Livestock and Forage Production and MarketingPlan of Work
Carter County CES
Livestock and Forage Production and Marketing
Sustainable Agriculture
Agents Involved:
Rebecca Konopka, Rebecca Hayes
Natural Resources
Forage and livestock management are vital to Kentucky’s agricultural economy. There are over 40,000 beef cattle producers in Kentucky and over one million head of beef cows. Kentucky is the eighth largest beef state in the U.S. and has the largest herd east of the Mississippi River; Kentucky ranks third for beef cattle density (cows per square mile) in the US. Cash receipts for beef cattle in Kentucky are approaching a billion dollars. Beef cattle are Carter County’s largest agricultural commodity.
With declining beef prices, it is important to educate beef producers on best management practices to: keep costs down, optimize income through management and marketing, be good stewards of the land and practice good animal welfare. These educational programs are targeted to provide Kentucky beef producers with the tools necessary to be profitable and sustainable. As livestock margins tighten, management strategies that enhance forage productivity, utilization, and persistence along with efforts to optimize animal performance will improve long-term viability of forage-based livestock systems in Carter County and the state.
Source: UK Beef Logic Model
Long-Term Outcomes:
Beef and forage producers will have:
Improved farm economic status
Sustainability of farm
Producers save money by making better selection decisions.
Reduce expenses & increased profits of operation
Improved herd quality
Improved animal welfare
Improved forage stands
Adoption of new technologies and practices
Intermediate Outcomes:
Beef and forage producers will:
Implement practices to control the breeding season and enhance production efficiency
Test forage for nutritional quality
Utilize a complete mineral supplement program
Implement crossbreeding program
Make EPD and selection decisions
Implement routine soil sampling and follow soil fertility recommendations
Develop a grazing plan
Develop proper vaccination and antibiotic protocols
Initial Outcomes:
Beef and forage producers will have increased awareness of the following practices:
-end product
-general herd management & record keeping
-economics and marketing
-animal handling & welfare
-forage production
Initial Outcome: Increased awareness of reproduction, genetics, nutrition, health, end product, general herd management, economics, and marketing.
Indicator:Number of farmers reporting changes in knowledge, opinions, skills, or aspirations related to improving production management.
Method: Production Meetings
Timeline: November-April
Initial Outcome: Youth will gain and understanding of healthy and sustainable food systems.
Indicator: 4-H members are successful in the State Fair Avian Bowl & Poultry Judging contests.
Method: Poultry Judging & Avian Bowl practices and contests
Timeline: May-August
Initial Outcome: Youth will gain understanding of the equine industry.
Indicator: 4-H members successfully compete in State 4-H Horse events.
Method: 4-H Horse Club
Timeline: Ongoing
Intermediate Outcome: Test forage for nutritional quality & utilize a complete mineral supplement program
Indicator: Report increases by producers
Method: Farm visits, surveys
Timeline: Ongoing
Intermediate Outcome: 4-H members will practice and apply knowledge and skills in the production of food and fiber through animal science.
Indicator: 4-H members have a successful project to show at the county fair
Method: Livestock Club meetings & County Fair
Timeline: November – August
Long-term Outcome: Producers save money, Reduce expenses, Improve herd quality, and increased profits of operation
Indicator: Farmer reports
Method: Farm visit, surveys
Timeline: Ongoing
Long Term Outcome: Youth will engage in an entrepreneurial enterprise.
Indicator: 4-H members expand their livestock herd beyond the show ring.
Method: Livestock Club
Timeline: Ongoing
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Livestock Producers
Project or Activity: Northeast Area Livestock Association Meetings, BQCA Training, Hay Testing, Group Mineral Order, Online Webinars
Content or Curriculum: Publications, Training videos, Research Reports
Inputs: KBN, UK Extension Specialists, Agent, KDA
Date: January - December
Audience: 4-H Members
Project or Activity: Avian Bowl & Poultry Judging
Content or Curriculum: National 4-H Avian Bowl Manual & Poultry Judging Handbook
Inputs: Volunteers, Paid Staff, Specialists
Date: May-August
Audience: 4-H Members
Project or Activity: 4-H Livestock Club (Club meetings, Fairs, Shows)
Content or Curriculum: UK 4-H Core Curriculum
Inputs: Volunteers, Fair Board, Paid Staff
Date: November -August
Audience: School Classrooms
Project or Activity: Embryology in the Classroom
Content or Curriculum: 4-H CCS Core Curriculum
Inputs: Teachers, Paid Staff, Local Producers
Date: September – May
Audience: 4-H Members
Project or Activity: 4-H Horse Club (Meetings, Shows, Contests)
Content or Curriculum: UK 4-H Core Curriculum
Inputs: Volunteers, Staff
Date: Once a month
Success Stories
Beef Producers Benefit from Extension Programming
Author: Rebecca Konopka
Major Program: Beef

According to the 2022 Ag Census there are over 10,000 head of cattle in Carter County, making beef cattle one of the largest agriculture commodities in the county. Over the past year, the Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent for Carter County reached beef producers via programs, newsletters, farm visits and personal communications. Programs included six Northeast Area Livestock Association meetings, Farm & Family Field Day, Beef Palpation Clinic, Eden Shale Farm Tour, and Beef Qualit
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment