Making Proactive Choices For A Healthier Life Plan of Work
Jefferson County CES
Making Proactive Choices For A Healthier Life
Healthy Individuals
Agents Involved:
P. Adkins, C. Hall, W. Long, L. Milligan, B. Pratt, K. Smith and P. Thompson
Nutrition and Food Systems General
Active Living and Health Promotions General
Local Food System Development and Mapping
According to the 2014 Louisville Metro Health Equity Report, Jefferson County residents are experiencing chronic diseases at a higher rate than the national average. 29% of Louisville residents live in neighborhoods that experience higher death rates due to stroke compared to the US rate (41.9%). If interventions can bring these neighborhoods down to the national level, we would be able to save 33 people every year. Louisville is experiencing heart disease-related deaths at a higher level (212.4%) than the national average (194%). In fact, if we could bring these neighborhoods down to the national rate, we could save 155 people every year.
Poverty is one of the strongest social determinants of health. Louisville has a slightly higher proportion of adults in poverty (13.3%) compared to the national rate (12.4%). In Louisville, 24% of children live in poverty compared to the national average (20%) and Kentucky (25.1%).
The obesity epidemic threatens the quality and years of life of Kentuckians. Obese individuals are at increased risk for many chronic health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancers. The obesity rate in Kentucky increased 90% over the last 15 years. Thirty percent of individuals in the Commonwealth report no leisure-time physical activity. Increased consumption of unhealthy food, stress, and built environments that promote physical inactivity are largely responsible for the obesity epidemic. As a result, Kentuckians are dying from heart disease and cancer at higher rates than all Americans and they have a lower life expectancy, 75.5 years, compared to 78 years for Americans.
Long-Term Outcomes:
• A decrease in the number of obese and overweight children, youth, adults and elderly.
• Increase in the practice and promotion of physical activity and healthy eating daily.
• Manage and prevent the risk, debilitation, and premature death related to diabetes, cancer, heart disease, stroke and hypertension.
Intermediate Outcomes:
• Increased adoption and mastery of healthy behaviors that lead to a healthy lifestyle that include making healthy lifestyle choices.
• Practice healthy food choices, physical activity, and strengthen individuals’ ability to build healthy eating plans and patterns.
• Strengthen community coalitions or partnerships to address obesity, physical inactivity and chronic disease.
Initial Outcomes:
• Youth and adults will learn the importance of healthy lifestyle choices.
• Youth and adults understand the benefits of making proactive healthy choices.
• Youth and adults will gain an understanding in healthy lifestyles and the necessary skills for a healthy lifestyle.
Initial Outcome: Strengthen community coalitions or partnerships to address obesity, physical inactivity and chronic disease.
Indicator: Increase in coalitions and partnerships
Method: Extension records and observation
Timeline: After programs and coalition building
Intermediate Outcome: Youth and adults understand the benefits of making proactive healthy choices.
Indicator: Reported understanding benefits
Method: Pre- and post – surveys
Timeline: Before and after programs
Long – Term Outcome: Increase in the practice and promotion of physical activity and healthy eating daily.
Indicator: Reported increase in physical activity and healthy eating
Pre- and post- surveys
Before and after programs
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Home & Commercial Producers
Project or Activity: Certification & training
Content or Curriculum: GAP training manual, Farmers Market Sampling Certificate
Inputs: Agent, curriculum, classroom, garden site(s)
Date: July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023
Program Code: 1031
Audience: Youth & Adults
Project or Activity: Community Garden implementation; school garden
Content or Curriculum: Master Gardener; Extension publications
Inputs: Master Gardener volunteers; specialists; content curriculum
Date: July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023
Program Code: 1031, 1032
Audience: Youth & AdultsProject or Activity: Food Demonstration, Nutrition Education, Food Preservation
Content or Curriculum: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices, Plate It Up
Inputs: CES Staff, CES Agents, Specialists, CES publications, community partners
Date: July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023
Program Code: 2026
Audience: YouthProject or Activity: Reality Store
Content or Curriculum: Health Rocks, Exploring the Treasures of 4-H, My Financial Future, Step Up to Leadership, Moneywise, MITT, STEPS to a Healthy Teen
Inputs: Paid staff, volunteers, facilities, outside funding
Date: September 2022 – April 2023
Program Code: 4031
Audience: YouthProject or Activity: Dollars & Sense
Content or Curriculum: Health Rocks, Exploring the Treasures of 4-H, My Financial Future, Step Up to Leadership, Moneywise, MITT, STEPS to a Healthy Teen
Inputs: Paid staff, volunteers, facilities, outside funding
Date: September 2022 – April 2023
Program Code: 4031
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Jr. MANRRS
Content or Curriculum: Health Rocks, Exploring the Treasures of 4-H, My Financial Future, Step Up to Leadership, Moneywise, MITT, STEPS to a Healthy Teen
Inputs: Paid staff, volunteers, facilities, outside funding
Date: September 2022 – April 2023
Program Code: 4041
Audience: YouthProject or Activity: In-School Club
Content or Curriculum: Health Rocks, Exploring the Treasures of 4-H, My Financial Future,
Step Up to Leadership, Moneywise, MITT, STEPS to a Healthy Teen
Inputs: Paid staff, volunteers, facilities, outside funding
Date: September 2022 – April 2023
Program Code: 4001
Audience: General Public
Project or Activity: Weight Management, Food Demonstrations, and Nutrition Education
Content or Curriculum: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices,
Inputs: Kentucky CES publications and resources
Date: July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023
Program Code: 2027
Audience: Extension HomemakersProject or Activity: TBA
Content or Curriculum: Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association (KEHA)
Inputs: Kentucky CES publication and resources
Date: September 2022
Program Code: 2027
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: TBA
Content or Curriculum: Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association (KEHA)
Inputs: Kentucky CES publication and resources
Date: February 2022
Program Code: 2062
Success Stories
Tips on Living a Healthier Lifestyle
Author: Carolina Robles
Major Program: Health
The problem: Senior Citizens have a difficult time finding activities that promote being physically active. The educational program response: The response of the program was not well received. The individuals were not excited to learn about being physically active and did not want to do any activity that involves movement.The participants/target audience: Target audience was senior citizens over the age of 60Other partners (if applicable): n/aProgram impact or participant response: the prog
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Middle School After School Sphero- Coding Help to Combat Stress
Author: Chanda Hall
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health – 4-H Youth Development

No one really wants to relive the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 and 2021. However, we are finding that since that stressful time in our nation, our youth has been more stressed than before. Today’s children are under a massive amount of stress, and it is well-documented that heavy stress has negative effects on their mental development (Columbia University). According to Columba University College of Engineering, coding combined with elements of visual language, use o
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment