Livestock & CropsPlan of Work
Cumberland County CES
Livestock & Crops
Promoting Commodities & Crop Production
Agents Involved:
Small Ruminants (includes sheep, goats) and Exotic animals
According to the 2017 Agriculture Census, cattle and calves lead the county in livestock inventory. Poultry would be a close second, if they haven’t passed it by now. The biggest hurdle for livestock producers across commodity groups to overcome is a market for their animals. Cumberland County is home to zero markets for livestock except direct to consumer sales. Cattle producers have to travel to Barren, Clinton, or Russell County to sale (those are the closest). Small ruminant producers would have to go further than that. Commercial poultry producers have contracts with either Tyson or Cobb located in Clinton and Wayne counties respectively.
For grain producers, markets are located in Clinton County (Cobb feed mill) or an elevator would be in northern or western Kentucky. Producers have a lot of trucking costs for this reason.
Something else that spans over all commodity groups is health and well-being of producers. Many farmers work long hours to get done what they need to. This often wears them down physically and mentally.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Minimize environmental impact of air, soil, or living area.
Increased profit margin and/or reduce expenses.
Increase positive opinion of GMO/conventional production of non-farm individuals.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Implement routine soil sampling and follow soil fertility recommendations.
Test forage for nutritional quality.
Implement on farm trials of grain crops.
Initial Outcomes:
Develop proper record keeping techniques for the farming operation.
Awareness of forage variety trial information.
Awareness of current land grant research concerning grain crop production.
Initial Outcome: Develop proper record keeping techniques for the farming operation.
Indicator: Number of respondents on survey.
Method: Survey
Timeline: Annually
Initial Outcome: Awareness of forage variety trial information.
Indicator: Number asking for the trial information.
Method: Copies handed out.
Timeline: Annually.
Initial Outcome: Awareness of current land grant research concerning grain crop production.
Indicator: Number asking for information.
Method: Copies handed out.
Timeline: Annually.
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Beef Cattle Producers
Project or Activity: BQCA Training
Content or Curriculum: BQCA Training Materials
Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals
Date: January, February, March, and October
Audience: Beef Cattle Producers
Project or Activity: Clinton-Cumberland Cattlemen’s Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Various Topics
Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals
Date: Quarterly (March, June, September, & December)
Audience: Forage Producers
Project or Activity: Production Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Various Topics
Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals
Date: Late Fall or Late Winter
Audience: Bee Keepers
Project or Activity: Production Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Various Topics
Inputs: Industry Professionals, State Apiarist, etc.
Date: Monthly
Audience: Grain Producers
Project or Activity: Production Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Various Topics
Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals
Date: Annually (multi-county program in Wayne Co.)
Audience: Tobacco Producers
Project or Activity: GAP Training
Content or Curriculum: GAP Training Materials
Inputs: UK specialists & industry professionals
Date: January or February (in Clinton Co.)
Audience: All Producers
Project or Activity: Private Applicator Training
Content or Curriculum: Private Applicator Training Materials
Inputs: UK specialists & industry professionals
Date: December and February
Audience: All Producers
Project or Activity: CAIP Trainings
Content or Curriculum: Various Topics
Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals
Date: Fall & Spring
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment