Agriculture Advancement Plan of Work
Marshall County CES
Agriculture Advancement
Workforce Preparation
Agents Involved:
Horticulture, Commercial
Marshall County has a rich history of agriculture. Today, 44% of the land in Marshall County is still in farmland. (CEDIK) According to the Extension Community Needs Assessment, Marshall County residents believe that we need more sustainability of family farmers, more qualified employees for existing and new jobs, more youth life skills training (money management, life decision making, etc.) and better youth and adult career readiness. In order to help fulfill these needs, the Marshall County Extension Agent for ANR will prioritize the following in demand areas of Marshall County agriculture:
1.) Forage and Livestock
Forages and livestock are vital to Marshall County's economy. As livestock margins tighten for these producers, management strategies that enhance forage productivity, utilization and persistence along with efforts to optimize animal performance will improve long-term viability of forage-based livestock systems in Marshall County.2.) Grain Crop Production
Grain production makes up over 17 million dollars of revenue for Marshall County yearly (CEDIK) but for the foreseeable future, grain crop production is facing a downward pressure from severe economic distress (high inputs, low commodity prices, high land rent, flooded machinery market.) Grain producers need unbiased information now more than ever.3.) Commercial Horticulture
The number of farms and acres being utilized for commercial horticulture operations continues to grow, according to the 2017 USDA Ag. Census. This is driven by consumer preference for affordable, local and fresh food. The current producers and new producers, of which the number of new producers is consistently increasing, need timely information to meet the demands of this ever changing industry.Programming in the areas listed above will help meet the community's demands for more workforce preparation for both residents currently holding and those beginning careers in agriculture in Marshall County.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Improved farm economic status
Increased long term viability
Greater enjoyment of farming
Improved budgeting, record keeping, and marketing strategies
Increased production
Increased profit margin
Reduced Risk
Minimize negative environmental impact
Improve sustainability
Expansion of Operations
Implementation of best management practices
Increased pride in business and oneself
Intermediate Outcomes:
Adopted Extension practices
Adopt new technology or try alternative/improved production methods
Implement routine soil sampling and follow soil fertility recommendations
Utilization of diagnostic services (weed ID, forage testing, disease diagnostics, insect ID, etc.)
Implementation of on-farm research and demonstrations
Develop plans (grazing plans, Ag. Water quality plans, nutrient management plans, marketing plans, business plans, etc.)
Properly treat diseases and disorders
Improve Management Strategies
Establish new marketing outlets
Improve facilities
Utilize Government programs and Grants
Practice promoting commercial agriculture to public
Initial Outcomes:
Increased awareness of:
Extension resources and recommendations
Current land grant research
Diagnostic Services
Best Management Practices
IPM- Integrated Pest Management Practices
On-farm trials
Government programs and grants
How to promote commercial agriculture to the public
Initial Outcome: Recognize the resources UK Extension has to offer.
Indicator: Participation numbers and survey responses
Method: Surveys and Sign in Sheets
Timeline: Continuous
Intermediate Outcome: Increased number of producers utilizing ExtensionIndicator: Number of tests submitted (soil ,diagnostic, forage, etc.), number of client questions, number of farm visits, etc.
Method: Agent records for reporting
Timeline: Continuous
Long-term Outcome: Improved profitability of Marshall County Farmers
Indicator: Farmer admits of having improved profitability due to Extension
Method: Communication with the farmers, surveys, etc.
Timeline: Continuous
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Marshall County's "Agriculture List"
Project or Activity: Nikki's Newsletter
Content or Curriculum: Timely updates and articles from the "inputs" below.
Inputs: UK Specialists, agents, and resources, program area newsletters (i.e. Grain crops, Forage News, etc., KY Pest News, UK Agriculture Communications Specialist's articles, KDA- Kentucky Department of Ag., USDA- United States Department of Ag., NRCS- Natural Resources Conservation Service, NEP- Nutrition Education Program articles, etc.
Date: Continuous
Audience: Current and aspiring beef and forage producers
Project or Activity: Beef Meetings/Field Days/Farm Visits
Content or Curriculum: Master's Programs (Master Grazer, Cattleman, Stocker, marketer, etc.), BQCA-Beef Quality and Care Assurance, PVAP- Post-weaning Value Added Program , BVAP- Bull Value Assessment Program, Off the Hoof Newsletter, etc.
Inputs: UK Specialists, agents, and resources, KY Cattleman's Association, Purchase Area Cattleman's Association, KDA, USDA, NRCS, etc.
Date: Adult Farmer Beef Series- Annual, Raising the Steaks Beef Meeting- Annual, others TBD
Audience: Current and aspiring livestock or forage/hay producers
Project or Activity: Forage Field Days/Workshops/Farm VisitsContent or Curriculum: UK/KSU Curriculum
Inputs: UK Specialists, agents, and resources, KY Forage and Grassland Council, Purchase Area Cattleman's Association, UK Forage News, KDA, USDA, NRCS, etc.
Date: TBD
Audience: Current and aspiring sheep and goat producers
Project or Activity: Small Ruminant Meetings/Field Days/Farm Visits
Content or Curriculum: UK/KSU curriculum and resources
Inputs: UK specialists, agents and resources, KSU, and the Kentucky Sheep and Goat Development Office
Date: TBD
Audience: Current and aspiring grain producers
Project or Activity: Grain Meetings/Field Days/Farm Visits
Content or Curriculum: UK/KSU curriculum and resources, Pesticide Applicator Trainings, CCA- Certified Crop Advisor, Field Days/Walks, demonstration plots, etc.
Inputs: UK Specialists, agents, and resources, Commodity Associations, UK Grain Newsletter, KDA, USDA, NRCS, etc.
Date: Winter Ag. Conference- Annual, Grain Growers Night Out- Annual and others are TBD
Audience: Current and aspiring commercial horticulturalists
Project or Activity: Commercial Horticulture Workshops/Field Days/Farm Visits
Content or Curriculum: UK/KSU curriculum and resources
Inputs: UK Specialists, agents, and resources, Commodity Associations, UK Grain Newsletter, KDA, USDA, NRCS, etc.
Date: TBD
Audience: Producers
Project or Activity: Research
Content or Curriculum: UK Research Reports
Inputs: Nursery Pest Research Trial, Tomato Early Blight Trial, etc.
Date: Yearly
Audience: Facebook and other media outlet followers
Project or Activity: Social Media Posts
Content or Curriculum: Timely updates and articles from the sources below.
Inputs: UK Specialists, agents, and resources, program area newsletters (i.e. Grain crops, Forage News, etc., KY Pest News, UK Agriculture Communications Specialist's articles, KDA, USDA, NEP articles, etc.
Date: Continuous
Success Stories
Cattleman Take to the Road
Author: Nicole Rhein
Major Program: Beef
Field Trip to Dixon Springs, University of Illinois Research FacilityOn Monday, August 22nd a group of beef producers traveled to the University of Illinois Dixon Springs Agricultural Center. The center is located in the southern part of the state near Simpson, Illinois. The station operates on approximately 580 acres of university-owned property, and about 4,200 acres under special use permit with the U.S. Forest Service. The Animal Sciences Department manages approximately 900 beef cows a
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Pasture Please
Author: Nicole Rhein
Major Program: Equine
On March 2nd, 2023, Extension Agriculture Agents from the Purchase and Pennyrile collaborated to offer a program entitled, "Pasture Please." This unique program offering was geared towards equine owners who manage their own pastures. The goal was to give these owners research-based recommendations pertaining to horse pasture renovation. After the drought conditions endured during the 2022 growing season, the host agents knew this topic would be in high demand. The agenda featured
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West KY Small Ruminant Field Day
Author: Nicole Rhein
Major Program: Small Ruminants (includes sheep, goats) and Exotic animals
West KY Small Ruminant Field Day ReportChadwick Sheep CompanyMay 2, 2023From forages to feet! The West KY Small Ruminant Field Day, hosted by the Marshall, McCracken, Graves and Calloway County Extension Agriculture Agents and sponsored by the Sheep And Goat Development Check-off, was a jam packed afternoon teeming with opportunities for producers to learn. Participants were enthralled with the on farm speeches and demonstrations relating to profitable small ruminant production. There were three
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Extension Beekeeper's Association Provides Mentorship for New Beekeeper
Author: Nicole Rhein
Major Program: Beekeeping

In order to meet a growing demand for apiary education in western Kentucky, Nikki Rhein, ANR Agent at the Marshall County Extension Office and Ricky Boatright, an experienced local beekeeper, collaborated to start the Clark's River Beekeeper's Association (CRBA) in April of 2021. The CRBA members have met every month since. The association consists of both novice and experienced beekeepers. Most meetings consist of an educational speaker or video, followed by an open session where member
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