is eventually followed by recession.  Securing financial stability for Kentuckians will help families thrive no matter the economic outlook.  Financial stability is achieved when families are able to secure and manage resources needed to supply food, clothing, and shelter.  Through increased financial knowledge, families may be able to make wise financial decisions, increase buying power, avoid overextended credit, develop savings habits, and manage risks.

Long-Term Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes:
Initial Outcomes:

Initial Outcome:  Increased Awareness of sound financial behaviors

Indicator:  number of individuals who implemented at least one strategy to reduce expenses or manage money.  

Method:  evaluation

Timeline:  following financial management workshops

Intermediate Outcome:  Increase knowledge and skills related to managing financial resources

Indicator:  number of individuals reporting increased levels of understanding in the area: confidence in handling money issues or specific financial matters

Method:  evaluation

Timeline:  following financial management workshops

Long-term Outcome:  Increase knowledge and skills related to estate planning

Indicator:  Number of individuals who took action toward implementing at least one estate planning strategy in regard to the subject matter presented

Method:  evaluation

Timeline:  following financial management workshops

Learning Opportunities:

Audience:  KY Saves

Project or Activity: social media marketing campaign

Content or Curriculum: FCS curriculum and KY Saves

Inputs:  FCS Agent

Date:  February

Audience:  Seniors

Project or Activity:  Senior Vouchers Farmers Market Program

Content or Curriculum:  NEP

Inputs:  FCS and Horticulture Agent, EFNEP, KY Dept of AG

Date:  Summer

Audience: General Public

Project or Activity:  Small Steps to Health and Wealth

Content or Curriculum:  SSHW

Inputs:  FCS Agent and State specialists

Date:  January - June

Audience:  General Public

Project or Activity:  Money Habitudes

Content or Curriculum:  Money Habitudes

Inputs:  FCS Agent

Date:  Fall

Audience: Farmers

Activity: Farm Record book Workshop

Content or curriculum: UK publications

Inputs: Extension Agent and staff, farm record books and CD's, Volunteers, CPA,

Extension Office

Date: Winter

Audience: Adults

Activity: Integrated Pest Management

Content or curriculum: UK Publications

Inputs: Extension Agents and staff, extension Office, Volunteers

Date: Spring

Audience: Farmers

Activity: Private Pesticide Applicator Training

Content or curriculum: UK publications; Kentucky Department of Agriculture

Inputs: Extension Agents and staff, extension office,

Date: ongoing

Audience: Youth

Activity: Dollars and Sense

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Dollars and Sense curriculum

Inputs: Extension agents, staff, volunteers, materials

Date: Fall and Spring

Audience: Youth

Activity: Reality Store

Content or Curriculum: 4-H It's Your Reality

Inputs: Extension agents, staff, volunteer, materials

Date: Spring

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