Strengthening Extension and Community Leaders and Future LeadersPlan of Work
Floyd County CES
Strengthening Extension and Community Leaders and Future Leaders
Empowering Leaders and Communities
Agents Involved:
Hackworth, Coleman, Slone
Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development
Community Leadership Development
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD): Developing Core Leadership Skills
The County Councils believes it is very important to lead by example and prepare new leaders to move into the future. They believe it is necessary to provide youth and adults with leadership and personal development opportunities to grow new leaders. Leadership development plays an important role in the success of the Extension program. During our community assessment, current leaders stressed the need for more qualified leaders to prepare for the future and help solve local issues. They also want more youth leadership opportunities. Our efforts highlights the importance of leadership development for the community and individual growth. With strong leadership, educational programming can become more meaningful and beneficial to the audience or participants of the program. Leadership is also an important emphasis in 4-H and youth development. Extension provides opportunities for youth and families to improve their leadership abilities and create a positive impact on their future. Leadership opportunities for youth create a setting that reduces the access of youth risk factors that can negatively impact their success. Basic leadership, knowledge and skills are essential for success in almost any field.
Long-Term Outcomes:
*Number of people trained by Extension who serve as members/leaders of advisory councils, community development committees and/or in leadership roles with agriculture organizations.
*Number of producers who mentored, advised or assisted new and/or young producers in agriculture.
* Number of leaders engaged and administer/assist with needs assessments, program planning, implementation and evaluations.
*Community members engage others to initiate projects.
*Civic engagement is possible and desirable for community members.
*Youth will utilize the skills gained to serve as leaders in 4-H and other organizations.
Intermediate Outcomes:
*Number of clients who shared information learned from Extension about local agriculture and/or environmental issues.
*Number of clients who advocated for agriculture and/or environmental issues locally.
*Number of people who serve in leadership roles to address community needs.
*Number of Extension leaders who will actively participate, accept committee assignments and sponsor events, programs and activities.
*Number of certified Master Gardeners and active volunteers.
*Youth put skills into practice by becoming more engaged, taking on leadership roles.
*Youth improve communication or problem solving in addressing community issues and needs.
*Youth will volunteer and participate in community service.
*Youth will demonstrate an increased level of confidence when presenting in front of groups.
Initial Outcomes:
*Number of clientele increasing agriculture awareness due to Extension programming.
* Number of clientele trained in agricultural leadership development.
*Number of people impacted by advisory councils, community organizations and other volunteers including all related community groups and organizations.
*Number of people who learn the basics of teamwork, interpersonal communications, and the characteristics of a leader.
*Number of people who gain knowledge of the parliamentary procedures, how to conduct meetings, and participate in leadership roles.
*Number of people who assist in identifying issues and opportunities for the county programming needs.
*Youth increase knowledge of effective leadership skills
*Youth develop and enhance leadership skills.
*Youth are informed of community systems and are better connected to communication networks.
Outcome: New active leaders within councils and programming
Indicator: number of leaders participating in the process of programming
Method: Leadership activities and trainings
Timeline: On-going
Outcome: Number of leaders giving back time and effort to councils and/or programming efforts
Indicator: Number of those taking leadership roles
Method: Observations, sign-in sheets
Timeline: On-going
Outcome: Number of participants attending leadership development activities
Indicator: Increase in those attending trainings
Method: Observations, sign-in sheets
Timeline: On-going
Outcome: Youth will demonstrate an increased level of confidence when presenting in front of groups.
Indicator: Number of youth of who have improved their communication skills
Method: observation, testimonials, surveys
Timeline: On-going
Outcome: Youth become more engaged as a leader in their community.
Indicator: Number of youth taking on leadership roles in their everyday life
Method: observation, testimonials, surveys
Timeline: On-going
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Members of CEC, District Board, Program Councils, Program Group, Master Gardeners and potential new members
Project or Activity: Leadership/Committee Development
Content or Curriculum: Leadership Manual and Training Materials
Inputs: Volunteers, Leaders, Council and Board members, agents and staff, Committee members and program participants
Date: Year-round
Audience: Leaders of all Councils, Boards, and program groups
Project or Activity: Leader Recognition
Content or Curriculum: Awards Banquet
Inputs: All Volunteers and Leaders
Date: Spring – yearly
Audience: Members of CEC, District Board, Program Councils, Program Groups, and potential new members
Project or Activity: Council & Committee Officer training
Content or Curriculum: Officer Training Materials, Robert’s Rules of Order
Inputs: Volunteers, Leaders, Council and Board members, agents and staff, Committee members and program participants
Date: Winter, yearly
Audience: Members and Leaders of program groups and participants
Project or Activity: Ag Commodity Groups Workshops
Content or Curriculum: Leadership & Strategic Planning
Inputs: Leaders, agents and staff, group members and program participants
Date: On-going
Audience: Youth Grades 7-12
Project or Activity: Leadership Development
Content or Curriculum: Teen Council, Camp Counselor and Enrichment Leadership programs
Inputs: Club leaders, Teen leaders, Agents and Staff
Date: Year round
Audience: Youth Grades Preschool-8
Project or Activity: Day Camps
Content or Curriculum: KY 4-H Core Curriculum
Inputs: Volunteers, FRYSC, Community Partners, Agents and Staff
Date: Summer
Audience: Youth Grades 3-12, College Age, Adult
Project or Activity: Overnight camp
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Core Content
Inputs: Teen and Adult Volunteers, parents, agents and staff
Date: Summer
Audience: Youth 4-12 grade
Project or Activity: club and enrichment Programs
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Communications Curriculum
Inputs: Club leaders, Agents and Staff
Date: September-May
Audience: Floyd County Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: KEHA Officer and Chairman Training / County KEHA Kickoff
Content or Curriculum: KEHA Training Toolkit, KEHA Manual, KEHA Website
Inputs: Agents, State Advisors
Date: Annually each fall
Audience: Floyd County Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: KEHA Leader Training and/or Special Interest Workshops
Content or Curriculum: KELD Curriculum, FCS Extension Lesson Resources, FCS Curriculum
Inputs: Agents, State Advisors
Date: Monthly
Audience: Floyd County Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: KEHA State Meeting
Content or Curriculum: Officer Training & Educational Chairman Workshops
Inputs: Agents, State Advisors
Date: Annually each spring
Success Stories
Community Health & Safety Event
Author: Keith Hackworth
Major Program: Flood Relief & Recovery
The Floyd County Cooperative Extension Office planned and organized a Community Health and Safety Event with a goal of promoting vaccinations and general health. It was conducted in August 2022 at the Jenny Wiley State Park Convention Center.This event was conducted with the cooperation of Big Sandy Healthcare. It was promoted as a community event and had vendors from several of our community partners and organizations. Those participating were Big Sandy Healthcare, Floyd County Health Departmen
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Middle Schoolers Build their Leadership Skills
Author: Heather Coleman
Major Program: Leadership
According to research, middle school is a time where young people find their place in this world, they are exploring where their strengths and interests align (Fagell. P.L., 2019). Therefore, it is impreative to provide positive experiences where young people may explore the world in a safe environment. Historically, there is a decline in enrollment numbers throughout the middle school years in 4-H programming, Kentucky 4-H hosts the Kentucky 4-H Summit Leadership Conference for middle schoolers
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment