Improving Overall Health, Physical and MentalPlan of Work

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Muhlenberg County CES

Improving Overall Health, Physical and Mental
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Agents Involved:
Mary Beth Riley
Weight the Reality Series
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
Family Mealtime (Curriculum)
The obesity epidemic threatens the quality and years of life of Kentuckians. Obese individuals are at increased risk for many chronic health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some types of cancers. According to Kentucky Health Facts, diabetes effects 11% of our citizens. 31% of our citizens report their health status is generally fair or poor. According to County Health Rankings 31.9% of adults in Muhlenberg County are obese.

Long-Term Outcomes:
*A decrease in the number of obese and overweight children, youth, adults and elderly.
*Increase in the practice and promotion of physical activity and healthy eating daily.
*Manage and prevent the risk of diabetes.
Intermediate Outcomes:
*Practice healthy food choices and strengthen individuals' ability to build healthy eating plans and patterns.
* Strengthen community coalitions to address obesity, physical inactivity and chronic disease.
* Practice healthy lifestyle decision-making that strengthen individuals' ability to cope with normal life stressors.
Initial Outcomes:
Change in awareness, knowledge, opinions, skills and attitudes needed to make informed choices regarding:
*healthy lifestyle choices
*childhood and youth obesity
*healthy aging
*practice and promotion of daily physical activity
*Proper eating


Long-Term Outcome: Improve health in Muhlenberg County

Indicator: Improvement in Muhlenberg County Health Statistic

Method: Working with community coalitions and partnerships to address issues

Timeline: 2017-2020

Intermediate Outcome: Practice Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Indicator: County groups working on progress

Method: Evaluations by county partners

Timeline: 2017-2020

Initial Outcome: Awareness and knowledge gained of healthy living, eating, and aging

Indicator: Practice and promotion of daily physical activity

Method: Evaluation and follow up with participants, after programs

Timeline: 2017-2020

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Participants wanting to improve health

Project or Activity: Diabetes Classes, Healthy living and eating Classes

Content or Curriculum: CES Publications, Health Department Material, Family Mealtime

Inputs: FCS Agent, Muhlenberg County Health Department Educators

Date: 2017-2020

Audience: Females

Project or Activity: Ovarian Screening

Content or Curriculum: KY Ovarian Screening

Inputs: FCS Agent, Health Department, KEHA

Date: 2017-2020

Audience: Primary Grade Students

Project or Activity: LEAP

Content or Curriculum: LEAP

Inputs: FCS Agent, SNAP-Ed assistant, volunteers

Date: Fall/Spring 2017-2018

Audience: Homemakers

Project of Activity: KEHA Lesson

Content or Curriculum: KEHA Publications

Inputs: FCS Agents, Homemakers

Date: Fall/Spring 2017-2018

Audience: Individuals & Families

Project/ Activity: Weight the Reality Series

Content or Curriculum: CES Publication and Program material

Input: FCS Agent, Local Speakers, Specialist

Date: Spring 2018

Success Stories

Keys to Embracing Aging- Knowing Your Health Numbers

Author: Mary Beth Riley

Major Program: Keys to Embracing Aging

Keys to Embracing Aging- Knowing Your Health Numbers

Keys to Embracing Aging: Know Your Health NumbersA person’s daily life is flooded with numbers: PIN numbers, phone numbers and various account numbers. But there are also certain health numbers that can save and even extend life. These numbers are associated with cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, blood sugar, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference. A low stress lifestyle that includes proper nutrition, physical and social activity and regular visits to a health care provid

Full Story

LEAP- Literacy Eating and Activity for Primary

Author: Mary Beth Riley

Major Program: Youth Fruit & Vegetable Access

LEAP- Literacy Eating and Activity for Primary

LEAP Program, presented to every Kindergarten and First Grade Class in Muhlenberg County (492 students)            Students in elementary school are faced with choices everyday whether that is the shoes they are going to wear, or the color to color with, or deciding on the playground equipment to play on. The most important decision students make during the day are their food choices. This is a decision that is over looked and many students do not know how to m

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