LivestockPlan of Work
Monroe County CES
Promoting Agricultural Sustainability
Agents Involved:
Kevin Lyons
Situation: With livestock numbers being the lowest since 1952 and beef and milk prices falling; producers must become better managers to continue to survive. Becoming a low cost feed producer, improving animal health, and better marketing plans will be necessary to be sustainable in the future.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Long-term Outcomes:
By utilizing better marketing plans, producing more pounds of beef/milk, and reducing input cost; farmers will become more profitable.
Retaining heifers will help producers increase their herd size.
Developing a renewable forage system will help decrease feed cost.
Adoption of improved forages
Intermediate Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes:
Livestock owners will develop a better understanding of marketing options
Producers will begin a more intensive grazing system
Producers will utilize a veterinarian approved animal health plan
Producers will utilize Extension testing services to improve their forages; soil testing and hay testing.
Initial Outcomes:
Initial Outcome:
Producers will have a better idea of possible marketing options
Owners will have a better understanding of grazing systems
Enhance producers understanding of herd health and nutrition.
Awareness of UK publication and research in animal production
Outcome: Livestock operations will become more sustainable
Indicator: Reduced cost feed systems and better marketing ideas
Method: Producer reports
Timeline: 2018-2019
Outcome: Livestock will be healthier due better owner understanding and veterinarian approved plans
Indicator: Have educational sessions at each Cattlemen’s meetings
Method: Number of producers reporting fewer livestock health problems
Timeline: 2017-2020
Outcome: Producers will develop better grazing plans to help reduce feed cost
Indicator: Attend training opportunities
Method: Grazing Schools, Field Days, and Cattlemen’s meetings
Timeline: 2017-2020
Learning Opportunities:
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Livestock owners
Project or Activity: Cattlemen’s meetings
Content or Curriculum: Specialists, various topics
Inputs: Agents and Specialists
Audience: Livestock owners
Project or Activity: Field Days
Content or Curriculum: Livestock management topics
Inputs: Specialists and successful producers, agents
Date: Annually
Audience: Livestock owners
Project or Activity: Grazing schools and KY Grazing Conference
Content or Curriculum: Livestock grazing topics
Inputs: Specialists
Date: Fall 2016 - 2020
Audience: Livestock owners
Project or Activity: KY Cattlemen’s Annual Conference
Content or Curriculum: Marketing livestock topics
Inputs: Specialists
Date: 2017 - 2020
Audience: Livestock owners
Project or Activity: BQA trainings
Content or Curriculum: BQA presentation and training manuals
Inputs: Kevin Lyons
Date: 2017 - 2020
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment