Sustainable FarmingPlan of Work
Johnson County CES
Sustainable Farming
Agricultural Production
Agents Involved:
Jeffiers, Cockerham
Local Food Systems
Home & Consumer Horticulture
Commercial Horticulture
With tobacco no longer a significant crop in the county, farms have had to expand other areas of operation or grow into new ones. Most farms were previously used for cattle as well as tobacco, so many of these have chosen to increase their beef production. Others have moved into vegetables and goats. Still other farms have organized under new owners since the end of tobacco, and these operations are taking on vegetables, fruits, bees, goats, and poultry. Because these farms are smaller and unable to break into wholesale markets, they are identifying local outlets for their products and working to maximize the income potential from their particular mix of marketing techniques. This has been a recurring theme of council discussions as farmers have considered how to develop opportunities for the next generation of producers.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Agritourism destinations draw visitors from a large area and provide economic opportunity.
Produce, meats, honey, and eggs are marketed profitably to local customers.
Farms are environmentally sustainable.
Commodity groups create strong markets for local products.
Livestock are healthy and efficient.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Agritourism destinations are developed and opened for business with sound marketing plans.
Produce, meats, honey, and eggs are produced by local farmers, yielding quality, safe products.
Livestock producers use proper health, reproduction, and feeding techniques.
Commodity groups organize, meet, and develop plans for their businesses.
Youth apply knowledge gained of home gardening/greenhousing practices and healthy nutrition information and would be able to produce their own vegetable and fruits.
Initial Outcomes:
Farmers learn about agritourism as an opportunity, and some producers choose to investigate further.
Farmers know how to produce quality fruits, vegetables, eggs, and meat.
Farmers understand market options for their products.
Commodity growers learn about the benefits of organizing groups and begin to form them.
Farmers understand proper health, reproduction, and feeding techniques.
Youth gain knowledge about home gardening and healthy nutrition .
Long-term Outcome: Agritourism destinations draw visitors from a large area and provide economic opportunity.
Indicator: Number of visitors and their origin and approximate spending
Method: Survey of producers’ info on visitors and revenues from agritourism
Timeline: Annually
Intermediate Outcome: Agritourism destinations are developed and opened for business with sound marketing plans.
Indicator: Number of operational businesses in the county and how many have business plans.
Method: Survey of producers
Timeline: Annually
Initial Outcome: Farmers learn about agritourism as an opportunity, and some producers choose to investigate further
Indicator: Participation in educational sessions and the number of businesses who engage in new ideas discussed at planning meetings or with agents
Method: Survey of attendees
Timeline: 2017-2020
Long-term Outcome: Produce, meats, honey, and eggs are marketed profitably to local customers.
Indicator: Farmers report profitable efforts through local markets.
Method: Farm visits & individual consultations
Timeline: 2019
Intermediate Outcome: Producers market their goods locally.
Indicator: Number of producers reporting use of local marketing outlets
Method: Farm visits, producer meetings
Timeline: 2018
Initial Outcome: Producers learn about marketing opportunities and production methods.
Indicator: Number of people reporting aspirations to sell locally.
Method: Post-program surveys
Timeline: Annually
Long-term Outcome: Farms are environmentally sustainable.
Indicator: Groundwater quality is improved and erosion is reduced.
Method: USGS and NRCS information
Timeline: Beyond 2020
Intermediate Outcome: Farmers undertake more environmentally-friendly practices.
Indicator: Farmers exhibit appropriate environmental steps on their farms.
Method: Farm visits, individual consultations
Timeline: 2018-2020
Initial Outcome: Farmers understand sustainability and express an interest in achieving it.
Indicator: Number of people reporting attitudes favoring better environmental practices.
Method: Post-program surveys
Timeline: Annually
Long-term Outcome: Commodity groups create strong markets for local products.
Indicator: Local products are sold in a large geographic area using a variety of marketing techniques.
Method: Grower feedback
Timeline: Beyond 2020
Intermediate Outcome: Commodity groups create plans for marketing products.
Indicator: Number of groups assembling new market strategies.
Method: Group reporting
Timeline: 2018-2020
Initial Outcome: Commodity groups organize and begin meeting.
Indicator: Number of groups organized in the county
Method: Farmer reporting & visits
Timeline: 2017-2020
Long-term outcome: Livestock are healthy and efficient.
Indicator: Farmer reports of death loss, identification methods, and reproductive efficiency.
Method: Farmer reporting & visits
Timeline: 2018-2020
Intermediate outcome: Livestock producers use proper health, reproduction, and feeding techniques.
Indicator: Farmer reports of practices.
Method: Farmer feedback during visits
Timeline: 2017-2020
Intermediate Outcome:
Youth apply knowledge gained of home gardening/greenhousing practices and healthy nutrition information and would be able to produce their own vegetable and fruits.
Indicator: Number of youth attending follow up gardening sessions and reporting continued gardening practices.
Method: Continuing 4-H Gardening workshops.
Timeline: Feb - May 2016-2020 as requested by clients
Initial outcome: Farmers understand proper health, reproduction, and feeding techniques.
Initial Outcome: Youth gain knowledge about home gardening and healthy nutrition.
Indicator: Number of youth attending gardening workshops
Method: Beginning 4-H Gardening workshops
Learning Opportunities:
Program Codes and Major Programs: 1011, 1021, 1031, 1051
Curriculum: Agritourism, Master Cattleman, Good Agricultural Practices, safe egg handling, fruit grafting, UK bull standards
Audience: Egg producers
Project or Activity: Safe egg handling workshops
Content or Curriculum: UK animal science curriculum
Inputs: Extension staff & facilities, farmers’ market materials, CAIP funds
Date: Annually
Audience: Beef producers
Project or Activity: Reproductive management
Content or Curriculum: Bull testing & heifer pregnancy checks
Inputs: Local veterinarian, Morehead State vet science students, farm facilities
Date: Annually
Audience: Vegetable producers
Project or Activity: Production meetings
Content or Curriculum: UK research on varieties, pest control, and management
Inputs: Test plots, CAIP funds
Date: 2017-2020
Audience: Apple producers
Project or Activity: Grafting workshop
Content or Curriculum: UK grafting techniques
Inputs: UK scion wood, rootstock, producers, CAIP funds
Date: Annually
Audience: Beekeepers
Project or Activity: Monthly workshops
Content or curriculum: KSU & UK research; state apiarist; private firms; KSBA
Inputs: County beekeeping equipment & facilities, CAIP funds
Date: Annually
Audience: Potential and existing agritourism sites
Project or Activity: Agritourism development programs
Content or Curriculum: UK research, councils, and committees
Inputs: CAIP funds, local farms
Audience: Commodity groups
Project or Activity: Developing cooperatives and other commodity groups
Content or Curriculum: UK Ag Econ guidelines
Inputs: Extension staff, CAIP funds
Audience: Youth ages 4th-6th grade
Project or Activity: Seeds, Sprouts and Seedlings
Content: 4HCCS and Gardening Curriculum
Input: Extension Staff, School personnel,volunteers and community donors
Success Stories
Extension Helps Establishment of New Agritourism Destination
Author: Brian Jeffiers
Major Program: Agritourism Planning
Farm income can often be enhanced with value-added enterprises. Agritourism has become a leading option for farmers looking to achieve this goal. When one Johnson County farmers' market vendor felt that he could make more money than his vegetable crops were providing, he met with the County Extension Agent to discuss developing a pumpkin patch as a tourism site. Over the next year, they planned marketing and production. Now into its second year of operation, One of A Kind Pumpkin Patch
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Farmers Learn Techniques for Combatting Black Vultures
Author: Brian Jeffiers
Major Program: Beef
One of the greatest threats to newborn calves is black vultures. These predatory birds are becoming more problematic in the state, attacking vulnerable animals and killing them or injuring them so severely that they must be euthanized. Members of the Johnson Co. Agricultural Advancement Council listed black vultures as a topic of concern for beef producers,Because black vultures are a federally-protected species, there is a complicated process to receive a permit to kill them.Members of the John
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Extension Program Convinces Cattle Producers Adopt New Mineral Formulation
Author: Brian Jeffiers
Major Program: Beef
Appropriate levels of dietary minerals such as zinc, selenium, and copper are essential for cattle to maintain good immune health and to remain productive. For several years, the Carter County Cooperative Extension Service has collected a group order for mineral mixed according to the University of Kentucky's Integrated Resource Management standards. This allows producers to get a UK-approved product at a better price than they could get individually. The Northeast Livestock Association, Eas
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4-H Grows Here
Author: Dianna Reed
Major Program: Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum
In 2018, the Johnson County Extension Council identified Gardening/Ag Production/Food Security as a priority for the Plan of Work. To address this issue, County Agent, Dianna Reed and Program Assistant, Valerie LeMaster worked with a local school to provide a three part workshop titled Seeds, Sprouts and Seedlings. In this workshop, session one covered the development of a seed from planting to seedling. As the accompanying hands-on activity, 100 students then planted herbs and tomato seeds in g
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Kentucky Master Logger WebTV- Live Program Provides Training Closer to Home
Author: Brian Jeffiers
Major Program: Logging Training and Professional Education
On February 6th, 2018 UK Forestry Extension broadcast a live Logger Web TV Program to 25 counties strategically distributed around the state, from the Webcast studio in the Forestry Extension Office. Assistance from the county agents and supporting staff was critical to the success of this program. Counties opened their offices up, assisted with registration, answering and conveying questions, and much more. By hosting this Logger TV program from our webcast studio in the format that we did, we
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Extension Guides New Farmer Into Successful Start in Syrup Production
Author: Brian Jeffiers
Major Program: Forestry Industry Education
In the years following the tobacco quota buyout and the end of the tobacco program, farms in Eastern Kentucky have been focused on diversification and discovering new ways to generate revenue. This holds true not only for established farmers but also for those who are new to the area.One such new farmer contacted the Johnson Co. Extension Office for advice on enterprises to explore for a plot of roughly 30 acres with significant forest cover. After discussing the farmer’s plans and resourc
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment