Horticulture Production PracticesPlan of Work
Bourbon County CES
Horticulture Production Practices
Horticulture Production and Marketing
Agents Involved:
Local Food Systems
Horticulture, Commercial
Community Gardens and Horticulture Therapy
Numerous local and national surveys and studies have shown that the demand for locally produced food continues to grow. Some studies conducted in population centers located close to Bourbon County indicate that local fruit and vegetable production does not even meet current consumer demand. Local producers need to continually evaluate their operations and production practices in order to efficiently meet the current and future demand for food products. Through direct observation on numerous local production site visits it has been observed that new and experienced producers could easily expand their existing production capacity by adopting more advanced horticulture production practices (pulse irrigation, fertigation, high tunnel season extension, etc.) Extension has resources to educate horticulture producers in production, value added opportunities, business planning, and marketing strategies to expand production for the demand.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Increase in the production of local horticulture products through the use of advanced production practices
Producer sales and/or profits at farmer’s markets, road side stands, and/or community supported agriculture increase.
Maintain or increase economic stability of farm operations.
Intermediate Outcomes:
- Review advanced production practices
- Apply drip irrigation practices where appropriate
- Utilize fertigation practices to increase fertilizer efficiency and reduce overall material usage
- Increase usage of plasticulture practices
- Utilize more appropriate pesticide spray delivery methods
- Review types and varieties of produce that could benefit from more efficient production practices
- •Locate crop profiles, decision tools and resources
- •Identify production methods and agricultural food products that extend the growing season (i.e. high tunnels, hydroponics)
Initial Outcomes:
- Producers attend advanced production programs
- Producers understand where advanced production practices can help them expand their production
- Knowledge gained on plasticulture practices
- More informed on advanced pesticide spray equipment and delivery methods
- Knowledge gained on using more efficient water systems
- Knowledge gained on season extension techniques
- Advanced fertilizer delivery systems are utilized
- Producers make informed decisions on which crops should be grown and/or expanded
Initial Outcome:
Number of producers reporting increase in awareness of issues noted in 'short term outcomes'
number of producers reporting: growing variety of produce based on market demand, reviewing/attending programs on extending growing seasons, fertigation, plasticulture, etc.
end of meeting evaluations, follow up online evaluations, site visits
Intermediate Outcome:
number of commercial producers reporting practice changes made in the areas outlined in 'medium term outcomes'
number of producers who: increse usage of plasticulture, drip irrigation, fertigation, season extension structures, advanced production practices
Method: pre/post meting evaluations, 3 month follow up online surveys
Long-term Outcome:
Indicator: total increase in production through use of advanced production practices
Method: pre/post meeting evaluations, 6 month meeting follow up surveys, site visits,
Timeline: 2022-23
Learning Opportunities:
Commercial Producers
Project or Activity:
tomato trellising field demonstrations
Content or Curriculum:
Extension 'Florida Weave' trellising publication
Inputs: stakes, twine, etc.
Date: Spring 2023
commercial producers
Project or Activity: alternative hort crop mtgs
Content or Curriculum: UK Center for Crop Diversification information
Inputs: Local office resources, UK specialists/research materials
Date: Winter 2022
commercial producers
Project or Activity:
season extension techniques
Content or Curriculum:
UK publications
Inputs: Agents time, local Extension Office resources, Specialists/research publications
Date: Spring 2023
commercial producers
Project or Activity:
drip irrigation demonstration
Content or Curriculum:
UK publications
Inputs: drip irrigation supplies
Date: spring 2022-23
commercial producers/homeowners
Project or Activity:
Tomato Research project-Home tomato early blight trials
Content or Curriculum:
UK publications/Other Extension publications
Inputs: small scale power spray equipment
Date: Trial Summer 2022. Wrap up and publication 2023
commercial producers
Project or Activity:
general vegetable productions meeting(s)
Content or Curriculum: UK production publications, Center for Crop Diversification crop profiles
Inputs: Agent time, specialists
Date: Ongoing 2021-24
commercial producers
Project or Activity:
high tunnel production demo
Content or Curriculum:
UK publications
Inputs: irrigation/plant material supplies
Date: fall/winter/spring 2023
Success Stories
Tomato early blight trial
Author: Anthony Tackett
Major Program: Horticulture, Commercial
Early blight is the most common fungal disease of tomatoes in Kentucky. Producer questions related to early blight in commercial and home tomato plantings make up the largest percentage of problems year after year. During the past year the Bourbon County Cooperative Extension Service worked with on campus specialists at the University of Kentucky in designing and establishing a local evaluation trial of multiple tomato varieties to assess the natural variety resistance (if any) to th
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Community Garden Club Programming
Author: Anthony Tackett
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
During the past year the Cooperative Extension Service has worked extensively with several local garden clubs in delivering educational opportunities. Programs were delivered through a variety of methods including classroom style presentations, hands on demonstrations, and outdoor workshops. So far in this program cycle over 75 garden club members have taken part in these consumer focused garden programs. In addition, over 65 youth were involved in programs and special events t
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Microgreen Educational Series
Author: Anthony Tackett
Major Program: Local Food Systems
The Horticulture program on Microgreens was a successful extension activity that aimed to educate and empower the participants on the benefits and methods of growing microgreens. The program consisted of several group classroom sessions and individual sessions, with a total attendance of 35 people from different backgrounds and interests. The participants learned about the best practices for planting, harvesting, and storing microgreens as well at the market potential. As a demonstration of thei
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Advanced Orchard Testing Services
Author: Anthony Tackett
Major Program: Horticulture, Commercial
The Bourbon County Horticulture program of the Cooperative Extension Service provides advanced orchard testing services and recommendations to local fruit growers. These tests include tissue analysis and soil tests, which are essential for monitoring the health and productivity of local commercial orchards. Recently, the program conducted numerous tests for a grower who planted thousands of new apple and peach trees in the county. The tests revealed some nutrient deficiencies and imbalances that
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment