Developing Desirable Workplace SkillsPlan of Work
Monroe County CES
Developing Desirable Workplace Skills
Agents Involved:
Turner, Susan; Lyons, Kevin
Community Leadership Development
Community Engagement
Business Retention and Expansion
Economic Development
Supporting existing businesses in rural communities is essential for job retention and growth. With a continued drop in population and a need for qualified employees, local businesses need support in educating a workforce of all ages in basic employ-ability skills and workplace best practices. Supporting our employers is a high priority throughout the county. Finding ways to develop leadership within the county to look for possibilities to increase employment and ways to keep local dollars local is primary.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Long-term Outcomes:
Growth of existing industry within Monroe County
Intermediate Outcomes:
Extension and other local entities will develop a resource survey to determine what employability skills are needed
Work with the Chamber of Commerce and the local school system (including adult education) to develop an employability leadership plan for the county.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes:
Extension and other local entities will develop a resource survey to determine what employability skills are needed
Work with the Chamber of Commerce and the local school system (including adult education) to develop an employability leadership plan for the county
Initial Outcomes:
Initial Outcome: Develop and initiate a workplace skills leadership program
Businesses are able to hire and retain employees
Outcome: Develop a workplace skills leadership plan
Indicator: Number of organizations represented on the planning committee
Method: Survey of participants
Timeline: 2021-2024
Outcome: Keep local dollars local
Indicator: Improvement in local economy including new businesses
Method: Survey of local businesses
Timeline: 2021-2024
Audience: Business leaders, Chamber of Commerce, Schools system
Learning Opportunities:
Project or Activity: Planning a workplace skills leadership program
Content or Curriculum: UK CEDIC supplied
Inputs: UK personnel, agents, business leaders
Date: 2022
Audience: Monroe County Citizens
Project or Activity: Buy Local campaign
Content or Curriculum: Ways to promote keeping dollars local
Inputs: Economic Development Council, Agents, Specialists
Date: 2021
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment