Youth Agriculture EducationPlan of Work
Bracken County CES
Youth Agriculture Education
Agriculture, Management and Decision Process
Agents Involved:
Volunteer Development
Natural Resources
Wendell Berry (1990), Kentucky novelist, poet, environmentalist, and farmer, stated that “…eating is an agricultural act” (p.1). Unfortunately, for many, there is a disconnect between the food we eat and where that food comes from. Today’s society lacks understanding regarding agricultural production and processing (Spielmaker and Leising, 2013). The Kentucky 4-H Youth Development Program strives to increase agricultural literacy among youth in Kentucky. The Agricultural Education in Secondary Schools Committee established by the National Research Council (1988) described an agriculturally literate person as one who’s “…understanding of the food and fiber system would include its history and its current economic, social, and environmental significance to all” (p. 8). The National Agriculture Literacy Logic Model defines an agriculturally literate person as one “…who understands and can communicate the source and value of agriculture as it affects our quality of life” (Spielmaker et al., 2014, p. 2). One of the key initiatives in Kentucky 4-H is to increase a young person’s awareness of the impact agriculture has on his/her daily life.
Long-Term Outcomes:
- Youth will be agriculturally literate.
- Youth will make informed decisions regarding agricultural products and services.
- Youth will be advocates for agriculture and sustainable fiber and food production
Intermediate Outcomes:
- Youth will explain the role of agriculture in daily life.
- Youth will utilize and practice life-skills in 4-H agricultural projects and clubs, and life situations.
Initial Outcomes:
- Youth will gain knowledge and skills in the production of food and fiber in the areas of animal and food science, and plant and soil science.
- Youth will gain an understanding of sustainable agricultural systems.
- Youth will develop valuable life-skills, including decision-making, critical thinking, communications, record-keeping, wise use of resources, and leadership.
Initial Outcome: The number of youth who demonstrate a skill that was learned and improved by participating in a 4-H ANR project, program, event or activity.
Indicator: participation, project books, evaluation, 6 hrs. of education completed
Method: completion of above, observation, and youth/volunteer evaluations
Timeline: Annually
Intermediate Outcome: The number of youth that keep production, performance or financial records on their 4-H agriculture projects.
Indicator: record books, evaluation,
Method: observation, completion and continuation of projects,
Timeline: Annually
Long-term Outcome: Number of youth who understands the role of agriculture in the production of food and fiber.
Indicator: records, evaluation, project outcomes, roles in agriculture production
Method: record books, completion of 6hrs. observation,
Timeline: Annually
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: 4-H Livestock members
Project or Activity: Monthly livestock club meetings
Content or Curriculum: Livestock Certification materials
Inputs: agent, volunteers, teen leaders
Date: monthly meetings 2022-2023
Audience: 1st graders in Bracken County
Project or Activity: Farm to Table
Content or Curriculum: Farm to School, My Plate materials, Professor Popcorn
Inputs: 4-H/FCS agents, teachers,
Date: Spring 2023
Audience: 3rd graders
Project or Activity: Chickens/Embryology
Content or Curriculum: ChickQuest
Inputs: 4-H agent, teachers, school staff
Date: Spring 2023
Audience: School Kids
Project or Activity: Safety Day
Content or Curriculum: UK publications
Inputs: Community partners, school staff, FRYSC
Date: Spring 2023
Audience: School Kids
Project or Activity: National Ag Day
Content or Curriculum: Teach Ag KY curriculum
Inputs: Staff, school staff, community partners
Date: Spring 2023
Success Stories
4-Her Breaking Barriers
Author: Molly Jordan
Major Program: Leadership

A Bracken County 4-H Member is breaking barriers and doing it through the 4-H Program. Tyler is not your typical neuro-typical child as he has Downs Syndrome. However, this has not stopped Tyler from being a part of the Bracken County 4-H Program. From being involved in livestock club and exhibiting his swine project at the Kentucky State Fair to being a member of our shooting sports program and shooting at the State Shoot. No disability is stopping Tyler from succeeding and participating.  
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Arcs & Sparks
Author: Molly Jordan
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it is estimated that more than 3 million skill trade jobs will remain open by 2028. Skilled trade jobs vary from plumber to electrician to welder. The Arcs & Sparks is a welding program was offered by Bracken County 4-H in hopes to allow students to gain interest in a skilled trade. During the first meeting, youth were introduced to shop safety, proper PPE, and learned how to move their hand to make a weld. This was done by using can squeeze chees
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Chicken "Egg"stravaganza--Bringing embryology into the classroom
Author: Molly Jordan
Major Program: Agriculture
The springtime always reminds people of the beginning of new life. The landscape starts to wake up from a winter's nap. The study of chicken embryology is often a springtime event that is brought into classrooms. However, after a survey with teachers at Bracken County Schools and Augusta Independent schools it was evident that many weren't comfortable having an incubator in the classroom. The idea of chicken "egg"stravaganza was born! This program invovled both in classroom edu
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment