Developing Youth Into Productive and Contributing CitizensPlan of Work
Green County CES
Developing Youth Into Productive and Contributing Citizens
Youth Development
Agents Involved:
Tyrone Gentry
Science, Engineering, and Technology
Civic Engagement
Preparing youth with diverse skills enhances their academic offerings and creates youth who are better prepared to be leaders, entrepreneurs, and contributors to a better community. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, 2017 STEM Jobs Update, Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workers help drive our nation’s innovation and competitiveness by generating new ideas and new companies. Employers look for leadership skills in future employees. Developing leadership in the youth and adults who are involved in the 4-H program is a priority. With these pressures upon the youth, many youths struggle with obesity, addiction, and self-esteem. 25% of youth report some form of emotional or behavioral condition and suicide rates are at a record high (KY suicides per 100,000 people: 15.3, 10th highest in the nation). By working closely with schools and communities, Kentucky 4-H Programs can provide experiential, real-world opportunities for 4-H Members, participants, and families to explore and pursue their future options while building their self-esteem and personal confidence.
Long-Term Outcomes:
- Youth will increase STEM literacy in the general population.
- Communities are equipped with competent, effective leaders.
- Successful completion of secondary programs, entry into careers of choice, and acceptance into college programs.
- Youth will develop into competent, capable, contributing adults as important developmental assets are met through their participation in 4-H programs.
- Increased number of youth maintaining positive health habits.
Intermediate Outcomes:
- Youth will adopt new methods or improved technology.
- Youth will serve as teen and adult leaders in community organizations, volunteer and participate in community service and civic engagement opportunities.
- Youth will make high school planning decisions based upon lifestyle choices and their understanding of cost of living and lifestyle choices.
- Youth will increase adoption and mastery of healthy behaviors that lead to a healthy lifestyle that includes making healthy lifestyle choices, not engaging in risky behavior, and handling stress.
Initial Outcomes:
- Youth will develop valuable life-skills, including critical thinking, problem-solving, effective communications, and leadership.
- Youth increase knowledge of effective leadership skills.
- Youth will be participants in College and Career Educational Programs.
- Youth will have an improved awareness of health concerns for youth.
- Youth increase their knowledge about leadership and how to be an effective leader, team player, and communicator.
- Initial Outcome: Youth plan and implement a Science, Engineering and Technology project (e.g., Aerospace, Electricity, Robotic etc.)
Indicator: Number of youth who indicated they are interested in learning more about science, engineering, or technology projects? (KOSA)
Method: 4-H Common Core Survey
Timeline: September and June- Intermediate Outcome: Youth become more engaged as a leader in their community (planning a service project, serving as a mentor, increasing participation in local/state/national levels).
Indicator: Youth serve in a volunteer, leadership role.
Method: 4-H Common Core Survey
Timeline: April, May- Initial Outcome: Youth will develop into competent, capable, contributing adults as important developmental assets are met through their participation in 4-H programs.
Indicator: Youth will have an increased number of positive assets.
Method: Survey using Search Institute Asset Approach
Timeline: November and March- Long Term Outcome: Youth demonstrate the necessary teamwork, leadership, and communications skills needed to be successful in the community, advanced education, and the workplace.
Indicator: Youth will be engaged in community organizations, mentoring and advancing their career aspirations.
Method: 4-H Common Core Survey
Timeline: May- Long Term Outcome: Number of youth who indicated they can use healthy life skills to make positive changes in their life.
Indicator: Youth will use skills acquired through 4-H to make positive healthy lifestyle choices.
Method: 4-H Common Core Survey
Timeline: September and May
Learning Opportunities:
- Audience: Youth in grades Pre-School and Third Grade
Project or Activity: Ag Safety Day
Content or Curriculum: Acres of Adventure, KY Farm 2 School, Home Alone, First Aid in Action, SPARK
Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, Community Leaders, Schools
Date: September- Audience: 4th-8th grades
Project or Activity: Project Days
Content or Curriculum: Computer Science, Natural Resources, Healthy Living, Robotics,
Inputs: Agent, Schools, Parks, project materials
Date: August, September, March, May- Audience: 7th Graders
Project or Activity: Financial Management and Career Planning
Content or Curriculum: Reality Check, World of Work
Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, Schools, Businesses, Community Leaders, Banks
Date: February- Audience: Youth 4th-12th grades
Project or Activity: Healthy Living Project
Content or Curriculum: Health Curriculum, Activities for Building Character and Social-Emotional Learning, Centering on Me, Keeping Fit & Healthy—Staying Healthy, SPARK After Schoo;- Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, local parks, Local Businesses
Date: January, February, May, August- Audience: Youth 4th-12th grades
Project or Activity: Global Education
Content or Curriculum: Empowering Students to Improve the World in Sixty Lessons (Version 1), 4-H Backpack to Adventure: Youth Leaders in a Global World, WeConnect: A Global Youth Citizenship Curriculum
Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, Local Businesses
Date: October, November, January, February- Audience: Youth 4-12th grades
Project or Activity: Civic Education
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Leadership Core Curriculum, Unlock Your Leadership Potential
Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, Local Businesses
Date: January, February, March, April, August, September, November
Success Stories
Youth Learn Connections to Nature, Preserving Their Communities
Author: Tyrone Gentry
Major Program: Natural Resources
One of Green County's greatest assets is our natural resources which are used for sources of income for families, production of food, recreation, and aesthetic enjoyment. These resources are gifts from previous generations and instilling the appreciation and conservation of them for future generations is an important goal for developing youth into productive citizens. Green County 4-H provides educational programming connecting youth and their families to our natural habitats. Yo
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The Passport to the World Begins at the Family Table
Author: Tyrone Gentry
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The Kentucky 4-H Passport Kitchen program provided 426 young people from Kentucky the opportunity to experience the food cultures of different countries in a self-paced experience. As part of the 4-H Passport Kitchen program, young people received six country kits in the mail during a six-week window. These kits provided all the needed instructions to complete a recipe, a video explaining the recipe, one ingredient for the recipe, information about the country, and a workshee
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Civic Engagement Creates Caring Adults
Author: Tyrone Gentry
Major Program: Leadership

Youth must understand our history, culture, and political systems in order to be participating citizens. When adults do not understand the political environment, they are less likely to be engaged with decision-makers. 4-H teaches youth leadership, parliamentary procedure, and a history appreciation that provides youth opportunities to test the waters and dream of future inspirations. Green County 4-H engaged 340 youths with practical leadership skills that taught them basic pa
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Youth Learn Stress Management Skills for Positve Mental Health
Author: Tyrone Gentry
Major Program: Health
Youths feel overwhelmed often for totally different reasons than adults, but the stress affects them in unhealthy ways just the same. For students, those stressors can show themselves as "fatigue, anxiety, depression, and poor academic performance"*. It may be the youth who is distracted. Who feel unconfident in themselves. Who avoids positive opportunities. 4-H recognizes that all of these contribute to preventing youth from being successful.Green County 4-H or
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Youth Solve Renewable Wind Energy Effeciencies
Author: Tyrone Gentry
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) is important for our youth to be successful in an ever-increasing technological society. Almost every aspect of our life is influenced, controlled, or made easier (or harder) by a STEM advancement. Some of the fastest and most profitable jobs are STEM-based; the grease monkey of the early automobiles would be hard-pressed to diagnose car problems today without the aid and knowledge of computer-based tools. STEM teaches youth to
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment